Tue 18 Mar, 2014 12:01 pm
Tue 18 Mar, 2014 2:40 pm
Tue 18 Mar, 2014 6:16 pm
Wed 19 Mar, 2014 4:58 am
Wed 19 Mar, 2014 8:18 am
Wed 19 Mar, 2014 8:41 am
Wed 19 Mar, 2014 8:44 am
Wed 19 Mar, 2014 8:45 am
Wed 19 Mar, 2014 8:47 am
Clusterpod wrote:
Wed 19 Mar, 2014 9:41 am
Wed 19 Mar, 2014 11:11 am
Clusterpod wrote: ...I am looking forward to hearing how they intend to do it.
Wed 19 Mar, 2014 12:25 pm
Clusterpod wrote:...I am looking forward to hearing how they intend to do it....
Wed 19 Mar, 2014 3:09 pm
Pteropus wrote:VicForests winning a court case allowing them to log mountain ash forest doesn’t necessarily mean an optimal outcome was secured for the Leadbeater’s possum. More like the status quo, with the law allowing "death by a thousand cuts". So a judge, in a courtroom, decides there is no ‘zone 1A’ Leadbeater’s possum primary habitat within a forest, and it comes down to definitions of terms such as ‘mature’ and ‘senescing’ in relation to habitat trees. The same judge decided that VicForests are not obligated by the Leadbeater’s Possum Action Statement (drafted by the Dept. Sust. Enviro.). This is part of the problem that Lindenmayer talks about, that the LBP is being managed to extinction. Even when much of what is being done is done within the law, but it doesn’t mean the forestry industry is managing the forests for good conservation outcomes, especially in regards to the LBP in this particular case.
Wed 19 Mar, 2014 3:41 pm
Wed 19 Mar, 2014 4:44 pm
Wed 19 Mar, 2014 6:09 pm
Wed 19 Mar, 2014 6:36 pm
stepbystep wrote:Nice trip into the Picton today, good to see the resource fully utilised![]()
Wed 19 Mar, 2014 7:31 pm
stepbystep wrote:Nice trip into the Picton today, good to see the resource fully utilised![]()
Wed 19 Mar, 2014 9:32 pm
Pteropus wrote:maddog, I think you really need to go and hug a tree
Wed 19 Mar, 2014 9:44 pm
geoskid wrote:The question at root , is how do you get enough individuals of a species to give a toss about the future of their species beyond their own individual life spans.(?)
Wed 19 Mar, 2014 9:49 pm
Wed 19 Mar, 2014 10:02 pm
stepbystep wrote:geoskid wrote:The question at root , is how do you get enough individuals of a species to give a toss about the future of their species beyond their own individual life spans.(?)
Because it's common sense ? Am I missing something? Who are you people(he screams into the ether)?????????
Wed 19 Mar, 2014 11:00 pm
geoskid wrote:stepbystep wrote:geoskid wrote:The question at root , is how do you get enough individuals of a species to give a toss about the future of their species beyond their own individual life spans.(?)
Because it's common sense ? Am I missing something? Who are you people(he screams into the ether)?????????
But it's not common sense SBS. Yes, I think you are missing something, and therefore getting frustrated. If you try and look at human behaviour from an evolutionary standpoint ( there is huge amounts of reading to do) it begins to fall into place. The most important thing that happens is the frustration falls away, not everyone with a different opinion is deemed stupid, and then , grasshopper(), you will be at the starting line.
I hear you SBS. Just keep reading - and there is no time for fiction if you want to be part of change.
Thu 20 Mar, 2014 8:20 am
Thu 20 Mar, 2014 8:21 am
geoskid wrote: ...C'mon Pteropus.
Why should an individual of our species care about a species of possum.
Why should an individual of our species even care.
Even if we ( as in collectively as a species took full advantage of what we collectively know ) could fully understand the mechanics of cause and effect pertaining to the ecology of the earth - we would still be faced with denial (you, know the psychological phenomena peculiar to our species)by individuals if said understandig conflicts with prior beliefs.
geoskid wrote: ...The question at root , is how do you get enough individuals of a species to give a toss about the future of their species beyond their own individual life spans. Then we get into the politics.
Thu 20 Mar, 2014 8:57 am
Nuts wrote:Clusterpod, I was asking where the banner came from, not why you posted it (that's none of my business either) .. but it's ok.
Thu 20 Mar, 2014 9:01 am
stepbystep wrote: People are unbelievably stupid.
Thu 20 Mar, 2014 9:12 am
Thu 20 Mar, 2014 9:39 am
Nuts wrote: and you'll get a wide approval for your images=conservation approach, so carry on..
Thu 20 Mar, 2014 9:40 am
Nuts wrote:Haha, so that's where they come from..
I doubt it's denial driving voters away. Issues are far more involved, even here locally. Old trees will be far from many peoples mind, but that is the world we all live in.
addendum:stepbystep wrote: People are unbelievably stupid.
Well, stupid back there, ignorant here. Rose coloured glasses or devils advocates. You seem to take maddogs first post as an assault on yours and flew blind from there. You then decided my comment was just a swipe at the greens.. (who btw were just as likely capable of loosing their own constituents without the help of Labour). Really, I am wondering if you actually try to understand what motivates people posting, or even bother to read or try to understand different points of view on the related topic. I'm not sure who maddogs huckleberry really is but nobody has actually disagreed with you about old trees.. have they.
So what is it? I doubt, being involved in media you could be naive, are you trying to string us along.. stir the pot? Is it ignorant to not accept a broader discussion? The only comments I try to ignore are the vague insults, i'll go on doing so but it does get tedious.. occasionally annoying. If you expect people to just be outraged fair enough, it's a free country. Even intelligent people can choose outrage.. But this isn't the loggers & libs forum.. bush-walkers (of all colours and abilities). Perhaps even all green voters..
anyhow.. nobody seems to want to moderate the insults for you.. and you'll get a wide approval for your images=conservation approach, so carry on..
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