Hidden treasure of South Bunyip

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Victoria specific bushwalking discussion. Please avoid publishing details of access to sensitive areas with no tracks.

Hidden treasure of South Bunyip

Postby Nick Z » Fri 23 Jan, 2015 7:56 pm

Hi all
I have been enjoying the Gregory Track for a while. But the last weekend I have decided eventually to check out those ancient red rocks hanging close. They really rock. There is not obvious approach from the main track, but in the when you have nearly passed them there is a nice clearance in the overgrowth going up. The walking is pretty easy and in 200m you reach the excitement. They are similar to the three brothers rocks on the Burgess Rd, but higher, more varied and completely unspoiled. See the attached pictures

How to get there: Turn off into the Gregory track close to end of the Garfield North Rd going north from the Princess freeway. See the attached map. There is closed gate in the end of the road, but the whole track is public up to the Lupton track further in the park. I have checked with government land registry: The property near the gates marked yellow on the map the end is on both sides of the road, but the road itself is public. So I just step over the gate. The brown scribbles on the map is there I leave the car

Another option is marked in blue. It is little more challenging . It goes along the ridge on the left hand side of the valley whole way to the end of the Lupton track. There is a nice summing at the end and an easy return via the Gregory track. There is no track, but the forest there is surprisingly clear and easy to walk

What is great about the Gregory track is that it is the nearest entrance into Bunyip from the South. Very pretty and logical 2-4 hours walk for a moderately busy weekend

The map
GregoryTrack.jpg (24.2 KiB) Viewed 3415 times
Nick Z
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Re: Hidden treasure of South Bunyip

Postby stry » Sat 24 Jan, 2015 10:08 am

So close too !! Thanks.
Athrotaxis selaginoides
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Re: Hidden treasure of South Bunyip

Postby gbedford » Mon 26 Jan, 2015 5:01 pm

I followed your directions. The gate was open the road led to a house where we were politely told we were on private property and the road was back there.

I know how to access Lupton's track via the Weatherhead track so I will explore from that direction. Walk down to where it exits the bush.
I will also explore the bush ridgeline.

You might have checked with the public registry but we have to be careful of getting into arguments with landowners.

Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: Hidden treasure of South Bunyip

Postby gbedford » Sun 08 Feb, 2015 8:12 pm

last week ago I walked in from Weatherhead track to Luptons then to the four ways junction with the signpost in the saddle. Turned left down Gregory's track and continued on to the locked gate marked Private property and a open paddock on the other side. Walked back the way I had come.

Today I drove to Gregory's road and parked at the Y junction. Walked down the road past the big gate and house on the left. Just past the next open gate I angled off onto an old logging track in the bush. Walked along this until it eventually disappeared so I turned left up the hill to the crest. Yes it is certainly open and lovely walking. At its high point I found the remains of an attempt to make a bush shelter. Followed the track down the hill to the four ways junction in the saddle. Walked back down Gregory's track to the locked gate. Avoiding the private property I traversed along through the bush beside the fence. It looked thick but wasn't bad. It only lasted about 200 metres and there were deer tracks to follow. Back along the road to the car.

A nice Sunday afternoon stroll.

Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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