Is there water on the Coast Track (Otford to Bundeena)?

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Is there water on the Coast Track (Otford to Bundeena)?

Postby Onestepmore » Tue 29 Oct, 2013 10:02 am

I'l be walking The Coast Track over two days, Otford to Bundeena, and have made my camping booking at North Era with the NPWS

I'm trying to work out how much water to actually carry with me, which of course is completely different if
a) I have to carry 2 days' worth
b) water is available but I have to treat it
c) drinkable water is available

Im getting conflicting information from the several books I've got, none of which are up to date.
The on line NPWS info just says to pack your own water and food (not particularly helpful)

Sydney's Best Bush Park and City Walks by Stuart (2008) says there is no drinkable water on the track, and not to drink the water at North Era bwecause it's situated bleow the composting toilets. But it then goes on to mention Surf Life Saving Clubhouses and Kiosks at Garie Beach and Wattamolla. I know these are only open on weekends and public holidays but do they have a tap?
I am presuming the camping area that is mentioned at Wattamolla at Providential Cove is no longer allowed to be used - there was no mention of this on the NPWS website? In this book there is also mention of a YHA at Garie Beach (which has since burned down?) - I am presuming no water there?

My other (National Parks Association) book Bushwalks in the Sydney Region Vol 1 ed 6 is also older - 2007 - horrible maps btw!!
It says water is available from taps at the kiosk at Wattamolla and also the tap at Garie Beach Surf Club (p 24)

Can someone who has actually done this walk recently please advise me?
(PS I'm going this week)
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Re: Is there water on the Coast Track (Otford to Bundeena)?

Postby Allchin09 » Tue 29 Oct, 2013 11:26 am


I don't have my map currently in front of me but there are plenty of spots to fill up along the walk.

All of the small cabin communities have their own water tanks attached to the huts and you can always find a tap of one of the them at Burning Palms, South and North Era, Garie, etc.

There is a Kiosk at Garie but it is only open certain times. There toilets / change facalities at Garie do have water when open, but there are signs saying "not drinkable". I spoke to a local when I was there last about the water and he said that it just comes from a creek up the gully and isn't an issue to drink. The signs are more of a warning that the water isn't treated.

Water can also be collected from Curracurrong near Eagle Rock and from Curracurrang but levels do depend on how much rain there has been recently.

The Kiosk at Wattamolla no longer operates as far as I know. There are toilets at Providential Head but I am unsure if the water is drinkable. Your best best for getting water near Wattamolla is to head North and collect water from where the track passes a small dam on Wattamolla Ck about 800m from the carpark.

Essentially, nearly all creaks (but not rills) marked on the topo maps will have some water in them. I've never had any issues with collecting water along the track, even in dryer times.

Hope that helps
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Re: Is there water on the Coast Track (Otford to Bundeena)?

Postby puredingo » Tue 29 Oct, 2013 11:32 am

G'day OSM, Although I haven't done this walk for 20 years I can give you some info. You did used to be able to drink from the creek at N Era but as they said now there is dunnys placed up above and you'd probably be dead within minutes...HOWEVER, there is a natural spring that runs fairly constant from the cliff face next to Era point (any local surfer will be able to direct you to it.) I wouldn't bank my entire trip on this but it is there.

Getting to Garie you'll find the clubhouse they describe as being the old one, since then the new one has been built and is about the size of the Sydney opera house and occupied most days, I think now the canteen even will open most days provided the weathers warm enough to bring a few customers down. Either way there are taps about and worse case you can drink directly from the surfers shower which is all the same water anyway.
The YHA is completely gone, so past there, when you reach the Nth end of Garie beach there is another spring but this takes some finding. Just by the look of the land you'll get a notion though as there is a gentle gully just to the left before you climb eagle rock hill, once you venture in after that just follow your nose.

Haven't been to Wottomolla for a awhile but do remember amenities there, even back in the day so I can only assume you strike a provided water supply there, if not there are creeks about the area you can use. I think from here to Bundeena will be your driest spell so I'll leave it up to somebody with more recent experience to advise you there.

PS Make sure when you get to Bundeena you get a Chinese meal at the RSL, wash it down with a few icy VB's whilst looking out over shark island, Cronulla and soon you'll be recharged enough to do the return trip non-stop!
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Re: Is there water on the Coast Track (Otford to Bundeena)?

Postby Onestepmore » Tue 29 Oct, 2013 11:36 am

Thanks guys!

I also found some more up to date info on Wild Walks - basicially, water is available, but best to treat.

And yes Dingo, I think a beer at the pub will be well needed - a good way to fill in time until my ride arrives
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Re: Is there water on the Coast Track (Otford to Bundeena)?

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Tue 29 Oct, 2013 3:13 pm

I've done the walk twice now, both times there was plenty of water. Treat to be on the safe side. There's no water at the North Era Campsite, so stock up before arriving at camp.
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Re: Is there water on the Coast Track (Otford to Bundeena)?

Postby Onestepmore » Tue 29 Oct, 2013 3:20 pm

Cool, ty Phil :)
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Re: Is there water on the Coast Track (Otford to Bundeena)?

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Tue 29 Oct, 2013 3:26 pm

I walked the track in the opposite direction than your planning, The next time if I ever get down that way again, I will start from Otford. I think it would be a lot easier than starting at Bundeena. The long wait for train at Otford is not fun.
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Re: Is there water on the Coast Track (Otford to Bundeena)?

Postby DaveNoble » Tue 29 Oct, 2013 5:11 pm

Yes - there should be plenty of water from creeks wight along the track. You may want to treat or filter the water but it is probably OK to drink as it is (Its hard to find any sources of pollution such as houses, factories, nuclear plants etc in the catchments). Good creeks are at Wottamolla (the large creek about 10 minutes before the lagoon), the good creeks at Curracurrong and Curracurrang plus lots of small creeks.

Enjoy your walk.

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Re: Is there water on the Coast Track (Otford to Bundeena)?

Postby Onestepmore » Tue 29 Oct, 2013 5:31 pm

Almost packed now
Then weigh my bag
Then remove/swap out some things
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Re: Is there water on the Coast Track (Otford to Bundeena)?

Postby davidm » Tue 29 Oct, 2013 5:40 pm

Last time I walked it, not only was there water at Era, there was also beer on tap at the club house!
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Re: Is there water on the Coast Track (Otford to Bundeena)?

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Tue 29 Oct, 2013 6:16 pm

That's one impressive club house they have there, I was surprised to come upon a club like that on the walk.
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Re: Is there water on the Coast Track (Otford to Bundeena)?

Postby Pteropus » Tue 29 Oct, 2013 7:59 pm

As others have said, there is plenty of creeks to get water from. And definitely treat it, since the catchments are heavily visited by people. However, I would make sure I had full water bottles before reaching Era camp, and not rely on finding a tap at on the tanks in the huts. It is my observation that most hut tanks I have seen there have not had a tap on the outside, for the very reason that walkers might take their water. There may be taps around, but it is not guaranteed.
davidm wrote:Last time I walked it, not only was there water at Era, there was also beer on tap at the club house!

Though, things may have changed since I was last down that way!
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Re: Is there water on the Coast Track (Otford to Bundeena)?

Postby clarence » Wed 30 Oct, 2013 1:42 am

I have done the coast track so many times in the last 20 years I have lost count. Last time about 3.5 years ago

From Otford heading north there is water 80% of the time in the creek that drops into Werrong from the NW (where the track starts the descent to Palm Jungle). Pools close to and upstream of the track.

As mentioned in other posts there is water in some form or another in the shack areas (Burning Palms to Era).

On the tops between Era and Marley there are several spots with natural flowing water, most notably two creeks to the south of Eagle Rock and the creek about 0.5km north of Wattamolla carpark (agreeing with what Allchin said previously). I have never seen the creeks to the south of Eagle Rock without water. I've only seen the creek north of Wattamolla (which is a great swimming hole) dry on one occasion. I have walked the length of the catchments of most of these creeks and they are as close to pristine as could be expected, and I never treat water from these creeks.

There is nearly always water at the Waterrun.

Additionally there are numerous other sources which are less relaible. Unless the year is outrageously hot and dry, I'd work on using the water near Eagle Rock or N of Wattamolla, which is more or less halfway along the track.

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Re: Is there water on the Coast Track (Otford to Bundeena)?

Postby Onestepmore » Fri 01 Nov, 2013 1:53 pm

Thanks for the above advice guys. I really enjoyed the walk, and glad I did it the direction I did (I'll explain why in a short track report)
I took 3.5 L water with me from the start. This was fine for the short 6/7 km afternoon walk to the camping area at North Era, and for dinner and breakfast. The creeks south of Era are either dry or just a few stagnant pools, and the tap heads have been removed from the SLSC at South Era, so you need to bring enough to get you to Garie. I would stay well clear of the horrible water in the creek at North Era.
The Taj Mahal of beach clubhouses at Garie has great water, which I filtered, and this was enough for the rest of the walk that day. The two large creeks south of Watamolla have lots of water, despite it having been dry for quite a while. Watamolla itself has heaps of water in the changerooms (again I'd filter it), the lovely sandstone rock dam just north of it has great running water too, then it's all dry until you get the watering hole at Bundeena RSL.
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Re: Is there water on the Coast Track (Otford to Bundeena)?

Postby ULWalkingPhil » Fri 01 Nov, 2013 6:15 pm

Both times I completed this walk I start at Bundeena and finished at Otford. A lot of up hill walking, particularly on the 2nd day. One advantage is I don't have the glaring sun in my eyes.

Looking forward to your trip report.
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Re: Is there water on the Coast Track (Otford to Bundeena)?

Postby Onestepmore » Fri 01 Nov, 2013 11:45 pm

OK done. I wrote it this afternoon, then as I went to submit it the whole thing disappeared and it went to a login screen.
I was pissed off, to say the least.
Mucked around for ages trying to retrieve it. Hubby had a go when he got back from work.
No success
So, as Eggs suggested, I wrote it externally on Google docs, and have cut and pasted it
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