Wild (dispersed?) camping in the Otways

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Wild (dispersed?) camping in the Otways

Postby Apbannister » Sat 04 Apr, 2015 8:23 pm

I'm a new arrival in Victoria, and just wanted to ask for some advice. I'm intending to head to the Otways in the week, and am wondering what the situation is regarding wild camping. I'm travelling solo and will be very unobtrusive, hammock camping and no fires. Any specific laws forbidding this? If there are are they actually enforced (if I'm found that is)?
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Re: Wild (dispersed?) camping in the Otways

Postby dinna89 » Thu 09 Apr, 2015 2:03 pm

I can't help you out with this, but I'm also interested in the laws regarding dispersed camping in national parks, I haven't seen anything specifically banning or allowing it. Can anyone definitively answer this?
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Re: Wild (dispersed?) camping in the Otways

Postby wildlight » Thu 09 Apr, 2015 5:58 pm

Hey Apbannister,

Welcome to the Forum.

I have done a lot of wild camping in the Otways. Rangers have been aware of my plans (to camp off-track in remote forest)- only because I have met with them, or telephoned and asked about road conditions and terrain (thickness of scrub) before heading off for certain off-track walks, to waterfalls. In the 5 conversations I've had with 5 different rangers (last 2 years)- not one has ever expressed disapproval at my intentions to camp away from recognised facilities and camp areas. I would hazard a guess and say "you'll be ok- nothing to worry about". Just go and enjoy- you're leaving far less of a footprint with no fires, and hammock camping. Are you driving? Bus then walking? The Otways have a very active and invading, leech population. And lots of walking, camping opportunities, without the serious height gains of the Alps.

You'll find as you get a a little higher, the under storey's not quite as thick, especially on north-facing slopes. Enjoy the hang!


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Re: Wild (dispersed?) camping in the Otways

Postby neilmny » Thu 09 Apr, 2015 6:01 pm

It seems and this will not help a lot, that dispersed camping is permitted in national parks provided that it is not specifically prohibited. You need to check the Parks web about where you are going.
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Re: Wild (dispersed?) camping in the Otways

Postby peregrinator » Thu 09 Apr, 2015 10:20 pm

neilmny wrote:It seems and this will not help a lot, that dispersed camping is permitted in national parks provided that it is not specifically prohibited. You need to check the Parks web about where you are going.

Well, post George Orwell, your comment does actually help a lot! I.e., one needs to read the fine print.

As you imply, brochures on the website for each park reveal whether camping therein is permitted. Close study of maps helps; maybe there'll be a camping spot just outside a park's border. (Close study of George Orwell is even better, though way off topic.)
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Re: Wild (dispersed?) camping in the Otways

Postby neilmny » Fri 10 Apr, 2015 9:24 am

peregrinator wrote:............. brochures on the website for each park reveal whether camping therein is permitted. Close study of maps helps; maybe there'll be a camping spot just outside a park's border. (Close study of George Orwell is even better, though way off topic.)

The brochures tend to highlight established camp areas and leave the topic of dispersed camping alone.
Somewhere, well disguised or camoflaged there is a statement saying that "dispersed camping is allowed in our national parks" if I remember the statement correctly. Then some parks have a note saying camping is only permitted at recognised camping areas..........The last thing we need is a simple understanding of what we can and can't do.... :shock:
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Re: Wild (dispersed?) camping in the Otways

Postby dinna89 » Mon 13 Apr, 2015 2:39 pm

Thanks for the info, it seems that Parks Vic are deliberately vague on the concept so as not to encourage it.

On the same topic - are small fires allowed in dispersed campsites?
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Re: Wild (dispersed?) camping in the Otways

Postby Moondog55 » Mon 13 Apr, 2015 3:08 pm

The usual answer is "Don't ask, just do it"
I simply assume that if it is not specifically proscribed it's OK and legal
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Re: Wild (dispersed?) camping in the Otways

Postby bmak » Mon 13 Apr, 2015 9:08 pm

Dispersed camping is fine unless in an area the specifically prohibits it. Fires outside the designated camp areas is usually not permitted.
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