Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

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Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

Postby Onestepmore » Mon 04 Nov, 2013 10:47 am

I'm planning to walk the OLT for the first time in Feb 2014, but haven't booked my flight or pass yet, as I'm still undecided as to wether to do this solo, or go with a guided group.
I'll be flying into Launceston, but will head to Hobart afterwards to stay with family

I have my own appropriate gear, so that's not an issue - I don't need to use group equipment or hire anything. I'll probably use an Aarn natural balance (63 L plus front pockets) for my pack
I regularly walk and camp overnight, mainly with my husband and sometimes our teenage children, but I've never done a walk this long by myself, so I guess that's my main concern.
I know there will be many others on the track, but I feel a bit daunted by the prospect of doing this solo, and I'm particularly concerned about carrying a week's worth of food (I do have a dehydrator and have been experimenting)
Also I'll not be able to share the weight of tent and cooking gear with another if I am by myself
I tend to think I'd prefer to use my tent rather than the huts, as pictures of lots of smelly wet clothes strewn around in other people's mess is a bit off putting, and I can't stand snoring.
Or am I being a bit of a princess?

I've had a look at a few websites, but wanted some personal opinions of others who have gone with guided groups, vs solo trip.
Most seem to be communal hut/tent and camping based, but are there some that use different huts?
What's the food like with guided groups? (I don't have any particular dietary requirements when bushwalking)
Do others feel it might be a good idea to have a bit of handholding for my first trip and then go by myself (or hopefully with hubby!) the next time?
Or do I just do it!?

Another thing I'd on which I'd like some advice is which tent to take.
1 man vs 2 man? - I know my gear may stay completely wet all the time, so am thinking extra space inside my tent may be welcome. Or do I just use a 1P to reduce weight?
I've discounted taking a cuben tent, or do people use them successfully, despite knowing it can still snow in summer, or pour for a whole week?
TT Scarp2 or MSR Hubba vs Hilleberg Soulo or hubby's TT Notch?

i know I'm dithering here, so I appreciate your comments.
Last edited by Onestepmore on Mon 04 Nov, 2013 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

Postby norts » Mon 04 Nov, 2013 12:03 pm

There is only one set of private huts through the Park :
All other guided tours use the group platforms. I am not sure but if you go with a guided group then you are not meant to stay in the huts( stand to be corrected on that).
I would go the 1 man tent. If the weather is really foul you can always use the huts/verandahs to cook, store extra gear. That saves weight.
At that time of the year there will be plenty of people around.
The track these days is pretty tame ie not much mud, the only wild thing these days is the weather. As the track gets better the time taken between huts is decreasing. Having said that the hills are still just as steep.
Going solo means you cant share the great scenery( that hasnt changed).
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Re: Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

Postby photohiker » Mon 04 Nov, 2013 12:26 pm

TT Notch. Definitely treat the huts as emergency shelters, especially in peak season.

I've done the OT with a guided group. It was fun. I hadn't been hiking and camping for many years, so I decided this was a good way to get back into it. Your situation sounds like you have the experience to do your own thing, you have the gear and your main reservation is the weight of food. I reckon you'll be fine.

Unless the group kit has changed, the Notch weighs less than half of a share tent. If you're mindful of your gear and weights, don't carry too many luxuries, your pack weight should not be over the top. It will get lighter the further you go too!

Plenty of people doing the OT. If you want company, it won't be far away and you won't have to share with a restless sleeper or snorer although they could still be as close as the next tent!
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Re: Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

Postby Penguin » Mon 04 Nov, 2013 1:17 pm


From you other posts I am guessing you will have no trouble with chatting to other walkers during the day at at night in the public huts. Camp out and cook in the huts or on the verandahs. Lots of great folk doing the walk. you will miss out on the fruit cake and the guides knowledge on the accompanied walks. But a bit of pre reading and talking to folk among the way will be fine with your previous walking experience. A couple of years ago my 23 y/o daughter did a partial tear of her Medial Ligament, just before Winermere while doing the OT public huts with me and her boyfriend. We did not know the extent of the damage. We had befriended a couple of woman my age on the first day. When we got into Windermere it turned out one of the women was a GP. Between her knowledge, my well stocked first aid kit and my daughters grit, we got Clare out of the park via Arm River. My point was that we got lots of help, we took a rest day at Pelion, and my daughter chatted to all sorts of people from all over the place, while Wil and I climbed Pelion East. Lots of others will have similar stories. As phothiker says, the guided walks are fantastic for people getting into hiking and who have little experience or gear. As long as you do not mmd your own company ambling along during the day, go public huts with a tent.

Dehydrator + good cook = great hiking food with not much weight. just drink vodka not chardonnay.
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Re: Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

Postby icefest » Mon 04 Nov, 2013 2:05 pm

If you limit luxuries like chairs and whatnot, you should be able to keep the initial pack weight under 15kg. (assuming 7kg total consumables; 8days@750g)

I'd have no qualms about doing the OLT alone in Feb.

If you can afford it, I've heard that huts are good, but more fun with friends.

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Re: Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

Postby corvus » Mon 04 Nov, 2013 6:20 pm

I have done the OLT many times (a bonding thing with my Son) yes take your one man tent however sleeping in the huts can be rewarding ,yes snores Take ear plugs ,farts, and smelly bodies can be the down side but the camaraderie of Overlanders you will meet more than outweigh any downside IMHO.
We first walked the OLT in mySons last year of Primary School on to his last year at Uni (we did it again in 2011 with mates off season with zero rain :D ) and we met and enjoyed the company of many from all walks of life and countries so with your obvious people skills you should have a ball in the Huts as solo tenting can be so lonely :lol:
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Re: Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

Postby MrWalker » Mon 04 Nov, 2013 7:27 pm

Onestepmore wrote:Another thing I'd on which I'd like some advice is which tent to take.
1 man vs 2 man? - I know my gear may stay completely wet all the time, so am thinking extra space inside my tent may be welcome. Or do I just use a 1P to reduce weight?

You will probably get some rain, or even snow, but it is unlikely to rain all day every day. If it does then dry your gear in the huts.
It only rains about 300 days a year there and that isn't rain all day. :lol:
The most likely weather is that it will be variable. :roll: So you should have some time to dry your gear on some days.
I would take a small light tent, unless you will feel claustrophobic in it, but even then you could hang out in the huts until it's time to go to sleep, so you're not just sitting in a tiny tent for hours waiting for the rain to stop while reading War and Peace or whatever book you decided to take. :)
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Re: Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

Postby alanoutgear » Mon 04 Nov, 2013 8:31 pm

You can stop dithering. You won't be alone on the OLT in February.

I wouldn't bother with the supported hut based walk, unless the thought of only carrying a day pack, a hot shower each night, and half a bottle of wine with dinner is too strong.

I generally take a light-ish 2 person tent on long walks even in summer (Hubba Hubba), as I appreciate the extra room if the weather turns foul, and a self supporting tent is better on the tent platforms. You can pitch your tent on the ground, but I've encountered plenty of leeches even in summer. Take some extra nylon cord to pitch your tent on the tent platforms.

I cook and dehydrate my own meals and if you are a bit inventive there's plenty of choice and they are much better than the bought selections.

You'll find that there will be quite a few walkers at the camp sites each night, and as you set off in the morning you can choose to walk with others or not.
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Re: Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

Postby Overlandman » Mon 04 Nov, 2013 9:07 pm

You will do fine Solo, Take a 1 person tent ie; Hubba, Put your pack in the hut of a night, then you will have no issues with animals trying to chew through your tent, you can cook in the hut as well (if you want too). I usually sleep in the hut if it is going to rain or snow. I havnt walked with a guided group, but I have had a few nice meals / wines with them over the years. Guides are excellent & friendly. General walkers are great as well, very interesting to see all the nationalities & the type of gear / food that they have.
Regards Overlandman
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Re: Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

Postby stry » Thu 07 Nov, 2013 10:13 am

Going by your photo, you're not geriatric :D You have walking experience, appropriate gear and seem to know what you're doing foodwise.

Go solo. One person tent. Make as much use of the huts as you feel suits you. Make your decisions on a day by day/hut by hut/snorer by snorer basis.

It will all come together. You will have a good time and meet some good people.

My personal tip - stop frequently and check out the views behind you. So easy to miss !!
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Re: Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

Postby Onestepmore » Thu 07 Nov, 2013 11:25 am

Well, I've actually gone against all the above advice, and after much umming and ahhing and doing pros and con lists, I've decided I'm going to go with a group.
I had investigated all the independant travel arrangments with planes, transfers, cabins, park and track tickets, ferry, bus, luggage storage and courier options for the rest of my gear for my Tassie visit, and eventually got all the times to fit, which is a bit of an exercise in itself
It wouldn't be problem at all if hubby was going with me, but he can't take the time off work, and I guess I just feel insecure doing a walk this long by myself - despite all your assurances lol. None of my friends wanted to go either.
Hubby basically got exasperated with me, and made me flip a coin
I'm happy with the decision
He's happy I've made a decision

So - guided group it is :wink:
And a friend rang me up last night desperate for some short term help at work next week, so that solves my reluctance about paying for the hand holding!
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Re: Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

Postby tastrax » Thu 07 Nov, 2013 12:21 pm

You will love it - enjoy the experience .... WARNING might get used to it and that will cost you lots in the long run :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

Postby stry » Thu 07 Nov, 2013 1:46 pm

I had a feeling you might go down that path (atrocious pun).

The track, the views, the weather, the experience etc. etc. will be the same whichever option you chose.

Enjoy :) :)
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Re: Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

Postby Onestepmore » Thu 07 Nov, 2013 1:50 pm

tastrax wrote:You will love it - enjoy the experience .... WARNING might get used to it and that will cost you lots in the long run :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes.....some of those do look pretty scrummy
You're v bad for showing these to me!
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Re: Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

Postby corvus » Thu 07 Nov, 2013 7:42 pm

Did you choose a Hut or Tent Based guided group ?
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Re: Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

Postby Onestepmore » Thu 07 Nov, 2013 9:41 pm

Tenting it.
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Re: Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

Postby peter-robinson » Fri 08 Nov, 2013 4:04 pm

I'm a bit late replying but for what it's worth...

I went and did the OLT with a group in March this year and loved it. The guides were great - friendly, knowledgable on plants & history etc, great cooks and made the trip fun, even for an introvert like me.

They provided the wet weather gear, tents, sleeping bags, bag liners, etc. so I only had to buy some cold weather stuff (not much need for 90% of the specialty stuff in Qld). The logistics of organising all the transport etc was something I was happy to have handled for me the first time. They even provided ear plugs but none of us needed them - maybe just lucky

Even though we camped on the group platforms, we still met lots of the people who stayed in the cabins, shared some evening meals, swam the lakes and creeks with them (take your swimming gear - the water will be cold but cleansing after a long day)

All up it was a great trip. Next time I'll probably just go it alone but the groups like this are great for a first time visit - highly recommended :-)
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Re: Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

Postby There Abouts » Wed 13 Nov, 2013 7:40 am

Coincidentally I am also planning a seven day guided trip in February 2014 on the OT&CM and came across this great forum.

Onestepmore I was wondering who you ended up booking with?, and Peter who did you go with and would you recommend them? I'm going solo and leaning towards tented accommodation with this company , although the guided tour with hut accommodation sounds tempting ( I don't particulary want to share with a stranger .

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Re: Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

Postby There Abouts » Thu 14 Nov, 2013 4:44 am

Onestepmore and Peter which companies did you use? I'm thinking of going in February 2014.
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Re: Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

Postby Onestepmore » Fri 15 Nov, 2013 9:00 am

I'm going with Wilderness Expeditions.
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Re: Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

Postby Onestepmore » Sat 18 Jan, 2014 12:32 pm

I've had to postpone/cancel due to a knee injury over Christmas in Chile
Very disappointed
Wilderness Expeditions have been great and very understanding, and I'll definitely be rebooking with them when I can
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Re: Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

Postby Nuts » Sat 18 Jan, 2014 12:43 pm

Knee injuries are so debilitating, even the loss of confidence takes extra time to heal. All the best OSM, I hope it happened after you'd seen some good bits at least!
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Re: Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

Postby whynotwalk » Fri 24 Jan, 2014 2:12 pm

Onestepmore wrote:Boohoo
I've had to postpone/cancel due to a knee injury over Christmas in Chile
Very disappointed
Wilderness Expeditions have been great and very understanding, and I'll definitely be rebooking with them when I can

Sorry to hear about the knee and the cancellation OSM. When I first read your Patagonia report I thought "she'll have no problems with the Overland Track then!"

... And when you do get to do it, I'm sure you'll be fine. Keep us informed - you might be able to team up with some locals and save your shekels!


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Re: Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

Postby peter-robinson » Fri 24 Jan, 2014 10:35 pm

There Abouts wrote:Onestepmore and Peter which companies did you use? I'm thinking of going in February 2014.

Apologies, I missed your question and I'm sure you've already booked something but for what it's worth...
I went with Tasmanian Expeditions, I think they are part of Wilderness Expeditions.
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Re: Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

Postby peter-robinson » Fri 24 Jan, 2014 10:36 pm

Onestepmore wrote:Boohoo
I've had to postpone/cancel due to a knee injury over Christmas in Chile

Oh no, I hope you recover quickly
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Re: Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

Postby There Abouts » Sat 25 Jan, 2014 10:10 am

Thanks OSM & PR, I've booked with Wilderness Expeditions for February.
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Re: Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

Postby matagi » Sat 25 Jan, 2014 11:47 am

peter-robinson wrote:
There Abouts wrote:Onestepmore and Peter which companies did you use? I'm thinking of going in February 2014.

Apologies, I missed your question and I'm sure you've already booked something but for what it's worth...
I went with Tasmanian Expeditions, I think they are part of Wilderness Expeditions.

Not quite correct. Tasmanian Expeditions is part of World Expeditions.
Wilderness Expeditions is a different organisation.
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Re: Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

Postby corvus » Sat 25 Jan, 2014 7:06 pm

matagi wrote:
peter-robinson wrote:
There Abouts wrote:Onestepmore and Peter which companies did you use? I'm thinking of going in February 2014.

Apologies, I missed your question and I'm sure you've already booked something but for what it's worth...
I went with Tasmanian Expeditions, I think they are part of Wilderness Expeditions.

Not quite correct. Tasmanian Expeditions is part of World Expeditions.
Wilderness Expeditions is a different organisation.

Wilderness Expeditions is a 100% locally owned Tasmanian company based in Devonport.
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Re: Solo vs guided group? + Which tent to take?

Postby peter-robinson » Sat 25 Jan, 2014 10:45 pm

Thanks for the correction on which group Tas ex are part of. Anyway, they were good.
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