wearthefoxhat wrote:Hallu...you said... "The risks during hunting shouldn't be only "really low" they should be null... and they're not. Many parks in the US were creating to forbid hunting in those areas, the Everglades is the most famous example. How in your mind can it seem logical to hunt inside a National Park ? It's not a NP anymore if you can hunt in it..."
Firstly it would be nice if life was without risk but it isn't. Everything we do is a risk. One of the riskiest activities we do is driving but I would bet that everyone sees that as low risk yet we do it everyday. interesting thing is that the extreme greens and others will portray hunting activities as many times more dangerous which is illogical and a plain lie
The difference between NP's in the US and NP's in Australia we will hunt introduced species only and in the US they hunt Native species. A whole different management scenario. It appears they mange their system very well now especially now they have reinstated some species back into areas that were hunted to extinction eg wolves.
I will never hunt an australian native that is my choice but it is also illegal.
Yeah they hunted them a 100 years ago. Just in the same way the Australians brought the Tasmanian Tiger to extinction. They don't now. Allowing hunting in NPs for feral management is useless and you know it. Without an organised response from the Park services, it won't do anything to dogs, cats, foxes and wild pigs populations. Besides no hunter is gonna want to shoot cats and dogs for sport, they're only here for deer...
And hunting isn't necessary, I could understand if Australians were eating a lot of game, like the Spanish or the French, but they don't...