Yeh I started doing some readin on sleeping bags last night when I couldn't get to sleep... Just to get my brain going and make it harder to sleep!
I think when and if I buy new, quilt will be a good choice for me, I'm looking at weight.
I also plan on getting an exped downmat 9M or 7M (which I already posted an add for) my research led me to them when I had to get my gf something for her bday last week and the mat is ace! But to make up for the 400g extra on sleeping comfort something else needs to go. I'll get another new one for myself if someone doesn't offer me one second hand on my other add.
I wouldn't mind an exped 5 airmat for summer too.
The jannu I bought off danny arived today so I'm super stoked about that! Going to go have a play in it soon
But basically thought I'll see what people might offer me 2nd hand, won't be hard to improve on the Denali! That way I'm saving abit of money for now since I also have to get the mat, a new pack and a beacon and a whole list of stuff.
And just bought a good tent.
At the moment I only have good lightweight summer gear.
It's cold now and I still want to adventure so need to make changes ASAP before half a year passes and I've missed months of walking
So someone have a nice cheap gift for me that's good. I can't say no to a bargain!