Day trip to OLT huts...

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Day trip to OLT huts...

Postby Aztec » Tue 09 Sep, 2014 12:57 pm

Hi Guys,
I'm getting my daughter pretty excited about going bushwalking with me - she's only 11, and wants to do the OLT at some stage very soon... :shock:

As preparation, I wouldn't mind taking her on some small but challenging 2/3/4 day walks (walk in, stay the night, explore, walk out) - we've already done Cynthia Bay to Narcissus Hut, and we're about to do Pine Valley in a month...

I've heard you can walk in to New Pelion hut from the Arm River carpark - is that suitable? Can you get to any of the other huts without needing to start at Cradle? Scott Kilvert Hut maybe?

Any thoughts appreciated!

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Re: Day trip to OLT huts...

Postby DanShell » Tue 09 Sep, 2014 1:07 pm

Scott-Kilvert is a nice easy enough walk and is quite sheltered down where the hut is.

We were up there last weekend :)
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Re: Day trip to OLT huts...

Postby Aztec » Tue 09 Sep, 2014 1:16 pm

Brillo! Thanks...
Being a Hobartian, I'll need to get away early to get up there and not waste too much time...

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Re: Day trip to OLT huts...

Postby DanShell » Tue 09 Sep, 2014 1:21 pm

Aztec wrote:Brillo! Thanks...
Being a Hobartian, I'll need to get away early to get up there and not waste too much time...

Its only really 3 to 4 hours tops taking it easy to get from the car park to the Hut. But yeh allow an hour to grab your bus pass and catch the bus down to the car park.
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Re: Day trip to OLT huts...

Postby Aztec » Tue 09 Sep, 2014 2:27 pm

I've been to Cradle before a few years back (attempted to get to SK but knee gave out half way up), but didn't know about the bus? I just parked up the top.. is the bus better?

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Re: Day trip to OLT huts...

Postby corvus » Tue 09 Sep, 2014 8:22 pm

Aztec wrote:Brillo! Thanks...
Being a Hobartian, I'll need to get away early to get up there and not waste too much time...

Why not head up Friday night and stay at Waldheim Cabins ,would make your trip so much easier,I would not personally endorse a 4 hour drive from Hobart then the walk into SK just too big an ask IMH.
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Re: Day trip to OLT huts...

Postby MrWalker » Tue 09 Sep, 2014 9:07 pm

Aztec wrote:I've heard you can walk in to New Pelion hut from the Arm River carpark - is that suitable?

I walked from the Arm River carpark to Pelion Hut and back as a day trip with my boys when they were about 15. Your daughter should be able to handle it as a two day trip. Maybe stay 2 nights at Pelion Hut and get up to Pelion Gap.
The first section out of Arm River is very steep but after that it is a pleasant walk.
However, it will take you a while to get there, since the road is rough, so you might want to stay at Mole Creek.
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Re: Day trip to OLT huts...

Postby Tortoise » Tue 09 Sep, 2014 9:40 pm

Aztec wrote:I've been to Cradle before a few years back (attempted to get to SK but knee gave out half way up), but didn't know about the bus? I just parked up the top.. is the bus better?

The shuttle bus from the transit/info centre (where the airstrip used to be) is something I avoid if at all possible, so that there's no restriction on getting back to the Dove Lake carpark before the last bus. If there is 'too much traffic' or some such (a mysterious calculation that doesn't match available parking spaces or number of cars on the road), the boom gate at the old visitor's centre (now 'interpretation centre' I think) won't let you through. :(

Early or late, shouldn't be a problem hopefully, and you can park at Dove Lake. Cheaper than the Waldheim cabins the night before you start, is the camp ground (discovery park). Ask re the 'alpine huts' if you want a cheaper option than backpackers,and want to start with a dry, packed tent.
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