dazintaz wrote:I think its high time that something serious is done about keeping people safe along the cradle cirque section. Perhaps someone should be stationed at Kitchen Hut? No one should pass Kitchen Hut in a pair of thongs, pair of jeans, no waterproof gear etc etc. You can place as many notice boards up all over the place as you want, but to have a more effective system somebody needs to be up there all the time.
dazintaz wrote:I think its high time that something serious is done about keeping people safe along the cradle cirque section. Perhaps someone should be stationed at Kitchen Hut? No one should pass Kitchen Hut in a pair of thongs, pair of jeans, no waterproof gear etc etc. You can place as many notice boards up all over the place as you want, but to have a more effective system somebody needs to be up there all the time.
geoskid wrote:dazintaz wrote:I think its high time that something serious is done about keeping people safe along the cradle cirque section. Perhaps someone should be stationed at Kitchen Hut? No one should pass Kitchen Hut in a pair of thongs, pair of jeans, no waterproof gear etc etc. You can place as many notice boards up all over the place as you want, but to have a more effective system somebody needs to be up there all the time.
I ,for one, don't want to be kept safe on the Overland Track. I want suitable information freely available (and it is), and to go and embark on an adventure and embrace the uncertainty of it all.
I'm with those advocating accepting personal responsibility, and the consequences.
GPSGuided wrote:Don't worry, global warming will soon end the cold weather.
icefest wrote:dazintaz wrote:I think its high time that something serious is done about keeping people safe along the cradle cirque section. Perhaps someone should be stationed at Kitchen Hut? No one should pass Kitchen Hut in a pair of thongs, pair of jeans, no waterproof gear etc etc. You can place as many notice boards up all over the place as you want, but to have a more effective system somebody needs to be up there all the time.
Is this satire or honesty? I don't wish to cause offence, I just can't tell with written text.
dazintaz wrote:I think its high time that something serious is done about keeping people safe along the cradle cirque section. Perhaps someone should be stationed at Kitchen Hut? No one should pass Kitchen Hut in a pair of thongs, pair of jeans, no waterproof gear etc etc. You can place as many notice boards up all over the place as you want, but to have a more effective system somebody needs to be up there all the time.
Parks and wildlife Tasmania are not doing enough in my opinion and I'm not even referring to the huts or track on the OT, they need to do more. Its seems they are happy to take your $200-$3300 plus parks pass use that money for art in huts but what about implementing some safety measures in the high traffic danger areas such as Cradle Cirque, they need to build and provide signage of nearest emergency huts up there. There just isn't anything up there, its crazy!
geoskid wrote:Perhaps it would help if the problem being discussed were quantified?
Does anyone have, easily at hand, some figures related to the no. of deaths on the OLT? Then one would have to try and determine which of those could reasonably be attributed to having insufficient appropriate gear (as that is what is being proposed should be checked), as opposed to other reasons.
wayno wrote:you dont need to pull someones pack to bits to have a reasonable idea if they are equipped,
hte shuttle drivers on the tongariro crossing don't.
the ill equipped ones stand out. small pack and usually street wear, often cotton.
i was in fiordland last week, it had been snowing, people over nighting in the mountain huts. all their gear fitting into day bags..., doesnt take a rocket scientist to know if they get cold or wet they are going to struggle with enough clothes to keep them warm..
tastrax wrote:You picked a small one there wayno - how about this one at Harris Saddle?
http://www.barefootwebdesigner.co.uk/wo ... e-Huts.jpg
wayno wrote:something like a great walk shelter perhaps?
South_Aussie_Hiker wrote:Several untruths in your post...Parks and wildlife Tasmania are not doing enough in my opinion and I'm not even referring to the huts or track on the OT, they need to do more. Its seems they are happy to take your $200-$3300 plus parks pass use that money for art in huts but what about implementing some safety measures in the high traffic danger areas such as Cradle Cirque, they need to build and provide signage of nearest emergency huts up there. There just isn't anything up there, its crazy!
Parks get the $200 whether you pay $200 or $3200 for a private trip. So even on a day during the booking season, when they get a full complement of 60 walkers, the most they get is $12,000 a day. Employ 6-8 rangers, employ staff at Cradle and LSC visitor centres, pay for a website, employ track workers, pay for track building materials, build new huts, maintain equipment, fly sputniks in and out by helicopter at huge expense... Your track fees and parks passes (12k/day) wouldn't go near to covering all of that.
The artwork is NOT at Bert Nichols because Parks wanted it there. It is Tasmanian government policy that ANY new public building must include art to help support the local industry. It's not Parks' fault, go and whinge to your local MP.
Having walked the OT for the third time two weeks ago, there is more information and signage online, at the visitor centres, and out on the track... Then there has ever been before.
If you want every single person's pack pulled to pieces before they go, are you prepared to pay more for your OT fee and Parks pass to cover the costs, Dazfromtaz? I'm certainly not, because I do the right thing and prepare exactly how the Parks website for the OT says. Why should I have to pay for other people's lack of preparation?
The only idea which I think is worth implementing is advertising the deaths which have occurred, although this may make it painful for families of those involved. The reality is, though, that this would only be effective if it occurred before people actually got to Cradle Mountain. Can you seriously imagine an international, non English speaking tourist, booking the OT, arriving from overseas, walking to Kitchen Hut, reading a sign, and deciding to turn back? It just won't happen. Once people commit vast amounts of time and money to something, they will always justify it in their own head so that they can continue.
1. This information needs to go out and be digested before, and not after people arrive at Cradle.
2. Parks can not be held responsible for those who choose to ignore the warnings.
3. What's next? Yellow and black hazard tape on every rock on the track?
I think Parks do a wonderful job, on a shoestring budget.
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