I didn't know that this existed. I visited today and uploaded a video. It is well worth visiting.
http://youtu.be/k-JN7Gd4pMo?list=UUYeTu ... THKCcUyv1A
MickyB wrote:Good stuff David. I didn't know that this existed either. If you are interested there is another forest of Sequoia sempervirens not too far from Hopetoun Falls in the Otways (Beech Forest area) which was planted in 1938. I haven't been there myself but have heard it's a magical place.
icefest wrote:MickyB wrote:Good stuff David. I didn't know that this existed either. If you are interested there is another forest of Sequoia sempervirens not too far from Hopetoun Falls in the Otways (Beech Forest area) which was planted in 1938. I haven't been there myself but have heard it's a magical place.
That one is very prettyful. It's just a pity there's no waterfalls nearby.
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