Bushwalker99 wrote: By the way we met a French young bloke who did the walk in 18 days - slightly better than our 44 days!
Lophophaps wrote:Bushwalker99 wrote: By the way we met a French young bloke who did the walk in 18 days - slightly better than our 44 days!
AAWT in 18 days. Merde! Did he start any bushfires, were there scorch marks where a boot hit the ground?
GPSGuided wrote:Sign of fitness and toughness? He was probably training to qualify for the French foreign legion.
Mark F wrote:While 100km in 2 days is way beyond my abilities, if you took the 100km section as Murray Gap to Mackays Hut it is 5km per hour for 10 hours (6 kph for 8 hours) each day on good fire trails with little elevation change - something Kanangra seems to knock out on a regular basis. I would be more impressed if they could do this between Hotham and Walhalla.
Suz wrote:Nice pics The log bridge looks like one of those that you secretly bum your way across while no one is watching.
80km a day NNW! :O
walkon wrote:Thanks for the well wishes they are much appreciated. Here's some more pics as promised and I will put up a gear review soon as requested
Lophophaps wrote:There's a thread about an AAWT walker who had to bale out on the Barries. From memory (can't find the thread) the consensus was that an overall map of each section should be carried showing road escape routes. I support this view.
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