Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

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Victorian Glamping weekend - if you are interested, which weekend?

Poll ended at Thu 12 Feb, 2015 12:37 pm

March 27-29
April 17-19
Total votes : 13

Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby stry » Sat 07 Feb, 2015 10:07 am

I've seen it :D :D
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Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby icefest » Sat 07 Feb, 2015 11:07 am

Men wanted for hazardous journey. Low wages, bitter cold, long hours of complete darkness. Safe return doubtful.
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Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby andrewbish » Mon 09 Feb, 2015 11:23 am

Sounds like fun.
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Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby sim1oz » Fri 13 Feb, 2015 4:46 pm

Looks like April 17-19 is the most popular, so let's make it that weekend!!!
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Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby stry » Fri 13 Feb, 2015 8:02 pm

Diarized and optimistic, but won't know for sure until much closer (injury recovery) :D
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Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby Moondog55 » Fri 13 Feb, 2015 8:52 pm

sim1oz wrote:Looks like April 17-19 is the most popular, so let's make it that weekend!!!

Noted and booked, Cecile and I pick-up our new second hand tent tomorrow.
Looking for new battery powered fairy lights ... EBIDX%3AIT

I will bring LPG and a 3 burner gas stove
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Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby Moondog55 » Sun 01 Mar, 2015 8:50 am

Just a friendly
Any ideas on how many people will be there yet?
Any old PaddyPallin gear for the show and tell? I need to let the Melbourne store know
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Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby thejungleisneutral » Sun 01 Mar, 2015 11:55 am

I'm in FNQ that weekend or I'd come down for this one. Can't wait to see the pics :-)
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Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby David M » Thu 05 Mar, 2015 9:29 pm

Is this place accessible by a decent 2WD track (i.e. don't want to damage nice car)?

Is it feasible to sleep in car (station wagon), i.e. is camp site and car park next to each other? I have never done glamping. Is it socially acceptable to sleep in the car instead of tent? :-)
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Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby sim1oz » Fri 06 Mar, 2015 3:06 am

@david, the place is 2WD accessible without any issues. Sleeping in your car is fine. I've done it before and when it's windy and/or wet the car is definitely glamping! Glamping= glamorous camping. Which means taking along some luxuries...

@moondog, re numbers:

There will be 6 of us
5 of you?

Others will need to chime in here with a response if you are planning quantities for a cook up
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Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby Moondog55 » Fri 06 Mar, 2015 6:24 am

It is never socially acceptable to sleep in your car unless it is a station wagon or panel van

Sim I'll cater for whoever turns up; I'll just add another cup of water to the soup but I'm planning on enough for 30+
Want me to bring a spare tent David? I happen to have a couple
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Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby Moondog55 » Fri 06 Mar, 2015 6:44 am

Something I totally forgot in any of my earlier post
Fairy lights ... EBIDX%3AIT
We must have fairy lights
About the soup, if you don't want a paper cup bring your own spoon and bowl
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Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby Empty » Fri 06 Mar, 2015 7:46 am

Just promise me you'll leave the herrings at home. I am okay with the cork screw though.
I may be doing the typing but Steve Jobs is doing the spelling!
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Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby Bluegum Mic » Fri 06 Mar, 2015 10:30 am

Hmmmm. I might be able to come to this. I missed out on my Kozi weekend due to horrendously ill sproglettes (there are some rediculous germs doin the rounds at the moment). Ive got to organise a family holiday but thats from the 7th to 14th. Id have to fly to vic but hopefully can pick up a cheapo flight. If I come I'll bring my dangerbird hammock and cuben tarp :-)
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Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby Moondog55 » Fri 06 Mar, 2015 11:27 am

We'd really like to see you there
If so please answer the soup question
BYO champagne and strawberries tho
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Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby Bluegum Mic » Fri 06 Mar, 2015 11:58 am

Thanks moondog. I'll do my best to join you. Don't worry about me regarding the soup. It sounds delicious and I will be salivating no doubt but being a coeliac I'm afraid barley and me don't agree. Bubbles n strawberries I can do definitely though I must admit Im rather partial to a muscat around the camp fire =D
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Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby Moondog55 » Fri 06 Mar, 2015 12:16 pm

You must be very sensitive as boiled barley is relatively innocuous, My little GD is also coeliac so i have been doing a lot of GF cooking lately.
Of all those soups listed the only one that would have flour in it is the Soubise
I may use a touch of cornstarch in the French Onion for mouth feel but never flour
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Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby Bluegum Mic » Fri 06 Mar, 2015 7:19 pm

I can sympathise MD. I'm coeliac, my eldest cant have casein (very sensitive) and my youngest lactose though he's thankfully growing out of that one so cooking in our household is always a well planned affair lol. Apologies I didn't see the other soups, they all sound delish and I'll gladly partake and donate if coming. I'll confirm with the hubby.
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Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby Cecile » Mon 09 Mar, 2015 4:34 pm

I am definitely committed. I now have a decent camp bed that will work for me. I hope. I'm too old to be sleeping on a mat on the ground.

The only thing I think I need to remember is to bring a toilet brush and lots of loo paper. Last time we stopped there, the loos were less than clean. EWWW
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Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby ErichFromm » Tue 10 Mar, 2015 8:34 am

Cecile wrote:I am definitely committed. I now have a decent camp bed that will work for me. I hope. I'm too old to be sleeping on a mat on the ground.

You're welcome to use my hammock Cecile (I'll be staying in a tent with my son). Hamocks are great backs...
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Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby Moondog55 » Wed 11 Mar, 2015 3:31 pm

Should I bring a big tarp as well in that case?
Might be a good opportunity for those like me whose hammock experience has been less than good
From memory there are plenty of good hammock trees a suitable distance apart
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Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby ErichFromm » Thu 12 Mar, 2015 12:07 pm

No need. I was planning to bring the hammock, along with the Terra Rosa tarp that goes with it, plus the underquilt etc just to show people.

It's going to hang empty unless someone wants to use it overnight (I should point out I'll only be there Sat night).

If you want to use it I suggest just bring the usual: some base layers, beanie, and an extra pair of socks (I only use a 3/4 underquilt)...

You could always try it out for an afternoon nap and decide then if you want to try an overnighter....
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Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby Bluegum Mic » Thu 12 Mar, 2015 12:44 pm

I'm going to have to be a no I'm afraid. I've got a long weekend walk in Tassie later in the year and last night was asked on an overnighter snowshoe trip in Sept. Add on my usual weekend at the snow sans kids and I've well and truly used up my mummy pass. If it becomes an annual do I'll definitely pop down next year.
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Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby Moondog55 » Thu 12 Mar, 2015 12:47 pm

Shame BGM was looking forward to saying "G'Day"
Bringing the kids would be too much for a W/E
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Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby Bluegum Mic » Thu 12 Mar, 2015 12:56 pm

Yes Im afraid. I thought of that but we'll just be back from holidays and I think the $$ will be a bit too tight to fly us all for the weekend. Not to mention flying all the necessary gear would be an undertaking. Next time I'll try and tie it in to a trip as we've been dying to get back down to VIC for some family adventures.
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Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby Moondog55 » Thu 12 Mar, 2015 1:20 pm

Bluegum Mic wrote:Yes Im afraid. I thought of that but we'll just be back from holidays and I think the $$ will be a bit too tight to fly us all for the weekend. Not to mention flying all the necessary gear would be an undertaking. Next time I'll try and tie it in to a trip as we've been dying to get back down to VIC for some family adventures.

Well you could just borrow stuff but I agree the logistics of traveling with tadpoles is simply too hard sometimes.
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Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby Moondog55 » Fri 27 Mar, 2015 7:45 am

2 weeks to go
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Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby wildlight » Fri 27 Mar, 2015 11:12 am

Feels like 3...
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Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby Moondog55 » Fri 27 Mar, 2015 11:51 am

As it is Friday I didn't count this week-end
I'd remind those who are coming that if they want a decent fire to bring firewood.
Cecile and I will bring as much as we can and we'll bring the spare cast iron fire-pit
A lot to be said for having a trailer
I'd like to know however how many people will be bring old Paddy-Made gear for the show, to only have 3 bits of gear there wouldn't justify the Melbourne store giving away a gift card IMO, tents and rucksacks mainly but maybe even that old Paddy branded oilskin?
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Re: Glamping weekend at Mt Franklin - interested?

Postby sim1oz » Sat 28 Mar, 2015 8:56 pm

Two or three weeks to go - I don't care, we are looking forward to it. Firewood ready. Camp chairs repaired/replaced. New double jaffle maker ready to try... Hope we get plenty of sunshine!!!
Carpe diem!
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