Not so much a trip report....
Mainly a reconnaissance trip to check out access/egress.....
Yet to complete the circuit.
Nice weather for a stroll down to the Guy Fawkes valley...heading along the escarpment to the start of the Jordans Trail.....and a relentless
long steep descent.
Rough map of the area showing the overnight circuit.
Lots of these little hairy critters littering the trail down....chewing on the eucalypt leaves.
Just before hitting the Housewater Creek flats, on the right there's a snaking horse trail & 4wd track heading down another ridge,through the dry grass to the guy fawkes river...just a assumption, will check out the side track for sure next time. Will save a bit of walk along the Housewater flats to the Guy Fawkes river.
Down at the flats I dropped my bag under the shade of a tree & headed upstream, fishing & exploring Housewater creek.
Came across this remnant from the past, original house on housewater creek ?
Evening meal, spicy noodles & a some hot popcorn to crunch on, while watching the star filled sky above.
Lots of ticks in the long dry grass so I set up camp on the rivers edge, on the dry boulder strewn high floodwater mark.
No rain clouds on the horizon, no ticks either
......the creek dropped 2inches throughout the night.
Woke to a valley enveloped in mist....
Zigg zagged my way out that morning, wishing I could have stayed longer.
Might bring some kind of lightweight inflatable next I can drift idly downstream to the exit point.