Overlandman wrote:A new message has appeared in red.
The Webcam is currently offline. We will hopefully have it working again soon.
The same message is still there 8 months on

, there is no mention of this being rectified,
It would be nice if it is up & running by winter.
Maybe the Anglers Alliance Tasmania should stock Dove Lake with nice big trout & then we may get a decent webcam.
From ABC News
http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-02-01/n ... ection=tasAnglers in Tasmania are taking advantage of the internet to check the conditions at their favourite fly-fishing spots around the state.
The first documented instance of flyfishing in Tasmanian occurred more than 150 years ago and the sport has grown ever since.
Every season Tasmania's Central Highlands sees hundreds of keen fishermen chasing a big catch.
Gary France from Anglers Alliance Tasmania (AAT) said people would always check the weather conditions before heading out and now the was a far more accurate way to check.
He said the alliance had just brought its ninth webcam to broadcast fishing conditions online.
"Six or seven years ago, our first camera went in at Arthurs Lake," he said.
"You can even see fish moving around on some of the camera shots."
Denis Edwards from the AAT said it had been more popular than he expected, with about 7,200 hits on average per month for the past 12 months.
Most of people who checked the cameras were from Tasmania but there was a growing number from the US, UK and even Brazil.
"I can't get my head around that one so maybe they are great travellers, but I haven't seen many [Brazilian tourists] up here around the lakes, I must say," Mr Edwards said.
He said the AAT was trying to find the money to broadcast another lake live online.
"We're looking at Lake St Clare [in Tasmania's Central Highlands] for number 10," he said.
Mr Edwards said he believed finding sponsorship would be an option, with the website recording abut 300 unique views every day.
But he said getting the pictures from some of Tasmania's most isolated locations was not easy.
"It's where you can get a signal basically, so you need a 3G signal," he said.
"If you don't have that, you don't have a webcam."
Each camera is powered by solar panels and costs about $30,000.
Tourism lecturer Tommy Wong said it was a small investment for something that could revolutionise the wider tourism market.
"Those webcams provide some background information, background stories about the place and what are the attractions," he said.
Mr France said he could only see the AAT building on the technology as it grew in popularity.
"As the information becomes more and more available and more useful, it's preparing people down here for their holiday, perhaps," he said.