Uploading maps from BaseCamp to Etrex 20?

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Re: Uploading maps from BaseCamp to Etrex 20?

Postby keithy » Tue 14 Jul, 2015 9:07 pm

Good to know you got it sorted. The sequence shouldn't matter, but a reboot might.

You should check out Javawa if you haven't already. It will tell you if there is a problem with your map. This is the screenshot of Javawa looking at my eTrex 30:


I have a backup of the entire contents of the GPS's original files on the micro SD card as well (in case I accidentally delete anything via PC). I have it in a directory called \backups. Javawa detects the files in the backup directory, which you can see for the timezone gmaptz.img file above, even if it's not in the \Garmin directory, and will tell you which directory it should be located in.

And andrewp's OSM maps on the eTrex 30:
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Re: Uploading maps from BaseCamp to Etrex 20?

Postby Strider » Tue 14 Jul, 2015 9:19 pm

Does anyone know if Andrew's 10m maps have been updated recently? The link given in earlier posts no longer works.

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Re: Uploading maps from BaseCamp to Etrex 20?

Postby Strider » Tue 14 Jul, 2015 9:20 pm

I keep a backup of the original files on my computer. Is there an advantage to keeping them on the SD?

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Re: Uploading maps from BaseCamp to Etrex 20?

Postby GPSGuided » Tue 14 Jul, 2015 9:53 pm

Download the latest version via DropBox.
Just move it!
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Re: Uploading maps from BaseCamp to Etrex 20?

Postby Strider » Tue 14 Jul, 2015 9:58 pm

GPSGuided wrote:Download the latest version via DropBox.

These are the 20m maps.

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Re: Uploading maps from BaseCamp to Etrex 20?

Postby GPSGuided » Tue 14 Jul, 2015 10:27 pm

This has Andrew's discussion on 10m and 20m...
Just move it!
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Re: Uploading maps from BaseCamp to Etrex 20?

Postby andrewp » Wed 15 Jul, 2015 1:00 pm

strider wrote:Though may I politely point out my dislike for the coloured background? I find a white background much easier to see when using the unit during the day with the backlight off to save battery life.

I have just uploaded new versions of all states with the green background for NPs, woods and forests cutting out at the 300m zoom (on an ETREX 30 at least). I'll see how I like it...

strider wrote:Does anyone know if Andrew's 10m maps have been updated recently? The link given in earlier posts no longer works.

This is still the url to use: http://tinyurl.com/osm-maps.

keithy wrote:And andrewp's OSM maps on the eTrex 30:

Keithy, those versions are not the best. They are very slow to refresh the screen because of the way I built the maps. The refresh speed of the current version is acceptable.
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Re: Uploading maps from BaseCamp to Etrex 20?

Postby keithy » Wed 15 Jul, 2015 2:35 pm

andrewp wrote:Keithy, those versions are not the best. They are very slow to refresh the screen because of the way I built the maps. The refresh speed of the current version is acceptable.

Cheers Andrew - I actually think I have your newer map on my Oregon 600 sdcard. I just haven't copied it to the card on my eTrex yet.

Strider wrote:I keep a backup of the original files on my computer. Is there an advantage to keeping them on the SD?

I copy the root drive of my device to the MicroSD when I travel overseas without my PC and limited access to a computer. My last trip I didn't use my backup on my trip to Scandanavia last year, but it was there just in case I accidentally deleted any files when connecting to a random PC to access the GPS root directory and copy gpx track/route files.

I originally thought I could use my android tablet via OTG USB to connect to the Garmin GPS (copy gpx tracks downloaded from the internet to the GPS), but the Android tablet does not recogise the Garmin connected to USB. I mananged to copy gpx files to the MicroSD with the android tablet, but then found out that gpx files on the SD card in the \garmin\gpx files won't work if you have gpx files on the unit directory itself. For some reason, gpx files on the microsd card are ignored if there are gpx files on the device. If the gpx files on the device were deleted, then the Garmin recognised the gpx files on the microsd card.
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Re: Uploading maps from BaseCamp to Etrex 20?

Postby Strider » Wed 15 Jul, 2015 9:56 pm

andrewp wrote:I have just uploaded new versions of all states with the green background for NPs, woods and forests cutting out at the 300m zoom (on an ETREX 30 at least). I'll see how I like it...

Fantastic! Thanks!

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