Yes, in excellent condition - very light coloration too. We often see snakes on the property - well away from the house though, usually - and they've always been really black.
You definitely need to be mindful of where you leave water around the house. We have - or rather, had - a small kiddy pool set up on the deck for our dogs to keep cool in during the recent hot weather.... it appears that it has attracted this guy up to the house, who then decided to slip inside to get out of the heat.
Fortunately my girlfriend spotted him before our dogs - two very aged Jack Russells - saw him and could lock them away. Both are mad-keen hunters when it comes to our garden's skink population and they wouldn't have been able to help themselves. I doubt either have the speed to get the better of a snake either - doesn't bear thinking about.
The snake itself was pretty lucky as he managed to hang around our spare fridge, freezer and vacuum cleaners - had he not been around expensive things, my better half would have dealt with him in, um, shall we say more "country-esque" ways.
Cheers, Ben.