Strider wrote:Geez there's some cockheads about lately.
South_Aussie_Hiker wrote:What I'd like to see is a national licence.
If nothing else, it would mean speed camera tolerances are consistent nation wide.
South_Aussie_Hiker wrote:What I'd like to see is a national licence.
1. Get federal oversight and standards of licensing.
2. Align all the minor and annoying differences between state road laws.
One licence. One set of road rules. One standard for everyone.
If nothing else, it would mean speed camera tolerances are consistent nation wide.
South_Aussie_Hiker wrote:I'm not advocating the the federal government own or collect the camera revenue. I'm suggesting a national standard on the tolerances of said cameras, and road rules aligned nation wide.
Each state can charge as much as they see fit for breaking the allowable tolerance as far as I'm concerned... Because I won't be paying it!
South_Aussie_Wanker wrote:One licence. One set of road rules. One standard for everyone.
Moondog55 wrote:That's why everywhere else in the world they have that allowance; but a huge fine for what is within the tolerance of the speedo is simply revenue raising.
I worked with an engineer who used to be employed by VicRoads [ he was a very polite fellow BTW] and he informed me that most of our newer major roads have been designed for a vehicle speed of 160 kph and in his expert opinion were dangerous at the current speed limits. Makes you wonder why we employ experts at the design stage and leave decisions to idiots in parliament
AAaahh........The Autobahns.......GPSGuided wrote:I agree. It's much more than just camber on bends at that kind of speed. Driving on the Autobahn at 200+ is a very different experience except on shortish sections of our local highway.
Moondog55 wrote:That's why it's here Corvus and not part of bushwalking discussion
Also with due respect to those who think our current speed limits are reasonable I differ. We have the same speed limits on single lane badly maintained country roads as we do on our major freeways and in a reasonably modern vehicle [ anything from 1995 onwards I guess] freeway speeds of 135 /155 k seem reasonable to me if you can afford the fuel and tyre costs.
Moondog55 wrote:As to politicians setting speed limits "OF courser they do" Every time we have a minor crash they go around ordering lower speed limits, well at least they do in Victoria.
Moondog55 wrote:As to the argument that revenue cameras have lowered the road toll that is a facile and erroneous statement.
Moondog55 wrote:The lower road toll has been about better roads and safer cars and to be brutally honest a lot more vegetables on life support who would have died 20 years ago and I don't think that has been an improvement
Moondog55 wrote:And yes I have lost mates and family in car crashes
corvus wrote:With all due respect this topic has gone off Bushwalking .
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