I am a member of Friend of Royal. For those who haven't heard of us, we are essentially a group of people who have an interest in the Royal Area (Royal NP, Heathcote NP and Garawarra SRA), and would like to benefit the visitors experience in the Parks. We have a website - http://friendsofroyal.org.au/ - which you can check out for more information on what we are about, and what we do.
There are three quick things I would like to mention that people here might be interested in:
1. A newly published book by one of our members, Judith Carrick, entitled "History of Royal National Park 1879-2013". It is the only available detailed history book on the area, and the depth of investigation within the book is top notch. It also address many question that have been left unanswered on this forum! It's available from the Royal NP visitors centre for $35, or through our website here - http://friendsofroyal.org.au/shop/histo ... 79-2013-2/ - shipped for $40.
2. We are running our second seminar, entitled "Invasions into Royal National Park", to be held 20th July, 1-5pm. Cost is $30 and seating is limited. See the flyer below for more information (sorry about the poor photo I took). Books can be completed through the website here - http://friendsofroyal.org.au/shop/invas ... l-seminar/ or through the contact details on the flyer.
3. Finally, if you are interested in what we do, and would like to get involved, feel free to come along to one of our meeting. They are held every two months, and are a perfect opportunity to become a Friend of Royal.
I'm not promoting these things because I've been asked to do so. I am doing so just because I think it's great to be able to learn more about the area I bushwalk in, and I think it is a fantastic way to get involve with benefiting the park.