wearthefoxhat wrote:"Unfortunately you are still failing to understand that the general public does not see hunters as a group as "highly skilled" as per my previous comments regarding the lax requirements for obtaining an R licence. "
You may have missed my previous post to turfa. I have already stated that the R license process needs a review/upgrade..
"Turfa,,,Yes the training process needs an overhaul IMO. Although we teach and test for proficiency and ethical killing I understand not every club does this. There should be an across the board mandatory training package IMO."
We do agree on this 100%...however this does not change the fact that a mandatory training & assessment process is
not in place at the moment & there are absolutely no controls over the skills of the very people who are about to be permitted to shoot in National Parks. If you & other sensible, responsible hunters, (who are obviously happy to say these things personally) were to publicly question the competence of the Game Council & their licencing system & lobbied for tighter controls, you may well get better community acceptance of your position.
In addition, you are being represented by a body that is clearly not aligned with your stated goals of using "conservation hunters" to control feral animals on public land. The very fact that the Game Council has designated 'deer seasons' for particular species and applies bag limits shows that they are mostly interested in preserving ferals to provide an ongoing supply of game animals for hunters, not in eliminating feral animals from public land. (and these restrictions apply on private land too !!!)
If deer are feral animals & cause damage to our native habitats, why is is not legal to kill them at any time and in any number..... surely the ultimate goal of 'conservation hunting' is the elimination of feral species.... or is it ??????
Until you can resolve these issues your arguments will have little credibility in the eyes of most people.