the great ocean walk

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the great ocean walk

Postby renchui » Thu 27 Nov, 2014 5:19 pm

I am going to do this next week.

Just dont know
1. where can i leave my car for 4 days and make sure it will be intact? I wanna park it in 12 apostles carpark or prince town , is it safe?
2. Cos I wanna storm through the track , i dont know if it is ok that I camp on the track wherever I finish the day?
3. do you guys know any transport from 12 apostles to cape otway?
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Re: the great ocean walk

Postby MartyGwynne » Fri 28 Nov, 2014 10:41 pm

I left my car at Princetown no problems.
It would be best to camp at designated camp sites as there are not many spots to camp otherwise.
You can walk the last couple of days easy in one hit if you don't walk the beach side ( it was high tide for me and the weather was about to turn bad so I pushed on).
Transport back to Cape otway is expensive if by yourself, try hitching if you can, there may be a bus but to their timetable.
I got dropped off, or rather dropped my car off then friend drove me to appolo bay then I started the walk.
Try gumtree as there are a lot of backpackers going there you may be able to scam a ride.
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Re: the great ocean walk

Postby madmacca » Fri 28 Nov, 2014 11:15 pm

There really aren't that many flat open spaces that aren't campsites anyway. But campsites are generally fairly close together, so you can generally go through 2 per day without too much struggle. You are supposed to camp at established campsites only (and with a permit), to limit damage to fragile dunes and grasses. Up to you as to whether you think you will encounter a ranger or not.

Vline have a scheduled bus that runs back from 12 Apostles/Princetown to Apollo Bay at a pretty reasonable price, but you would have to get a lift from the GOR down to Cape Otway if that's where you are leaving your car.
Phyllocladus aspleniifolius
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Re: the great ocean walk

Postby dplanet » Sat 29 Nov, 2014 8:58 am

It costs from $27,00 to $30.00 per night to camp at a hike-in tentsite.
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Re: the great ocean walk

Postby Eremophila » Sat 29 Nov, 2014 9:41 am

I left my car at 12 Apostles car park for 2 nights recently with no problem. The shuttle operator seemed to think it was fine. Princetown Reserve was also quite busy with campers when I passed through, couldn't see any probs leaving a vehicle there. Note: the reserve toilets are NOT open to the public as the map seems to indicate :roll: is a great link, download their FAQ's which has plenty of good info.
Campsites were $30/night for online booking. If everyone camped along the track it would be trashed in no time.
GOW Shuttle was good service, not cheap for 1 person but if you book far enough ahead you may be able to link with an existing booking.
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