It's a bit of a drive from Currawong to Lagoon Pinch and the Corker Trail up to Carey's peak. Might be worth it. Awesome view from Carey's peak but you do need the reward of that after the long climb up the Corker.
The Corker is a great trail if you like hills. Either that or Williams River picnic area up to Rocky Crossing return. That's a lot flatter than the Corker. There's some okay info on the area on the NPWS website.
The Mountaineer-Glowang Trail might be easier to get too from where you will camp. I did an overnighter up to Gloucester falls a few years ago from the top of the Wangat Rd and I cannot say it was a great walk. Okay but not great. Not a lot of views and the track is pretty steep and up and down the whole way. That walk I'm 99% sure is a part of the Tops to Myall Heritage Trail. You might find some better information if you target your search around that a little. ... il/walking