This may sound rediculous - dehy peaches

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This may sound rediculous - dehy peaches

Postby neilmny » Sat 26 Jan, 2013 8:45 pm

We accidentally bought some tins of (SPC) peaches in mango puree (I think that's what they called it)
I dislike mango so they would have stayed in the cupboard for yonks............maybe they did????????
To try and put them to good use I decided to dehydrate them and they came out really and I do mean really good....much better
than your standard dehydrated peach. Not exactly economical at about 4 bucks a tin but really very moorish.
Will be getting more when they are on special.
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Re: This may sound rediculous - dehy peaches

Postby Tortoise » Sat 26 Jan, 2013 8:55 pm

Dried (tinned) pineapple pieces are very yummy too. 8)
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Re: This may sound rediculous - dehy peaches

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Sat 26 Jan, 2013 9:29 pm

How long did you dry them for?

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Re: This may sound rediculous - dehy peaches

Postby neilmny » Sun 27 Jan, 2013 8:50 am

I'm not sure as I didn't time them, it was over 10 hours at 58C until they were well dried.
I drained them first just to the point where they didn't drip (much) through the dehydrator.
I store them in a glass jar in the fridge then mix them into my scroggin mix as required or just snack on them.
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Re: This may sound rediculous - dehy peaches

Postby MrWalker » Sun 27 Jan, 2013 5:04 pm

The only way to eat a peach is to pick it off the tree and eat it the same day.
Canned, dried or even shop-bought 'peaches' are just the same as a real peach. :roll:
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Re: This may sound rediculous - dehy peaches

Postby Onestepmore » Wed 30 Jan, 2013 9:47 pm

MrWalker wrote:The only way to eat a peach is to pick it off the tree and eat it the same day.

Grown an 'Anzac' variety - white freestone variety. Taste is really good, especially warm off the tree.
Diggers sell them ... ANZAC.aspx, and I've seen them occasionally at our local nursery too (Flemings was the supplier I think)
REALLY heavy cropper so you'll need to thin them out a bit, and prop up the branches when they get bigger. They ripen pretty well at all once, so get ready with a bottler, or make jam when everyone gets sick of having several in the lunch boxes each day.
I'll try dehydrating some next year after reading this - thanks for the suggestion!
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Re: This may sound rediculous - dehy peaches

Postby taswegian » Thu 31 Jan, 2013 6:46 am

Dried peaches rank second after proper dried apricots IMO.
The scent when you lift the lid off the container is devine.

When we had an off peak heater we dried bananas on a cake rack sitting on top. Buy them on special and fill the space with bananas. Kids loved it.
Favourite snack.

Never would have thought of drying tinned fruit. I gather the mango flavour didn't linger.
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Re: This may sound rediculous - dehy peaches

Postby neilmny » Thu 31 Jan, 2013 7:30 am

taswegian wrote:...................Never would have thought of drying tinned fruit. I gather the mango flavour didn't linger.

If it hadn't been for the mango component which I find a bit bleh, I wouldn't have dried them either.
I just wanted to put them to what I was hoping was good use, after buying them by mistake.
Something of the mango does linger when dried because a standard tinned peach is good but not
as good as these were.......they were very tasty and consequently didn't last long.
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