Tornado in Australia?

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Tornado in Australia?

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Sat 26 Jan, 2013 4:50 pm

We are having the worst weather I've ever seen up here, I been through many cyclones but nothing like this.

Reports are a Tornado, Yes, the media and council are calling it a tornado hit Bargara near where I live. It's bad. Two more that I know off have followed, but the one that hit here is the worst. I didn't think we get tornado's in Australia. A trail of destruction on our beloved fore-sure, with major damage to houses, business shopping centres and unfortunately numerous injury's some serious. I never in my life seen so much destruction. House has survived, It missed us.
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Re: Tornado in Australia?

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Sat 26 Jan, 2013 4:58 pm

Estimate 150 homes damaged. Another tornado so the Police are calling it has hit 20 km south of here.

On a good note my Montane Air Event Jacket is keeping me dry. Can't say the same for the Rainbird pants. Crap they are. That's the least of my worry now.
Just a bit shocked at what I witnessed today.
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Re: Tornado in Australia?

Postby oldpiscator » Sat 26 Jan, 2013 8:32 pm

Nothing new about tornados in Australia. They are relatively common and occur in all States. Because of our large areas of relatively sparsely populated country they fortunately don't often have a major impact. They are generally much less intense than those we hear of in America (Tornado intensity is measured on the Fujita scale). There are quite a few recorded cases of deaths as a direct result of these tornadoes.
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Re: Tornado in Australia?

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Mon 28 Jan, 2013 10:02 pm

Tornado nothing compared to what where copping here, Rain gone, warm and sunny, typical QLD day, but we are having the worst natural disaster ever to hit my beloved town. Floods that you would not believe. 1000's of homes destroyed. Main city centre at threat of going under in the next day or two, I been out for the past two days, helping out some of my business customers moving there gear to higher ground.

When you see things like this, it puts your life in perspective. The grief I've seen some people go through. No one should endure that.
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Re: Tornado in Australia?

Postby oldpiscator » Tue 29 Jan, 2013 8:19 am

Good luck to all affected by current floods. Dorothea McKellar certainly summed up our country very well all those years ago before we started talking about man made climate change.
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Re: Tornado in Australia?

Postby cams » Tue 29 Jan, 2013 9:51 am

Good luck Phil. It sounds like your place is ok? Going to be one hell of a clean up. We were out at my fathers place moving everything out of his bottom floor yesterday (he went under half way up the second floor in 2011) but thankfully it didn't come in at all this time. A good 5m lower in the Bremer.
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Re: Tornado in Australia?

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Tue 29 Jan, 2013 10:05 am

Just got back from the main centre of town, checking on my customers business as there stuck over in North Bundaberg, North Bundaberg is wiped out. 1000's of homes inundated, Homes washed away in the torrent of water, Town is shut down, Sand bags in every store, I'm not sure if the water will reach the main street in town, in the next 12 to 24 hours we will know. I'm amazed how much the water has risen in the past 12 hours. Main Hospital is being evacuating patients as I type this to Brisbane. This army is doing this. 5 helicopters in the air plucking people from there roofs and now they are moving them again from the main evacuation centre in North Bundaberg, 1000's being evacuated to higher grounds for the past couple of days by helicopter.

The river has broken it's bank on the North side and a barrage of water has washed through North Bundaberg.
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Re: Tornado in Australia?

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Tue 29 Jan, 2013 10:08 am

Got a relative in the Base Hospital, all we know, is the army evacuated him to Brisbane at 7.30am this morning. We don't know which Hospital, I only just found out now in the last minute.
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Re: Tornado in Australia?

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Tue 29 Jan, 2013 10:12 am

I spoke to a member of the swift water rescue last night. His lost his home and all belongings, No insurance coverage for floods, Insurance would not cover flood damage for his property, Poor bugger, because it had flooded in the 2010 flood. His out rescuing people in North Bundy for 12 hours, while his house and all belonging where going under.

As far as I know, there's only been the one death. But we will not know till the water is gone.
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Re: Tornado in Australia?

Postby Pteropus » Tue 29 Jan, 2013 10:15 am

Good luck Phil. I know people from the Bundy region and have seen the photos. Going to be a tough few weeks I think. Makes my blackout in Brisbane seem like nothing. Though, having some hiking and other camping gear does come in handy at times like this. Is your home affected though?
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Re: Tornado in Australia?

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Tue 29 Jan, 2013 10:19 am

cams wrote:Good luck Phil. It sounds like your place is ok? Going to be one hell of a clean up. We were out at my fathers place moving everything out of his bottom floor yesterday (he went under half way up the second floor in 2011) but thankfully it didn't come in at all this time. A good 5m lower in the Bremer.

I live 4 km from the river on higher ground. Did have a tornado go through back yard a couple days ago. Went between garage and home. 2 houses down the road, lost there roofs. I've got some images I've taken in the past day. My house is fine. Thank god I don't live near that river. I feel sorry for those that did. Latest report is that 3000 have been evacuated. Possibly 2000 homes under water. This is a estimate, will not know for sure till the water subsides. There's going to be a massive clean up and health risks when the water is gone.
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Re: Tornado in Australia?

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Tue 29 Jan, 2013 10:20 am

Pteropus wrote:Good luck Phil. I know people from the Bundy region and have seen the photos. Going to be a tough few weeks I think. Makes my blackout in Brisbane seem like nothing. Though, having some hiking and other camping gear does come in handy at times like this. Is your home affected though?

Been very lucky where I live. Never lost power, Most of the town at some stage have lost power, My sister down the road had no power for 2 days.

My solar panel I use for hiking is very handy.
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Re: Tornado in Australia?

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Tue 29 Jan, 2013 10:28 am

For those who know Bundaberg, This is the Traffic Bridge. This will give you an idea how high the water has risen. Water is travelling at an estimated 70kph.

I'm going to stay home for a while, there's not much more that can be done now in the main street, we just have to wait and see, I'll head back out again later this arvy.
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Re: Tornado in Australia?

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Tue 29 Jan, 2013 10:54 am

This is a couple blocks from the main street in Bundaberg. A lot of business are totally submerged including roofs. This is not the worst area, Hinkler Place shopping centre shops are reported to be inundated.
My Gym.
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Re: Tornado in Australia?

Postby wayno » Tue 29 Jan, 2013 2:45 pm

stay safe mate,, don't take unecessary risks, sad about all the property damage.
from the land of the long white clouds...
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Re: Tornado in Australia?

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Wed 30 Jan, 2013 3:14 pm

Been out helping business in the main street, moving there gear and setting up computer, when some low life stole my expensive prized sunglasses that I rely on, I wear them everyday, without those glasses I have eye problems. It's Not fair, I'm helping sandbagging and moving computers and someone decides it's there right to take my possessions. I don't know what I'm going to do now. It's been a traumatic experience and now I have to deal with this. :( :evil: Can't replace them.
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Re: Tornado in Australia?

Postby wayno » Wed 30 Jan, 2013 3:36 pm

hang in there...
from the land of the long white clouds...
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Re: Tornado in Australia?

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Wed 30 Jan, 2013 3:48 pm

I will, eventually get over it, but it's a *&%$#! day today, One good note the water has started to drop, ever so slowly, but it is slowly going down.

There's a convoy of army personals and 50 army vehicles on the way, to help with the recovery. Brothers work has been wiped out. 1 metre waves lapping over the roof, with 80kph water going through the building. Spoke to an SES guy that was out there yesterday, he informed us about my brothers work shop. He also told us, there are houses in the middle of the street. And one house wrapped around a street pole, the pole did not more, the house was washed away into the street pole. We can't get anywhere near the north side.
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Re: Tornado in Australia?

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Wed 30 Jan, 2013 4:06 pm

Images added.

Let's just say, there's not many roads left to drive on.
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Screen Shot 2013-01-30 at 3.56.41 PM.jpg (115.73 KiB) Viewed 15560 times
Screen Shot 2013-01-30 at 3.57.53 PM.jpg
North side of the river is the worst hit. There are 1000's of homes under water.
Screen Shot 2013-01-30 at 3.58.11 PM.jpg
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Re: Tornado in Australia?

Postby Chris » Wed 30 Jan, 2013 8:55 pm

Very sorry about all that's happening Phil. I remember really enjoying Bundaburg when travelling up that way in the 80's - thought it would be a great place to live if I could stand the climate!
It's great that your house survived, but even so it's obviously a terribly stressful time for everyone there, even without the low-life stealing your property. Life often isn't fair, but sooner or later it'll catch up with the low-life, and I'm sure your help is being appreciated. Good luck!
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Re: Tornado in Australia?

Postby Pteropus » Thu 31 Jan, 2013 1:52 pm

Hey Phil, I hope you are coping up there mate. I know exactly how important glasses are, since mine are my most important possession in the whole world, coz I can't see without them. And I know what it’s like to be affected by floods, since I copped it in Brisbane two years ago. So I feel for you, and for your town. It takes a while to get over, but I remember in 2011, the best thing I did after 12 days of cleaning up flood mud was to take a day off and went for a bushwalk. Seriously, best cure for the soul after the devastation.
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Re: Tornado in Australia?

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Fri 01 Feb, 2013 2:30 pm

Was up town today, checking out some of my friends businesses and helping out with some cleaning. Not taking any photos on the conditions. It's not something I want to be reminded of or anything you want to see,

Thumbs up to the army, there great and very supportive.

In events like this, you really get to find out the good and the bad in people, mostly good.

QANTAS, spirit of Australia, *&^%$#!, my *&%$#! are they spirit of australia. friend of mine stranded in Brisbane the other day, had to get back to Bundaberg ASAP. QANTAS had a $110.00 flight cancelled, he called and booked this ticket they wanted to charge him $1000.00 After some negotiating he got it down to $500.00, Ridiculous for a 40 minute flight and they call them selves spirit of Australia.

Local Bakery's taking advantage of the suffering of other's and lack of bread. charging between $8.00 to $11.00 per loaf of bread. Nasty. There are some nasty people here.

I don't know how they can take advantage of people in the situations like this. I just don't know how you could do this. Nasty people. and not to mention the looters. Looters are bad. Some are only 15 years old. Thumbs up to the Police for catching these drop kicks of our society.
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Re: Tornado in Australia?

Postby wayno » Fri 01 Feb, 2013 6:46 pm

well at least you're doing more than your bit to help, one of the many unsung heroes.
from the land of the long white clouds...
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