Peak Baggers Guide to the Southern Blue Mountains

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Peak Baggers Guide to the Southern Blue Mountains

Postby Allchin09 » Sun 10 Mar, 2013 4:01 pm

I was going through a few old SBW magazines posted on the Internet as part of a digitisation project, and came across a page describing a "Peak Baggers Guide to the Southern Blue Mountains" which I found to be quite interesting.

I have heard of peak bagging before, but not in NSW, mainly places with higher climbs such as Tassie and NZ, so I was surprised to find a list for where I usually venture. I really like the idea of peak bagging, sort of a challenge that also makes you explore new areas you haven't visited before.

Has anyone used this guide or know of any others of the type for the area? How many points have you collected and what's your status?

Going off the list, I am currently only a Novice Walker but hopefully I will improve my status as time goes by.

Peak Baggers Guide to the Southern Blue Mountains.jpeg
Peak Baggers Guide to the Southern Blue Mountains
Peak Baggers Guide to the Southern Blue Mountains.jpeg (68.79 KiB) Viewed 5700 times
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Re: Peak Baggers Guide to the Southern Blue Mountains

Postby jonnosan » Sun 10 Mar, 2013 4:57 pm

Interesting that the 30 bonus points for Guouogang, Paralyser and Cloudmaker in 48 hours doesn't mention the 3 peaks challenge. Is it possible this was the catalyst?

I would only qualify for full points only if there's a trig there (e.g. Cloudmaker) or other obvious way of identifying the peak (ruined castle). I have been to some of the others but couldn't say if I was on the peak (e.g. Strongleg, Solitary)
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Re: Peak Baggers Guide to the Southern Blue Mountains

Postby DaveNoble » Sun 10 Mar, 2013 9:19 pm

The article was written as a joke (like the Tasmanian version) - and not meant to be taken seriously. The author used a pseudonym that has appeared elsewhere (a standing joke in the 1980's of Tassie origin). It appeared in VS&M - the SUBW magazine - not the SBW magazine.

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Re: Peak Baggers Guide to the Southern Blue Mountains

Postby Grabeach » Mon 11 Mar, 2013 10:16 am

Not Blue Mountains, but another historical challenge was to sign all of the four Northern Budawang Visitor's Books listed on the sketch map (The Castle, Mt Owen, Folly Point and Talaterang Mtn) in a day. When I was a lot younger, I plotted a couple of theoretical routes, but never attempted it. If anyone's done it, I would be interested in knowing what order they chose.

Another challenge was to visit all the trig stations in the Royal National Park in a day. Only of historical interest, as even 35 years ago I was told many had been removed or their location lost.
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Re: Peak Baggers Guide to the Southern Blue Mountains

Postby Mark F » Mon 11 Mar, 2013 1:22 pm

The only way to become a Stupid Walker is to claim the 30 point bonus! There are only 287 points on offer.
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Re: Peak Baggers Guide to the Southern Blue Mountains

Postby Allchin09 » Mon 11 Mar, 2013 7:14 pm

Dave - Right you are about the source, I must have gotten a bit mixed up. Funny that it's a joke article, I honestly took it seriously! But I still might use it as a bit of a guide to see where I have and haven't explored.

Grabeach - That Northern Budawang challenge sounds interesting, so to does the RNP one. I know that SBW have a series of three walks to the trig, I guess they will find out have many are still around. I will definitely be attempting it soon as the NP is just around the corner.
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