north-north-west wrote:Dubberland could definitely do with some decent, well-maintained dedicated walking tracks - most of what is called walking tracks are actually old fire trails - but not if its all going to be pay-per-view, stay in the hut, make a booking sort of thing.
"Yes, sir/ma'am, you may go out into the bush to be free of civilisation, but just sign this thiry six page triplicate application form first, pay your fee, sign this waiver, accept your schedule, agree to pay the penalties if you diverge from it, and we'll see you at 9:47 am ion the 27th Feb next year . . . "
On Sunday, Ms Parker will call for the public to nominate which walks should be included in the government's ''Great Walks'' program.
Lindsay wrote:This sounds like a push by a private company to use the national parks to make a profit. I'm not sure I like the idea either.
awildland wrote:but the words and phrases used in the article make me nervous : private lodges, exclusive licence, commercially guided tours
madmacca wrote:Is it just me, or does there appear to be a large number of hiking snobs on this thread?
God forbid anything is ever done to make NP's more accessible to those who haven't spent years learning and developing backcountry skills.
Mark F wrote:As someone who was involved in the early development of Cradle Huts I don't have a particular problem with the concept but it really comes down to the details.
awildland wrote:As for potential routes, in two minds about that, as to make a world class track it is probably going to have to go through a wilderness area.
davidmorr wrote:So all accommodation should be outside the park, or in public ownership and operation if inside the park, much as the huts are in NZ parks.
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