walkon wrote:Too many people at the hut for me so we went elsewhere. From the looks of it those snow boarders used up nearly all the wood at federation hut, they didn't like being asked to go out and replace what they had used.
It probably wasn't just the boarders, but their lady-friends too. From their arrival on Friday (with both blokes hauling the girls' snowboards up for them), they spent the weekend whinging about how cold it was, how the hut 'didn't have enough beds', and sending their blokes out to the tent to fetch fresh socks. We went out on Friday for a few hours and in the time we were gone, the short blonde one managed to burn up all the small kindling we'd stacked, and yet despite this had somehow also let the fire go out

Mind you, no-one else helped the two of us out when we went to cut more wood for the night...probably best I left when I did, if they decided to burn the rest and not replace it either.
andrewa wrote:?wild dogs, jdeks? I've never run into them, and hope I don't.
Don't hear much about wild dogs on the forum.
This is my second such encounter. A few years back I was cornered by pack of 5 about a day's walk north of Dinner Plain. Had to hit one across the snout to get them to back off and they tailed me for about 8km afterwards. This time, these two just tailed me, but I saw tracks in the snow the size of teacups heading up Westons spur the next morning.
They're absolutely out there, and they get hungry in the winter.