Psalm Rock

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Psalm Rock

Postby canary » Mon 20 Oct, 2014 10:09 am

I helped lead a group of Scouts from Woodford, down The Oaks Fire Trail, St Helena's Ridge, Bunyan Lookout to camp under Martin's Lookout.

Once we had set up camp a few of us went to find this intersting object. We searched up to about 150 metres down the Martin's Lookout side of the creekbank but had no luck.

Anyone have more information, to make finding it easier next time?

We came out Magdala Creek Track after a really pleasant walk. A great weekend.
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Re: Psalm Rock

Postby jonnosan » Thu 23 Oct, 2014 8:22 pm

It's on the Martins Lookout side of the creek, maybe 10m back from where the unnamed creek comes in from the north. If you are coming from Martins Lookout, go all the way down to the creek, cross over the creek and go through the stony area as if you were taking Kings Link track up to Bunyan but when the Kings Link track starts to go up the hill, lookout for a faint pad that continues on flat and takes you back to the creek bank in an open clearing. Follow that downstream till you see an easy place to hop across the creek again (the last easy crossing before a big deep pool where the side creek comes in). Once you are back across, head downstream another 10 metres or so, and look for a flatish rockface which has the carving in it. The carving is getting faded and can be quite hard to see.
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