Strider wrote:Keithy that is a fantastic idea. Got any leftover inner tube?
Strider - I first made this about 2-3 years ago, I don't have any more of that original inner tube anymore - I made two for my eTrex 30 at the time. I used a mountain bike inner tube (around 2.35" wide from memory). Miroslav, in his blog used a wheelbarrow inner tube, which unstretched was around 60mm diameter. My inner tube was around 50-55mm diameter, but stretched fit both my etrex 30, and with more stretching, just fit my larger Oregon 600 (but was really hard to get on).
However, the one hassle is that the thickness I cut it (around 1.5" or 4cm), it blocks the Oregon's battery compartment and USB slot cover completely, so I have to remove it to replace batteries or use the USB slot. Less so for the eTrex as the battery back is smaller on the Etrex, so I can just roll up the back a bit to remove the battery compartment. So it takes a bit more time to replace batteries.
And in doing so, I lost the first one I made in somewhere in Nepal in 2013. I thought I put it in a pouch while changing batteries, but must have been clumsy and dropped it somewhere.
The second one I made I have just recently misplaced.
So I have been scouting for a new replacement. My current pushbike has only 1 1/8" width tubes which is a bit too narrow, and I don't want to cut up a new tube just for this.
However, recently I have been testing out some silicone tube as a DIY case for both my etrex and Oregon 600. I cut it to about 1.5" in width, and the silicone seems to be nicer than the rubber inner tube. The downside is that the silicone tube cost more than a free old inner tube. It worked out to around $1.50 to make one of these silicone cases.
Here's how it looks on my eTrex 30 and Oregon 600. Because of the narrower diameter of this silicone case, it was a stretch to get it on, but once on, it seems to work ok. I've only been testing this out for the past couple of weeks so far.

- Fits nice on the eTrex 30 (also will fit the 10 & 20) - the back looks funny, because I didn't pull it down the front enough

- Same DIY bumper case on the larger Oregon 600

- Size comparison of the two GPS receivers with the same diameter DIY case
I might make a separate DIY etrex bumper case post in the Techno babble section.
I also have DIY screen protector templates made up so I can make DIY screen protectors from cheap tablet sized screen protectors. From the picture above, the Oregon is using a matte screen protector which helps visibility in sunlight - the scratches are on the screen protector, not the actual screen cover. The eTrex is using a clear screen protector I made almost 3 years ago now, and being clear and a bit softer, it absorbs scratches a bit better than the matte version.
And you can also see in the pics of my eTrex, I have been testing out this new joystick protector which I might also make another post on.