Nuts wrote:'what else died?
Possums presumably.
Nuts wrote:'what else died?
wearthefoxhat wrote:Well I am looking forward to hunting NP's. I also enjoy the bush as much as anyone and get satisfaction in destroying ferals as my contribution to the conservation effort.
If I kill a fox or a pig I know they won't be destroying our native flora and fauna and local livestock. If I kill a deer I know I will eat well for a while...
Should we hunt NP's? you bet we should. As the NP's service has failed miserably to keep the feral population in check why not open it up to licensed shooters. I hope they open up more areas as it looks like only a handful will be opened at this stage. Feral eradication in NP's is an industry in its own right. Do they want to see every last feral gone and have no work? something to think about..
Rec Hunters have been tagged with dispersing feral animals and making the problem worse...Has anyone seen a helicopter cull on pigs and goats? Now that is dispersion. Many animals get away and in all directions... some badly wounded with legs blown off etc.. Cruel practice.
As for the safety aspect we take more risk driving to the NP than actually being shot in one going by the record so far with hunting in State forests. Perhaps more focus should be on banning cars as there is a handful of clowns that kill people on the roads just as there will always be a handful of idiots hunting illegally in the NP's... They have been doing this already for years... they are not going to start now because the park was opened to hunting...
Tony wrote:Hi maddog,
I have read some of the papers you have posted, one paper that I found interesting is this one SODIUM FLUOROACETATE RESIDUE IN FERAL PIG (SUS SCROFA) CARCASSES – IS IT A SIGNIFICANT SECONDARY POISONING HAZARD? this paper has how much carrion a native animal has to eat to die from 1080.
maddog wrote:Plan to let minors shoot in parks: ... 2el79.html
maddog wrote:Plan to let minors shoot in parks: ... 2el79.html
Of course not just as I couldn't guarantee that for any sport, recreation or work place. What I can say from reports from the US is hunting is right down on the list as a risk sport. It is considered a very low risk sport in the US and that is a country with a very high gun ownership and strong hunting culture.
It's quite simple and logical IMO. If I remove 1 feral animal that is one less feral that will continue to devastate the environment not to mention its offspring. If I remove 20?
I am not claiming Rec hunters are the solution to the problem but IMO can certainly be part of it. To what degree will depend on the continual growth and participation of R license hunters.
Hunting has been a major contributor to animal extinction over the centuries yet now it is claimed by a few that hunting cannot have a detrimental effect on a certain feral animal populations!
considering NP's service is failing badly at this level
Tony wrote:Hi wearthefoxhat,Of course not just as I couldn't guarantee that for any sport, recreation or work place. What I can say from reports from the US is hunting is right down on the list as a risk sport. It is considered a very low risk sport in the US and that is a country with a very high gun ownership and strong hunting culture.
Can you post a link to your sources please.
wearthefoxhat wrote:G'day Wayno,
I am sure you are right in some instances of animal extinction but let’s take an example of the extinction of animals between the 14th century (Maori and Moriori settlement) and European settlement in mid 19th century in your neck of the woods in Beautiful New Zealand.
I use this era to highlight the fact that it is not always habitat destruction that is the main driver of a species to extinction as we know the Maori where not major destroyers of habitat but in these cases it was hunting and interestingly introduced ferals that were responsible for the extinction of many natives in NZ. In fact nearly twice as many species were driven to extinction in the time after Maori settlement but prior to European settlement.. Remembering the Maori were minimal clearers of land..
Although habitat reduction contributes to extinction of species history shows that man is quite capable of hunting species to extinction without habitat destruction. ... ew_Zealand
When thousands of hunters are let loose with guns in the state's national parks next month, their competence will be assessed by the Game Council.
But questions have been raised about the close links between the Council and the shooting lobby.
An investigation by the ABC's 7.30 program has found evidence that two councillors on the independent body have distributed political material promoting hunting and blocking other methods of controlling feral animals - a key regulatory task.
Even some senior gun owners believe the Council's licensing system is so inadequate it would be possible to be accredited to shoot in national parks without having fired a gun.
They fear bushwalkers may be shot.
Jim Pirie has been hunting for 60 years and is a self-confessed gun nut.
He is the president of his local hunting club in Mudgee, in central west New South Wales, and a one-time candidate for the Shooters and Fishers Party.
Mr Pirie is bracing himself for an onslaught of amateur hunters heading for the state's national parks.
"You don't know what they'll shoot, they might shoot your sheep or shoot anything, or themselves," he said.
Mr Pirie also owns the local gun shop
He says most of his customers agree that shooting in national parks is a bad idea.
"It'll come back to haunt all of us, if a young child was to be shot with a heavy calibre rifle then probably the first thing they'll be screaming for will be cut out heavy calibre rifles," he said.
"It's not a nice thing to talk about but we can't ignore the possibility."
"Can you post a link to your sources please."
Unfortunately while I read a lot of information I don't save it all but I am trying to track that report down now.
"This is a common myth that hunters like to push around, most feral animals have doomed surplus that die anyway, the breeding allows for this, if a dominant animal is killed one of the doomed animals takes over, if a doomed animal is killed, they where going to die anyway,"
All due respect but you can't seriously believe this. If this is the case then ferals would never be a problem because their population would never increase. The only time this crazy theory would have any credibility is when the land was holding maximum capacity of ferals. Can you imagine the landscape then! Have you seen the explosion of pigs out west currently...did someone forget to tell the pigs about this crackpot theory...
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