wayno wrote:The Kangaroo Island Futures Authority, an advisory board formed by the South Australian government, is planning to establish a multi-day hiking trail on the island.
Someone might correct me but I filled in the survey form 3 weeks ago and it seemed concerned about setting up well publicized short (1-4 hours ) either back-to-the-start walks or possibly linear walks (eg Admirals Arch to Remarkable Rocks) and if they require drop off or pick up at the start/finish, so much the better. They see the walker market as well-heeled revenue bringers (few tents here) first and foremost and walks involving costs such as drop offs or guided walks would fit the bill nicely. Not the scene for the majority of people likely to be reading this!
clelander wrote:There's no reason the Heysen Trail couldn't be extended from the Dudley Peninsula over to Flinders Chase. In my opinion the coastline of southern KI is far more beautiful than any other stretch of SA and far better protected and more natural than the southern Fleurieu.
This is the logical thing to do with the Heysen Trail and a suggested route for such a trail was outlined in an article in Tandanya (ABW) over a decade ago. Land access could be the biggest problem though i suspect a lot of dirt roads would be used. Otherwise my suggestion, having walked it, is to follow the south coast from Pennington Bay to C de C., it's mainly along the narrow corridor of easy walking between the cliff edge and thick scrub. Yes you have to carry water.
clelander wrote: In my opinion the coastline of southern KI is far more beautiful than any other stretch of SA and far better protected and more natural than the southern Fleurieu.
I've just come back from KI and there is no place in the higher rainfall (agricultural) SA as peaceful as KI or with more roadside and creek-side vegetation. I agree fully with your comparison with the southern Fleurieu.
The ferry is very expensive but my recent over and back trip was with very few passengers, I doubt the two trips broke even. Not that I should defend Sealink, the company seems to has done its best to 'discourage' opposition IMHO (Remember the much cheaper passengers-only (no vehicles) Valerie Jane?) But it is no bigger ripoff that the Lake St Clair ferry surely and which many people seem to have no qualms about using.
Hallu wrote:Anyway, it's less expensive ....... (not to mention the petrol there is 1.7 $/L), so I don't see any reason why you'd choose KI. Very overestimated island, it's been advertised ad nauseam, it's mainly popular because Lonely Planet makes a big fuss about it. Truth is, everything's expensive,
Agreed about the petrol but I suppose that the petrol tankers going over to the island also have to pay the extortionate ferry fees! But you are right - many things are high priced (KI's 'clean green' image can take some of the blame here). Just one example - KI bushland honey is no more 'organic' than bushland honey on the mainland but in the Adelaide Central Market, I found it selling for a higher price than leatherwood honey!