sthughes wrote:Here's a place very central to bushwalking areas:
GPSGuided wrote:sthughes wrote:Here's a place very central to bushwalking areas:
Wow, a square km of land for $140k! But what do you do with it?
GPSGuided wrote:sthughes wrote:Here's a place very central to bushwalking areas:
Wow, a square km of land for $140k! But what do you do with it?
doogs wrote:You put up signs threatening trespassers!
perfectlydark wrote:Damn...why am I bothering saving for a house deposit in overcrowded expensive sydney?
perfectlydark wrote:Damn...why am I bothering saving for a house deposit in overcrowded expensive sydney?
Son of a Beach wrote:I think I should report this topic to the mods and get it locked or removed before Tasmania gets overcrowded with all the people trying to get away from it all.
John Sheridan wrote:...the only thing that will be on 24/7 would be a small fridge/freezer, 12 or 24 volts...
GPSGuided wrote:All nice being off-grid. But can I still get NBN?
Clusterpod wrote:All the people that have come to the west to get into it all is whats forcing us away.
Nuts wrote:Try sth of Hobart, i hear there are some good people down there?
Nuts wrote:Try sth of Hobart, i hear there are some good people down there?
John Sheridan wrote:I wouldlike to move to Tasmania and live there, but where.
I want to live off the grid and in an Isolated area, with lotss of trees and a place with a decent amount of sun and rain for my off grid needs, would be nice if it was close to a State Forest, reserve ect.
I have a friend who lives south of Mt Victoria and he seems to like it there.
Thanks for any suggestions.
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