Lerderderg National Park Scenic Rim Hike Jan 2013

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Lerderderg National Park Scenic Rim Hike Jan 2013

Postby ryantmalone » Sun 20 Jan, 2013 8:02 pm

Decided to make the most of a blank weekend and head up to Lerderderg National Park for an overnighter on the Scenic Rim.

Generally people do this in a day. I dont get why someone would want to rush a walk like this though, as it is a really interesting hike.

Ended up walking in via Mckenzies Flat, and up the Spur track after Grahams Dam. The spur track was nowhere near as bad as I had heard. Started off with a very steep pinch, but after that, it was fairly gradual, apart from one slippery section near the top.

Ran into someone I recognized at the weir, ended up campsite hunting together, as as suggested in this thread, we went downstream and found a stunning campsite hidden slightly off river.

Worth mentioning - snake activity on the dry river is pretty intense. Nearly stepped on a red belly, was about to attack, but managed to clear out of the way with a backwards run, that was later joked about around the campfire. I was also warned by a Parks Victoria ranger about snake activity, as even one of his colleagues was bitten in the national park only days ago.

The climb up Long Point Spur was extremely steep, the initial climb involves some serious scrambling, as does the climb to the first major knoll with the rock shelter. From here up, I found the climb to be relentless, and one hell of a workout.

Blackwood Range was uneventful, had a few nice view points along the way, and the descent down Link Track 1 was quicker than I'd expected. Having climbed this a few weeks ago, I remember it being longer.

Was awesome to have a swim at Grahams Dam at the end of a hot day as well. I swear, there is something in the water there.

Again... still not sure why people do this entire trip in a day. There is something really special about some of the camp sites on the side of the river. Just a really amazing place, keeps getting better every time I go back.

I wrote about the trip on my blog as well - http://gonebushmad.blogspot.com.au/2013/01/lerderderg-scenic-rim-hike.html

Here's some pics.

Heading up a steep pinch on the Spur Track.

THOSE gates.

The weir and the start of the Long Point Spur. Just to give some perspective, the rocky knoll to the right is what the initial climb goes straight up and over, and this is the easiest of the two scrambles on the spur. Was a lot of fun!

The campsite was utterly pristine. Couldn't have picked a better spot.

Field testing the Hiker Plus with some Strive Foods Bolognese. Food was amazing. Stove was interesting.

Climbing the start of the Long Point Spur

View from the Blackwood Ranges track.

Heading down Link Track 1.

A hike at Lerderderg is incomplete without a dip at Grahams Dam. :)
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Re: Lerderderg National Park Scenic Rim Hike Jan 2013

Postby Kinsayder » Tue 22 Jan, 2013 12:12 pm

Looks good, Ryan, thanks for the report, although between the heat and the snakes you can have it!
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Re: Lerderderg National Park Scenic Rim Hike Jan 2013

Postby ryantmalone » Tue 22 Jan, 2013 7:39 pm

Kinsayder wrote:Looks good, Ryan, thanks for the report, although between the heat and the snakes you can have it!

haha The heat was not that bad! First day was under 20 degrees, last day was 30, but with the hard stuff done early in the day, made a swim at Grahams Dam at the perfect time of the day.

I'd say this place is good for a walk anywhere from 30 degrees and under.
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Re: Lerderderg National Park Scenic Rim Hike Jan 2013

Postby lokulin » Wed 20 Mar, 2013 12:44 pm

Looks like we'll be doing this walk this weekend. Anything we need to be aware of?
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Re: Lerderderg National Park Scenic Rim Hike Jan 2013

Postby cooee » Wed 20 Mar, 2013 1:30 pm

Just be aware that water is still scarce.
When it comes to charity, a lot of people will stop at nothing.
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Re: Lerderderg National Park Scenic Rim Hike Jan 2013

Postby ryantmalone » Wed 20 Mar, 2013 2:03 pm

lokulin wrote:Looks like we'll be doing this walk this weekend. Anything we need to be aware of?

We've had a fair amount of rain here over the past few weeks, so there should still be water, however in the holes where you will find water, the quality probably wont be that great, so you may want to bring a filter, or carry in water.

I carried in six litres on my first day, and only needed to bring two litres on my last day, although I boiled that water.
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Re: Lerderderg National Park Scenic Rim Hike Jan 2013

Postby lokulin » Sun 24 Mar, 2013 7:20 pm

Ended up just going up Link 1, down Long Point Spur and out via the river bed (after camping over night) as it was so dry I couldn't give up the opportunity to walk the riverbed it while it was so easy and dry. First time there and will definitely be back. Only carried in 3 litre, filtered and boiled a further litre from one of the better looking pools. Is definitely less thirsty walking now the weather has started to cool. Am glad I wasn't carrying any more weight on my back as the walk up the link track and down Long Point Spur are definitely a work out for the legs.
Last edited by lokulin on Mon 25 Mar, 2013 9:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Lerderderg National Park Scenic Rim Hike Jan 2013

Postby ryantmalone » Sun 24 Mar, 2013 8:15 pm

lokulin wrote:Ended up just going up Link 1, down Long Spur and out via the river bed (after camping over night) as it was so dry I couldn't give up the opportunity to walk the riverbed it while it was so easy and dry. First time there and will definitely be back. Only carried in 3 litre, filtered and boiled a further litre from one of the better looking pools. Is definitely less thirsty walking now the weather has started to cool. Am glad I wasn't carrying any more weight on my back as the walk up the link track and down long spur are definitely a work out for the legs.

Nice work! By "long spur", I believe you are referring to the Long Point Spur?

If so, that would have been a killer on the lower reaches heading down.
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Re: Lerderderg National Park Scenic Rim Hike Jan 2013

Postby Suresh » Thu 31 Oct, 2013 8:18 pm

Thank you for the photos and trek notes.
I really want information on how you went up the initial part of the Long Spur from the dam.
I have previously always gone on the upstream side and up the rocky scramble, there are cables and such to help at the start. However that direction always involves getting very wet and smelly as the bed is mud.
From the photo that you posted, it looks like you crossed downstream and up the rock face on that side.Have I got that correct?
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Re: Lerderderg National Park Scenic Rim Hike Jan 2013

Postby Suresh » Fri 08 Nov, 2013 8:43 am

We walked the Scenic Rim again on Cup Day. Excellent weather, got off to an early start and beat most of the heat.
Someone has been doing a great job on track maintenance, so much better than in previous years.
There are plenty of snakes around near the water, gaiters make for a great security blanket.
There is plenty of water in the dam, go across the ladder, beside the fish ladder, and downstream till you can rock hop or
cross where shallow and come back down towards the dam wall. Easy to spot the track up, plenty of markers.
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Re: Lerderderg National Park Scenic Rim Hike Jan 2013

Postby Franco » Fri 22 Nov, 2013 12:15 pm

plenty of water there now.
Walking up the river is a bit rough so better doing the circuit.
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Re: Lerderderg National Park Scenic Rim Hike Jan 2013

Postby ryantmalone » Thu 16 Jan, 2014 4:05 pm

Suresh wrote:Ryan,
Thank you for the photos and trek notes.
I really want information on how you went up the initial part of the Long Spur from the dam.
I have previously always gone on the upstream side and up the rocky scramble, there are cables and such to help at the start. However that direction always involves getting very wet and smelly as the bed is mud.
From the photo that you posted, it looks like you crossed downstream and up the rock face on that side.Have I got that correct?

Sorry, been a while since I've been in here!

On this trip, the river was quite dry, so I was able to basically follow the wall on the fish ladder side to the start of the rocky scramble, then straight up. From memory, there is some old fencing that you can grab to pull your way up at the start, but from there on up, you're on your own. Plenty of hand and foot holds though, nothing to be too worried about.

I've heard of people going downstream a hundred meters or so when the river is high, and crossing there, and coming back up to the wall, that sai, I've never done the circuit in the wet season.
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