I went out on the inspection on Saturday. We went to two spots - one about 1 km downstream of the pollution entry point into the National Park, and the other about 2.5 kms downstream from that point. In both places the riverbed was covered with thick blank gunk and the water in the river was black. It was terrible! At the downstream inspection point, there was a side creek flowing into the Wollangambe River. The water in that side creek was clear. This demonstrates conclusively that the black coloured water and black sediment is due to the pollution from the mine rather than any residual charcoal from the October 2013 bushfire.
- Wollangambe River - black from pollution
- WollangambePollutionAug15-1.jpg (157.15 KiB) Viewed 18568 times
It looks like the coal company - Centennial Coal have cleaned up the area near the spill and put in stabilisation controls to prevent further spills, but they don't seem to have cleaned up the pollution in the Wollangambe River.
- WollangambePollutionAug15-4.jpg (154.71 KiB) Viewed 18568 times
This pollution is spreading further down the Wollangambe River every day!
- Clear water in the side creek meets the polluted water in the Wollangambe River
- WollangambePollutionAug15-6.jpg (156.5 KiB) Viewed 18568 times
I have more photos on my blog -
http://www.david-noble.net/blog/?p=8584 as well as links to documents.