Hi True Green
thanks for your input into this debate - I just want to add to Tony's point
Tony wrote:if you know that this accusation is true and have the relevant information then please post your sources.
I think it was Guns In Australia (GIA) who made the accusation on Facebook - they are very serious accusation and if proven would not only likely lead to the closure of the ISC but some of his allegation would also mean the Green Party would face serious legal pressure and likely face serious tax and corruption inquires. If you do have any evidence to back this claim please do not post it here - it could compromise the investigation. Please instead send you evidence to the NSW Police "Crime stoppers unit". They can then forward the investigation on to the relevant bodies.
If the 1080 poisoning is all about kickback then this is potentially the biggest fraud seen in Australia effecting many government departments and not for profit environmental agencies - even the well respected RSPCA. Although such a large fraud it possible - to me the most likely/plausible situation is that hunters want to stop the use of 1080 because its use is so effective that it is bad for their sport. 1080 is horrible stuff but stopping it use would have huge negative environmental impacts - New more humane poisons are be investigated.
True Green wrote:In Victoria hunters kill 40,000 Sambar Deer a year, many of those in the Alpine National park. You can not say that does not have an impact.
I agree with Tony that the number of animals killed is a vanity figure - the reduction on the population is the number we need. This 40,000 is an estimate and the Australian Deer Association do not provide and rational (that I can find) to explain these figues and why they are sooooo much larger then the numbers killed in NSW.
Listen to this interview - it makes it very clear that that the Australian Deer Association has the goal of preserving the population not removing them - they want sustainable hunting - not a native eco system in National Parks
http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/record-41000-deer-culled-but-thousands-more-roaming-free-20121204-2atbp.htmlThis to me is a key reason why recreational hunting has not place in NSW Natiaonl Parks - it does not aim to reduce the feral animal problem - but to maintain it.
The game council of NSW is just as bad in this respect - they goal is to "manage populations" not reduce them - they even impose bag limits where numbers are low.
"conservation hunting" is about conserving the sport/hobby of hunting - not protecting native ecosystems and is therefore not compatible with the NSW National Parks system.