Just had a great few days bushwalking around Cradle Mountain. I've lived in Tas all my life but that was my first ever trip to CM - it's a bit embarrassing to admit it!
Anyway I was hoping one of you may be able to tell me how close my wife and I came to the summit of Cradle Mountain from this picture. Sorry it was the only one I was able to snap at the time as my hands weren't working very well from the cold. We'd arrived at Kitchen Hut quite keen to attempt the summit even though there was a small amount of low cloud obscuring the top. We both agreed that we would head back down if the conditions weren't favourable approaching the summit. Anyway approaching the top the low cloud became more dense and the wind was picking up and it was becoming very cold. I think we very sensibly decided to head back down just after I took the picture - that's my wife leaning against the rocks. There is obviously a higher spot looming through the cloud. I've googled some summit pictures and it appears there may be a small saddle before a final ascent? My guess is we may have been 20-50 metres from the top...
Thanks in advance!