GPSGuided wrote:Sorry, correction to Richard III. This is what happens when my head is congested with a bad flu.
GPSGuided wrote:That may be the case. But in the 21st century? I doubt any of the descendants would care as it's all just history by now. It's paying respect to an old king of the country.
GPSGuided wrote:Yes, so they hold a grudge or feel threatened of their position. Can the descendants of Richard III still make a claim of the monarchy?
GPSGuided wrote:But he was the king of England. Not someone lower down the echelon.
wayno wrote:different lineage?
maybe they dont want to draw attention to the fact, the Tudors took the throne from the Plantagenets by force and were responsible for his death.
Some would also say Richard was an illegitimate ruler & had no legitimate claim to the throne......The Bard did not do to bad with his stories,as far as historical fact,considering he did not have access to Wikithingo as we do......Henry just did what every despot before & since has done,satisfied his lust for power at any is still happeningnorth-north-west wrote:What grab for power? Richard was a legitimate ruler. It was Henry Tudor who was the usurper.
Just because something's been written by Shakespeare doesn't make it true.
vicrev wrote:Some say Richard should have been buried where he originally wanted to be buried.......York...
north-north-west wrote:What grab for power? Richard was a legitimate ruler. It was Henry Tudor who was the usurper.
Just because something's been written by Shakespeare doesn't make it true.
vicrev wrote:... Henry just did what every despot before & since has done,satisfied his lust for power at any is still happening
vicrev wrote:Some would also say Richard was an illegitimate ruler & had no legitimate claim to the throne......north-north-west wrote:What grab for power? Richard was a legitimate ruler. It was Henry Tudor who was the usurper.
Just because something's been written by Shakespeare doesn't make it true.
The Bard did not do to bad with his stories,as far as historical fact,considering he did not have access to Wikithingo as we do.....
RonK wrote:north-north-west wrote:What grab for power? Richard was a legitimate ruler. It was Henry Tudor who was the usurper.
Just because something's been written by Shakespeare doesn't make it true.
Live by the sword, die by the sword. The House of York themselves usurped the throne from the House of Lancaster, deposing and executing the equally unpopular Henry VI. .
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