wild dogs in the dargo omeo area

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wild dogs in the dargo omeo area

Postby hoss » Sat 06 Dec, 2014 9:33 am

hey all im planning to take a couple of weeks off in march strap on the pack and escape society for a bit (well big towns anyway) My plan was to walk from briagolong to omeo via dargo on main tracks like freestone creek and birregun road with the odd day trips into the scrub.Im a keen walker and 4x4 er and dont have many fears in the hills except for wild dogs! Ive spent a fair bit of time between briag and dargo and havent seen any dogs but ive been told by a few hunters that they have seen a few.I did a bit of google reasearch of wild dogs in the vic high country and there seems to be a huge problem with them in the omeo area, an area i havent spent a lot of time in.Anyway as im solo and will have a hunting knife as my only protection am i over concerned about dogs jumping out of the bush to eat me or is this something to think about? IM very excited about this trip as ive never really don a solo before but the dogs are playing on my mind a bit.I did also plan to take my dog with me too but as she is a little jack russell i wory she will make a nice snack for them and bring them out! any advice and experience of dogs in these areas would be great cheers
Nothofagus cunninghamii
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Re: wild dogs in the dargo omeo area

Postby chops38 » Wed 10 Dec, 2014 9:14 am

Hi Hoss,
I have hunted in the area around Dargo and have not seen dogs personally, but that's not to say there are not any (there are plenty). There are dogs right throughout the High Country, and in pretty good numbers. I have found them in higher numbers on fringe country though.

All encounters I have had have resulted in dogs retreating very quickly, them seem to be vary wary of humans. HOWEVER there is a thought amungst some hunters that as the dogs are becoming higher in numbers they are becoming more aggressive.....time will tell, but some people feel it's only a matter of time before an attack occurs.

Personally if I was walking alone and without a rifle I would have a good sized knife on my belt at all times....but that's just me. Others on here will tell you they've spent 1000's of hours solo in the bush without any issue. I'd just have it there as peace of mind so as I could enjoy the walk more.

I'd take my dog, I love the company of having my dog in the bush with me where permitted. However there is no way she ever comes during summer, far too many snakes around (especially with your jack russell that like to take on the snakes). March is touch and go as to if it's safe yet as I've still seen snakes out as late as the end of March.

This is actually an interesting topic, I'd be keen to hear from those who only ever walk as to if they've had any encounters???? Or do hunters come across them more as they're generally in more remote 'off track' areas and going much slower and quieter?
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Re: wild dogs in the dargo omeo area

Postby hoss » Wed 10 Dec, 2014 11:07 am

Thanks chops i feel a bit safer now haha. The others ive spoken too have said the same thing that the dogs are quick to take off and have only seen one or two at a time.My old man actually had one come up to him and a mate and pinch their sandwitch crust they chucked for the birds then took off again.Ive put a bit mor thought in bout when i leave and thinking more april now as we still have pretty hot weather in march and even though my dog hasn't seen a snake before im sure she would be right on one if she did.Anyway a bit more planing yet but vert excited
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Re: wild dogs in the dargo omeo area

Postby stry » Wed 10 Dec, 2014 1:08 pm

I've never been confronted by dogs, although there are reliable accounts of others who have.

I have been followed, shadowed if you like, by dogs. A little unsettling when I worked out what was going on.

My only suggestion would be that if you take your dog, keep it close, and when you are asleep make sure it is on a lead with the other end attached to you. Domestic dogs are often fascinated by the call of wild dogs and want to go off and investigate. Such investigations WILL end badly.

Oh, and if you are concerned, I'd carry some sort of knife somewhere readily accessable. Doesn't need to be some Rambo esque thing. Anything that is sharp enough and that you can hang onto to slash with will do the job if push to comes to shove. The chances of problems are next to zero, but if it improves your comfort level and hence your enjoyment of the trip, take one.
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Re: wild dogs in the dargo omeo area

Postby wander » Wed 10 Dec, 2014 2:28 pm

I have heard dogs often but only a few of times actually seen them.

The close up encounters were all with clearly recently arrived hunting dogs (freaking huge dogs) with collars. They behaved as if they were very glad to see us. They allowed themselves to be tied up at the roadside without drama. They were left with drinking water for the hunters to find and recover. We were walking and were way inside the Park.

Otherwise the dogs were just visible in the distance either crossing a clearing or going over a ridge. They clearly did not look like coming our way.

It is a spooky sound at 3AM in a tent in a metre of snow in the bottom of the Big River valley when the air is still and cold enough to turn your breath into crystals in front of your face and a dog howls higher up the ridge. And howls and howls.
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Re: wild dogs in the dargo omeo area

Postby madmacca » Wed 10 Dec, 2014 11:34 pm

I'm not aware of ANY documented attacks on humans by wild dogs in Victoria.

Although I have heard of reports of them being extremely cheeky in stealing food at campsites, even while people are in very close proximity.

The closest encounter I have had with a wild dog was in the Upper Barkly. As I was walking along, I heard a very deep and unmistakably doggy growl from about 2-3 metres away, but trackside scrub was too thick to actually see it. I figured the best option was to just keep walking out of its territory.

When it comes to weapons, I would much rather trust in a pair of hiking poles than a knife. A knife has no deterrent value to a dog, but waving around a pair of 4 foot poles makes you look even bigger and scarier than you are.
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Re: wild dogs in the dargo omeo area

Postby Travis22 » Thu 11 Dec, 2014 7:32 am

As everyone else has said a wild dog attack is extremely unlikely, you'd be more likely injured by falling over in the rough terrain or killed in a car crash on the way there or back or killed by a falling tree limb etc...

I've seen a few wild dogs over the years (while hunting, 4wding and hiking) and yes I do sometimes go to sleep wondering if it's 'nearby' so a powerful flashlight and a medium sized knife are calming to have nearby, as would be hiking poles or any other item you feel of use but again it's so unlikely. If we had bears out there that would be a different story!! ;)

Depending on your location and the end of the day the most dangerous thing out there are people.

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Re: wild dogs in the dargo omeo area

Postby walkerchris77 » Thu 11 Dec, 2014 7:53 am

Dont think i could go walking in bear country. Scary stuff at night.
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Re: wild dogs in the dargo omeo area

Postby vicrev » Thu 11 Dec, 2014 5:13 pm

Feral dogs are a problem in Italy & Spain,lots carry rabies :shock: I always carried the biggest knife I could buy,my walking sticks tips sharpened to a point, a small ging,an umbrella which I used a couple of times,opening & closing it, seemed to frighten the crap out them...I just dread the thought of being attacked by wild dogs, anywhere,especially walking solo.......
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Re: wild dogs in the dargo omeo area

Postby walkerchris77 » Sat 13 Dec, 2014 7:17 am

My best mate works at the Cobungra Station, 26000 hectares of land for cattle and 30 mins from hotham. He told me they have killed heaps of wild dogs.
The other night they shot 60 rabbits and they have to collect them otherwise the wild dogs come down and can freak out the cattle that are up to $12,000 each.

If you want more info pm me and ill give u his number.

I always carry a quick access knife just in case a feral dog tries to have a go at me. Have not had to kill anything and hope I never have to but at least i can defend myself if needed.
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