banff mountain film fest aus

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banff mountain film fest aus

Postby wayno » Mon 06 May, 2013 10:24 am

The Banff Mountain Film Festival is the most prestigious international film competition and an annual presentation of short films and documentaries about mountain culture, sports, and environment. It was launched in 1976 as The Banff Festival of Mountain Films by The Banff Centre and is held every October in Banff, Canada.
Approximately 300 films are entered into the film festival annually, and top 60 films (approximately) are selected by a pre-screening committee to be shown at the festival. During the festival, the international film festival jury chooses the best films and presents awards in various categories.
From this selection a program of thought-provoking films, with subject matter ranging from remote landscapes and cultures to adrenaline-packed action sports are selected to tour Australia each April, May and June.
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Re: banff mountain film fest aus

Postby Wollemi » Mon 06 May, 2013 2:12 pm

YouTube and Vimeo killed Banff, didn't it?

I mean, that I saw at least one Banff movie on YouTube before I was dragged off to see it again at Sydney's Seymour Centre in 2010.
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Re: banff mountain film fest aus

Postby wayno » Mon 06 May, 2013 2:47 pm

theres a fair bit on there you won't see online
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