Australian Alps Walking Track

A forum for discussing the Australian Alps Walking Track. This is a 655 km long track from Walhalla (Vic) to Tharwa (ACT)

Australian Alps Walking Track

Postby jjoz58 » Fri 31 Jan, 2014 3:39 pm

Hi everyone - We are starting to plan doing the entire walk probably whole November - Mid December.
I have a big question for anyone that has been over the walk at this time of year.
Water availability? Is there a need to cache water?
As we will be mainly using freeze dried meals, except for the food cache days, water is the main concern.

I walked part of the track from Thredbo to Kiandra, with the army at that time of year, and water was no problem on that leg. I am mainly interested in the Wallhalla to Thredbo leg.

All help is greatly appreciated. JJ
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Re: Australian Alps Walking Track

Postby Mark F » Fri 31 Jan, 2014 9:49 pm

Most of the water issues are between Walhalla and Hotham and it really depends on the season as to the severity of the problem. November- early December water availability is likely to be quite high but do some checking just before you put in your drops.

North of Hotham it can be useful to stash 2 - 4 litres in your drops often just to save a half day carry or to allow you to camp close to a drop.
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Re: Australian Alps Walking Track

Postby rocketrm2 » Thu 06 Feb, 2014 4:10 pm

Did a little bit of the trail, 27th Jan 2014, Mt Clear to the Bluff hut etc, got water at foot of Mt clear, Chesters Yard plenty of tasty fresh flowing water, 2 more water sources b4 turning off to Bluff hut. some alpine ponds around Mt Lovick. Glad I had my Steripen.
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Re: Australian Alps Walking Track

Postby Samma3l » Fri 14 Mar, 2014 5:51 pm

Hey guys. Im on the AAWT right now. Camped at Mt Speculation. Can someone confirm whether the tank at Barry Saddle still works. I know that Barry Mountains doesn't but want to make sure theres no mix up! Thanks
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Re: Australian Alps Walking Track

Postby silicon » Fri 14 Mar, 2014 8:44 pm

Samma3l wrote:Hey guys. Im on the AAWT right now. Camped at Mt Speculation. Can someone confirm whether the tank at Barry Saddle still works. I know that Barry Mountains doesn't but want to make sure theres no mix up! Thanks

John Belanger was there on 16/2/14 and confirms water is in the tank but had some swimmers... ... track.html
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Re: Australian Alps Walking Track

Postby olderwalker » Sun 01 Jun, 2014 8:18 pm

I did the AAWT in NOv/DEC 2013, no problems with water anywhere then.. there is a new water tank at East Riley rd, just 50 ms up the track towards Barry Saddle. However, I walked around Howitt/Mt Magdala in late March, there was scant water at Mcallister Springs and No water at the saddle between Big Hill and Mt Magdala.
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Re: Australian Alps Walking Track

Postby walkon » Sun 01 Jun, 2014 9:21 pm

How many climbing bits are on the AAWT like the crosscut saw viking area. As I had talked the missus into doing this trip until she saw some pics and overheard me talking about this section, now she isn't keen on the idea if its like that.
Cheers Walkon

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Re: Australian Alps Walking Track

Postby north-north-west » Tue 03 Jun, 2014 10:11 am

walkon wrote:How many climbing bits are on the AAWT like the crosscut saw viking area. As I had talked the missus into doing this trip until she saw some pics and overheard me talking about this section, now she isn't keen on the idea if its like that.

Crosscut/Viking is probably the hardest and roughest stretch of the whole thing - and also one of the most photogenic. It's a brilliant bit of country and the sections on either side are fairly easy so you can rest up before and after.
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Re: Australian Alps Walking Track

Postby walkon » Tue 03 Jun, 2014 4:32 pm

Thanks nnw, certainly agree it is a photogenic part of the world.
Cheers Walkon

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Re: Australian Alps Walking Track

Postby Eljimberino » Wed 02 Jul, 2014 7:50 pm

Hi. I am interested in this walk. Rather than start a new thread I thought to write here. Where is the best place to express interest to join a group? I'm from WA. Thank you

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Re: Australian Alps Walking Track

Postby trekking4autism » Mon 08 Sep, 2014 5:30 pm

HI Mate. I am planning on doing the trek leaving in December (Waiting for the majority of the snows to melt). But I am doing it to raise money and awareness for Autism.

If you would like someone to tag alone with you for company and help raise awareness for Autism then let me know. Check out my website.

I look forward to hearing from you

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Re: Australian Alps Walking Track

Postby smokeyhunter » Mon 10 Nov, 2014 7:55 pm

Samma3l wrote:Hey guys. Im on the AAWT right now. Camped at Mt Speculation. Can someone confirm whether the tank at Barry Saddle still works. I know that Barry Mountains doesn't but want to make sure theres no mix up! Thanks

Hi Samma, does that mean you got phone reception at Mt Spec? I've got less than two weeks before starting at Walhalla and was considering taking my phone...
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Re: Australian Alps Walking Track

Postby Drummo62 » Tue 11 Nov, 2014 12:37 pm

Hi Smokey - I can confirm that you can usually get phone reception on the Crosscut saw, Mt Spec, and the Viking.
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Re: Australian Alps Walking Track

Postby walkon » Tue 11 Nov, 2014 1:47 pm

smokeyhunter wrote:
Samma3l wrote:Hey guys. Im on the AAWT right now. Camped at Mt Speculation. Can someone confirm whether the tank at Barry Saddle still works. I know that Barry Mountains doesn't but want to make sure theres no mix up! Thanks

Hi Samma, does that mean you got phone reception at Mt Spec? I've got less than two weeks before starting at Walhalla and was considering taking my phone...

On top of most of the big Hills from baw baw to bogong you get reception to varying degrees. Usually if you can see a ski resort or the Plains off the divide you'll get reception.
Cheers Walkon

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Re: Australian Alps Walking Track

Postby madmacca » Sun 16 Nov, 2014 10:51 am

From Mt McDonald round to Spec is all within line of sight to Mt Buller, and you can get a signal even on 2G (which is limited to about 16 km from the base station). With 3G, the distances are much further, so long as you have line-of-sight, so many high peaks will still have coverage even if a considerable distance away from the nearest base station. Check your network provider's website for coverage maps, although pretty much all the networks have base stations at the major ski resorts. Baw Baw, Buller, Hotham, Falls, Thredbo, Mt Selwyn all provide coverage for a decent chunk of the trail. The biggest dark zone is probably Mt Wills round to Thredbo, although it's worth pulling out your phone and giving it a shot on Johnnies Top and Mt Misery.

Definitely worth taking a phone (although should be on airplane mode or turned off most of the time), as it can really chew the battery hunting for a (non-existent) signal when down in a valley. Having a phone will allow you to check weather forecasts (take a look at the Bureau of Meterology Australian Alps weather), and in an emergency, a phone (provided you have signal) can provide more information than an EPIRB.
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Re: Australian Alps Walking Track

Postby Mark F » Sun 16 Nov, 2014 11:42 am

You won't get any phone reception from much past Schlink Pass to Tharwa unless you are climbing peaks apart from near Mt Selwyn and maybe on the descent from Mount Tennant but you are only 40 minutes from finishing at this point.
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Re: Australian Alps Walking Track

Postby smokeyhunter » Wed 26 Nov, 2014 10:18 am

Hi all, thanks for your replies. I bought a Power Monkey Extreme solar charger so we could charge our cameras and phones.

I was meant to leave on Nov 22nd but as life has it, I needed emergency knee surgery a couple of weeks ago on a locked meniscus. The rest of the group is on the track as I type so I am hoping for a speedy recovery to join as soon as I can. Two years of planning and getting excited only to be dashed before I could start. I hope to join at Hotham in two weeks time.

Finally, does anyone know about Gill Creek campsite after Sunnyside and before Taylors Crossing? Chapman says it is not the best campsite and fairly small (and other blogs speak of it being leech infested) but we will be camping at Mt Wills and there doesn't seem to be another option after a day's walk. Any recommendations on what to do here?

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Re: Australian Alps Walking Track

Postby silicon » Wed 26 Nov, 2014 1:40 pm

I wouldn't call Gill Creek a suitable campsite at all. It is basically a tiny bit of flat ground right on\beside Gill Creek, no grass, lots of trees and scrubby. I would put tabs on it being a leech\mozzie infested hell hole with the right weather. If you were desperate; I would call it suitable.

You could camp on the side of one of the 4WD tracks high on the ranges after the ascent from Gill Creek heading towards Taylor's Crossing. You would pick up water from Gill Creek for this. Both times I have done the section I pushed from Mt Wills through to Taylor's. It is a long day.
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Re: Australian Alps Walking Track

Postby madmacca » Wed 26 Nov, 2014 1:59 pm

Bummer about the knee.

I was there in Jan this year, Gill is about your only option for water between Mt Wills and when you drop down into the Mita valley, although as silicon said, you could haul water up to the ridgelines above.

The Gill valley is pretty narrow, and there is very little flat space available, although the campsite does appear to have been recently cleared. You could probably get 3-4 tents there in a squeeze (ie. with overlapping guy ropes). I didn't notice any leeches, although I given the wet nature of the forest, I wouldn't be surprised. Even if it is leechy, just keep your gaiters on.

As a solo walked, I personally liked the campsite - small and intimate, heavy forest around, the sound of flowing water right by. Although with so little flat space, finding a place to take a dump without contaminating the creek is a challenge.

With the charger, it is fairly easy to keep your phones/cameras charged to 50-60%. Taking it from 80% to 100% takes more energy, so try to avoid doing that from the Power Monkey.
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Re: Australian Alps Walking Track

Postby smokeyhunter » Thu 27 Nov, 2014 2:16 pm

Great advice. We will have three tents so we may try and push on to Taylors Crossing but as you said Silicon, it will be a big day. I guess we will assess in the morning at Mt Wills and keep an eye out for 4wd tracks.

Madmacca, I will keep in mind about charging with the Power Monkey. I have a smartphone which every time I turn it on it wants to update and download so I will have to turn all that off otherwise it will churn through the battery.

Got a text from the hikers today from Mt Victor and they are all happy and I will see them this weekend at Rumpff Saddle for their first food and water drop. Then if my knee is feeling okay I will start walking from Selwyn Creek Road on Monday 8th Dec which will be 4 weeks from surgery. Glad I invested in new lightweight gear and now have my pack down to 16/17kg (it used to be 26kg++) which is a third of my weight. Not sure I can go much lighter considering how much water I will have to carry.

Cheers all
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