Be great to list these options, who the manufactures are.. I like what i'm seeing of this small company. The attempt to explain weight savings were endearing, 'home grown'.
Happy to report that the drums were pretty *&%$#! nice

Pull these out after a few dehy days and there's no pressing need to come home!
I found the meat tender and the sauce nice (not as greasy or overdone as could be expected) the photos above pretty much spell it out.
The drums are the only meat option that will fit in a small pot, 1.3L works (MSR exo) to get the whole bag in there (ie. boil in the bag). You'll also need the full 20mins or so boiling time.
I'd say two drums each for the average (bushwalking) appetite!
Haven't tried the meatballs or chicken casserole yet, standby!