Aussie Lamb Drums In Nanna's Gravy- Lol

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Aussie Lamb Drums In Nanna's Gravy- Lol

Postby Nuts » Mon 26 May, 2014 7:55 pm

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Re: Aussie Lamb Drums In Nanna's Gravy- Lol

Postby Lizzy » Tue 27 May, 2014 4:12 pm

Mmmm they look alright! Go on Nuts try some & give us a review :)
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Re: Aussie Lamb Drums In Nanna's Gravy- Lol

Postby Nuts » Wed 28 May, 2014 2:11 pm

Will do. Ordered a sample pack with their other meals, the price is relatively reasonable. The drums look deliciously fat-laden, maybe a treat after a few days of typical dehy grub. I'd imagine bushwalking dogs ears prick at the mention of 'bone in' :) Stand-by!
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Re: Aussie Lamb Drums In Nanna's Gravy- Lol

Postby Lizzy » Wed 28 May, 2014 3:42 pm

Yes would surprise a few people to whip out some lamb after a few days of noodles! Awaiting your review
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Re: Aussie Lamb Drums In Nanna's Gravy- Lol

Postby Giddy_up » Wed 28 May, 2014 3:50 pm

The wait for your review is positively Pavlovian.
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Re: Aussie Lamb Drums In Nanna's Gravy- Lol

Postby RonK » Wed 28 May, 2014 10:53 pm

But wait - there's more...

Red Wine & Rosemary Lamb Shanks:

Traditional Mint Gravy Lamb Shank


Veal Shank in Creamy Mushroom & Pink Peppercorn Sauce

Just need a packet of Deb with Onions...yum-oh.
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Re: Aussie Lamb Drums In Nanna's Gravy- Lol

Postby Mitchc » Thu 29 May, 2014 3:11 am

How are they prepared? They look delicious...
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Re: Aussie Lamb Drums In Nanna's Gravy- Lol

Postby walkerchris77 » Thu 29 May, 2014 9:06 am

No more taking the wife out for dinner. Yea.
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Re: Aussie Lamb Drums In Nanna's Gravy- Lol

Postby walkerchris77 » Thu 29 May, 2014 9:08 am

Could be like maccas and hungry jack and look nothing like the picture.
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Re: Aussie Lamb Drums In Nanna's Gravy- Lol

Postby Nuts » Wed 11 Jun, 2014 8:05 am

Screen Shot 2014-06-11 at 7.59.15 AM.png

No review yet. I should say that the most obvious constraint (for anyone thinking of buying) is that the various (three) shanks wont be fitting in your UL pot.
Nice photos Ron, i'm sure the shanks are bigger than they look, a pleasant surprise..

My first thought, probably before ordering, was that (besides the obvious convenience) I can't see how the shelf life is different to such meals home cooked, vac sealed, reheated.
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Re: Aussie Lamb Drums In Nanna's Gravy- Lol

Postby GPSGuided » Wed 11 Jun, 2014 8:20 am

With bones = Traditional. Without bones = UL.
Just move it!
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Re: Aussie Lamb Drums In Nanna's Gravy- Lol

Postby Nuts » Wed 11 Jun, 2014 8:29 am

I guess they could be eaten cold. Could whittle some bone tent pegs : )
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Re: Aussie Lamb Drums In Nanna's Gravy- Lol

Postby Mark F » Wed 11 Jun, 2014 9:00 am

They look ideal for food drops on the AAWT - 1st meal then back to mush. Slip a cheap pan into the drop to cook them in and leave it to be picked up with the rubbish and container after the walk.
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Re: Aussie Lamb Drums In Nanna's Gravy- Lol

Postby walkon » Wed 11 Jun, 2014 2:39 pm

Mark F wrote:They look ideal for food drops on the AAWT - 1st meal then back to mush. Slip a cheap pan into the drop to cook them in and leave it to be picked up with the rubbish and container after the walk.

Scary, I had the same thought
Cheers Walkon

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Re: Aussie Lamb Drums In Nanna's Gravy- Lol

Postby walkerchris77 » Wed 11 Jun, 2014 2:55 pm

Used to work in a restaurant where we had these. Put them in the microwave for 8 mins then on some herb mash and I think they paid $21 . I guess out bush you could drop the bag in some boiling water and heat them up.
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Re: Aussie Lamb Drums In Nanna's Gravy- Lol

Postby Nuts » Wed 11 Jun, 2014 3:00 pm

Good markup I guess, they all cost $10/$12 each pack. I'd never heard of them until recently there may be others around/

Me too Mark, a long way from AAWT though. The drums packet would fold in half and fit a smallish pot. Some of their other meals (ie meatballs) 'feel' interesting. It will be at least a few weeks to test them. Meanwhile, anyone else.. who couldn't resist.. feel free to add a review.
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Re: Aussie Lamb Drums In Nanna's Gravy- Lol

Postby Lizzy » Wed 11 Jun, 2014 3:29 pm

I decided to try Strive for my upcoming walk on the Jatbula- these seem a bit decadent (+ heavier of course). Still interested to hear how they go. A nice special treat perhaps
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Re: Aussie Lamb Drums In Nanna's Gravy- Lol

Postby walkon » Wed 11 Jun, 2014 4:32 pm

After reading this thread last night I went out and bought some shanks, in the slow cooker now smells delicious. I might have had a little taste test and can't wait
Cheers Walkon

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Re: Aussie Lamb Drums In Nanna's Gravy- Lol

Postby ofuros » Tue 17 Jun, 2014 2:01 pm

I've tried the shanks & the drums so far...pleasantly surprised,
plenty o' tasty sauce & the meat just falls off the bone, all you need is a bed of
minute rice or powdered spuds for filling overnight meal.
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Re: Aussie Lamb Drums In Nanna's Gravy- Lol

Postby walkon » Tue 17 Jun, 2014 3:19 pm

Sold, now I'm off to order some
Cheers Walkon

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Re: Aussie Lamb Drums In Nanna's Gravy- Lol

Postby walk2wineries » Wed 18 Jun, 2014 10:39 pm

I found something very like that for about $6 in the RitePrice chain of grocery stores but I'm not sure about the brand. - I know SA and I think Victoria have them, not sure about other places. Often have odd things. My recollection was that the veal was very nice, would like to try the other lamb flavours but the one with Mint gravy was really far too sweet. Recommend instant cous cous for a fast meal.....
Rite price have some near date items (which is how I like my soft cheeses!) and stuff from overseas - nice cookies, long life canned dips and things good for car camping. And marked down stuff is a good way to try things, you can bin them ifyou don't like them! if you do like sports drinks, usually good place to try - I mean, use-by dates or not, those things don't go off do they?
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Re: Aussie Lamb Drums In Nanna's Gravy- Lol

Postby walk2wineries » Tue 01 Jul, 2014 9:40 pm

Goodness. There were some in the supermarket - in the refrigerated meat section, but when you read the labelling it says "cool dry place' - ie doesn't need a fridge. They were only about $7 apeice - I didn't try 'cos they were mint sauce. But if you want to try, search the supermarkets - I think that one was Foodlands - rather than expensve camping or online stores.
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Re: Aussie Lamb Drums In Nanna's Gravy- Lol

Postby Nuts » Wed 09 Jul, 2014 1:55 pm

Be great to list these options, who the manufactures are.. I like what i'm seeing of this small company. The attempt to explain weight savings were endearing, 'home grown'.

Happy to report that the drums were pretty *&%$#! nice :) Pull these out after a few dehy days and there's no pressing need to come home!
I found the meat tender and the sauce nice (not as greasy or overdone as could be expected) the photos above pretty much spell it out.
The drums are the only meat option that will fit in a small pot, 1.3L works (MSR exo) to get the whole bag in there (ie. boil in the bag). You'll also need the full 20mins or so boiling time.
I'd say two drums each for the average (bushwalking) appetite!

Haven't tried the meatballs or chicken casserole yet, standby! :wink:
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Re: Aussie Lamb Drums In Nanna's Gravy- Lol

Postby Nuts » Wed 23 Jul, 2014 10:20 am

hmmm, might de-rate these (Lamb/Gravy) a bit. Iv'e now had them 3 times and.. i'd suggest much less gravy. Might be nice over a couple of vegie meals but its a large puddle for one.
Less Gravy.. and they are indeed a bit too oily, i might have missed the fact being so ravenous for the first round. Really, they are also so tender the bone could be popped out.. at 150-200g's, just lamb these sorts of meals would be a winner (for those carnivores that walk amongst us).

Make a meal pack with a bag of dried spud and beans..? actually opening the pouch and adding vegies, carrots, beans etc and spud at the end might work.. cook-in-bag style... Won't 'look' gourmet but that thought wouldn't cross ones mind until the dish was licked.
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Re: Aussie Lamb Drums In Nanna's Gravy- Lol

Postby ofuros » Mon 28 Jul, 2014 6:47 pm

Way to heavy for longer trips, but they're a nice treat on a overnight or weekend trip.
They're a tight squeeze in a 500ml pot, but do-able.....better off to de-bone first though. :wink:

I think Nut's has overdosed on Nana's Drums.....time to try something else. :)

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Re: Aussie Lamb Drums In Nanna's Gravy- Lol

Postby walkerchris77 » Mon 29 Sep, 2014 5:22 pm

Lovely clear pics there ofuros.
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Re: Aussie Lamb Drums In Nanna's Gravy- Lol

Postby Nuts » Mon 29 Sep, 2014 6:55 pm

I do seem to have ended up with a lot of lamb drums lol :roll:

Fed them to 8 hungry trekkies back in August. Days later they were raving about the meal, not the drums but how good fresh cabbage tastes..!
(think i'll try sauerkraut next..)

A lamb drum in a 500ml pot.. on a metho burner!! haha, impressive! Must also be a first for minimalist gourmet..
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