Richard III and the present British monarch

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Re: Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby north-north-west » Sun 23 Aug, 2015 7:27 am

MrWalker wrote:Henry's wife had quite a good claim to the throne herself, so even if you consider Henry VII to not have a legal claim, by the time Richard III was dead along with everyone that Richard and/or Henry got rid off, any descendants of Henry's wife would have the next best claim. So it would not make any difference to the following generations.

That's why Henry Tudor married her - he had to shore up his claim as much as he could, given that he, personally, had none according to the laws of succession. But getting rid of all legitimate claimants doesn't make your own claim any more valid.
Richard removed the attainder on his other brother's sons, making them next in line. He did everything he could to try to put an end to the ongoing dispute, but he was no match for a bunch of blood-thirsty, power-hungry traitors.

Mind, I've always found it fascinating that, with everything else Henry Tudor and his lackeys did to destroy Richard's reputation, they refused to pretend he was a coward on the battlefield. It would have been a logical line to take, but they refrained. Odd.
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Re: Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby wayno » Sun 23 Aug, 2015 8:01 am

finding out the truth isnt easy as history back then was often written by people commissioned by those in power. and was unfavourable towards anyone opposing the powers that be... and reading and writing wasnt something the masses could generally do.
the clergy would be the more likely bet to find history that hadnt been as distorted... but they werent immune either.
from the land of the long white clouds...
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Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby GPSGuided » Sun 23 Aug, 2015 8:01 am

wayno wrote:...they are taxpayer funded.
when they visit our countries its thanks to your taxes... dont know about aus,

Obviously no different here, same as hosting any other foreign dignitaries. Difference being, the buck stops at other foreign head of state while it's the royal family with the Brits, from aunts to cousins to grandchildren. Well, that's the favouritism when the Queen is the head of the state for Australia. Be interesting to see what would happen to the various Commonwealth countries when the Queen moves on. Wait, I'm sure I swore my allegiance to her in one of the ceremonies somewhere in years back.
Just move it!
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Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby GPSGuided » Sun 23 Aug, 2015 8:05 am

Only if they all left their hair and nail clippings, we'd now have a far easier time in sorting out who were legit and who were illegitimate.
Just move it!
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Re: Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby north-north-west » Sun 23 Aug, 2015 8:17 am

GPSGuided wrote:Only if they all left their hair and nail clippings, we'd now have a far easier time in sorting out who were legit and who were illegitimate.

Nothing to do with DNA. The lineages are mostly fairly well established. With Richard's nephews it was a matter of a prior marriage that hadn't been legally dissolved.

GPSGuided wrote:Wait, I'm sure I swore my allegiance to her in one of the ceremonies somewhere in years back.

I didn't. My parents may have, but that isn't something you can inherit. Fortunately.
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Re: Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby GPSGuided » Sun 23 Aug, 2015 9:13 am

I remembered historians have discovered some illegitimacies in the royal blood line through the occasional DNA samples available and analysis of inherited diseases.
Just move it!
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Re: Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby aloftas » Sun 23 Aug, 2015 9:50 pm

Anyway...the bigger story is how Solomon usurped the gamekeeper.

But we dont need to go there.

Ill shut up now.
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Re: Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby LachlanB » Sun 23 Aug, 2015 10:17 pm

GPSGuided wrote:Queen is the head of the state for Australia. Be interesting to see what would happen to the various Commonwealth countries when the Queen moves on.

Yeah, the standard refrain seems to be that we'll become a republic when she dies. Sadly, the republic idea seems to have little traction at the moment, and inertia is a very powerful force... :(

What's the story about Solomon and the gatekeeper?
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Re: Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby aloftas » Mon 24 Aug, 2015 9:05 am

Hi Lachlan...its a bit of a story I have been teasing out over the years. I have it somewhere if you are interested. I could start another thread if you wish.
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Re: Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby LachlanB » Mon 24 Aug, 2015 10:43 am

Hmmm... Doubly interested now, especially with that cryptic comment. Do you mean the biblical Solomon?
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Re: Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby GPSGuided » Mon 24 Aug, 2015 11:37 am

aloftas wrote:I could start another thread if you wish.

Go ahead and tell here. The discussion on the topic probably has done to its limit and there's already thread drift. A bit of drift to keep the discussions interesting is always good.
Just move it!
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Re: Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby aloftas » Mon 24 Aug, 2015 4:57 pm

Yes, the Biblical Solomon, and Asmodeus, Asmo meaning "prime" and Deus meaning "God"

Basically, the premis is that Solomon, and his Legacy, the "Lodges" are based on a lie, and that lie will have to be sorted out before mankind can truly ascend into a communion with the Divine which isnt based on ego, idolatory or gain.

*hides in chimney*

You may have heard the term "smoke and mirrors"...well, if one studies the Jewish Tobit and the book of Enoch, one sees a different picture emerge than that of Solomon te magnanimous and Solomon the wise. Morely, the Solomon we see is a mincing childish ape of a man who cannot be satiated in any way.

So. Solomon is called by God to "Build the Temple" he realises that unfortunately he has squandered all of his fathers David provisions by building Castles and palace for his puported 600 wives.

So, when he is undertaken to task the building of teh Temple so that God could commune with man, Solomon is caught short, for ity says in the blueprints "No iron tools to be used in cleaving the rock for the temple".

Now, as Solomon had already used most of the rock hewn by his father David he was faced with a dilemma.
If, he build the Temple using Iron hewn stone, the Holy Father would not come, and Solomon would be seen as a failure.
If he were to use any other means, he would fail.

So, the Mages were summoned and they appraised Solomon of the Shamir which was gifted to humanity on the Friday which would be the 6th day of Creation.

There were 10 gifts of Creation; they included the mathematical premis, the algebraeic premis, the musical scale, the nib for calligraphy and as well the Shamir, which was a barley shaped object which was kept in a lead lined box in a woolly bed.

The Shamir had the property of being able to cleave stone in a perfectly linear manner and was poosibly the same object used by Moses to enscribe the Ten Commandments.


Asmodeus had want to visit Earth from Heaven and his arriveal was always heralded by thunder and lightening and he always slaked his thirst at a well.

Because Asmodeus had knowledge if the Shamir a plot was hatched to trap him and bring him to solomon.

You may have heard the expression "No Honey in my wine"

What Solomon did, was to overlay the well Asmodeus drank from with a draught of stupefying potion.

When Asmodeus came, and he came to test a man, he drank as was his custom, and he fell into a slumber, wherupon he was cast into chains and brought befor a mocking and scornful solomon, who we may do well to remember quested his mother to marry Sarah who was but a child, when he already had 600 wives....

This is where Solomon gained his ring from, it is also where he was appraised of the Shamir.


Hills and Valleys Reprise

Rockclawfoot and the old Hermit stood aloft the craggy pinnacle. Together they surveyed the formenting clouds of mists gathering at the foothills.
They had debated, long into the night as to the best outcome.
Wine had been poured, tears and laughter poured forth in unison as the tales of old were sung.
Answers were few, there was little left to be done, except observe, retreat, observe, retreat.
The Old Hermit looked into the aethers and sighed deeply. In spite of it all, he held a measure of satisfaction, as he knew he had done, all he could.

Rockclawfoot stood silent, his chest barely moving as he stood watching the stars above and the mists below.

Ashes flew from the fire into the dark starry night as the old Hermit prepared a simple meal. A potato each, and an onion. They were getting old and both knew that it would not be long, until the maiden of dawn came with her siren call.

The old Hermit carefully gathered his scripts and gathered a few items of interest, perchance a hapless wanderer should happen upon the dry cave at the hilltop.

He laughed dryly as he knew that that which was of import had been written on peoples hearts; the parchments were as ever, of little use, without the elixer.

Those whos hearts had been touched however, knew well of the hidden quotient.

For it was Love.

Not some dry powder...

Rockclawfoot ushered a soft laugh at the olh Hermits ways...but the old Hermit was well respected by Rockclawfoot for his wisdoms and counsel.
They would sorely miss each other, but it was decided to part ways...for a time.

Rockclawfoot had brought some items for perpetuity as well.

He had brought seeds and leather, a polished stone and some other everyday items.

He too hoped, that should some hapless wanderer find upon this cave, that they would understand...

A simple life.

So, the two who had seen so much together, were to part, and would simply shake hands and walk away, into the mists.

A new destiny.
Both were adept at leaving no traces, except those they wished a spoor to carry.

It was a remote sight, viewed from afar, to see two such stalwart companions part.

They paid no mind to any consternations.

Gabion came forward, such a dauntless and noble steed.

The old Hermit dug into his bag and pulled out a fine bag of gold and gave it to Rockclawfoot.

Rockclawfoot, his eyes full of tears, tied the bag to Gabions neck and uttered a word, choked with emotion.

The Old Hermit uttered an invocation and without ceremony, Rockclawfoot slapped Gabion on his rump and said "Away my friend, to green pastures anew, when I call you, come"

The mists in the valley below cleared to a beautiful sunny day and the three were not seen or heard, again.

To be continued...
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Re: Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby aloftas » Mon 24 Aug, 2015 4:59 pm

According to the Tobit, the Shamir was one of the "Ten Articles of Creation" created by the Eholim after the Friday.

Along with the Shamir, there was the gift of Mathematics, music, writing and some others.

The Shamir was however unique; it had the ability to cleave any stone, to etch and was the hardest thing known.

It was kept under the custody of the waterfowl.

I will ask you to cast your mind back to the days of King David.

David had spent years amassing cedars, stone and pillars, marble and gold for the Temple, unto which "God" would enter.

Queue Solomon.

Quite the guy; 600 wives and a sister, Tamar...

So, Solomon had seen the need for hostelry for his wives and used all that David had provided for construction of the Temple.

The mages were impatient; "Sire" they admonished, "You must start this building"

Solomon ignored them, for he was smitten with one Sarah, and was busy writing his songs.

Tamar was a quiet lass and was seen often on the banks of the river and held no great regard for the affairs of court.

You may have heard of the "honey pot" and "no sugar in the wine"...allow me to introduce Asmodeous.

Now...Asmodeous was the King of the demons, and allow me to elucidate.

The "demons" work alongside the Angels and always have, always will.

So, as was his want, Asmodeous could come from Heaven to earth and would often advise or admonish as was his pleasure.

Solomon finally acquiesced to build the Temple and so the blueprints were brought out.

There was considerable horror to realize that the edict "No stone tools to be used"...remember, Solomon had already wasted the squared blocks David had provided.

There was a dilemma.

The wise men had heard of this wondrous "Shamir" and a plan was hatched to procure it.

Asmodeoushad the knowing, but he wasnt known t be affable when "told". You may have heard the term "smoke and mirrors"...more on that later.

Asmodeous always slaked his thirst at a favourite well ans it was this well that Solomon covered in a very strong wine.

Asmodous drank and was cast into a slumber. He was then presented to Solomon in chains.

He gave Solomon his ring and also instructed Solomon how to procure the Shamir.

Along the riverbank Tamar was splashing and carefree when she noticed two vagabonds enter the area where the waterfowl nested. She saw them place a mirror on the nest and saw them light a fire under it.
The bird took to flight with the Shamir and dropped it onto the mirror wherapon it was placed in a leaden box with a woolly lining. The Shamir was no bigger than a grain of wheat.

Tamars cries were heard; she was slain.

So...The temple, is, was and always will be an accursed place.

There was a binding, a twything, an obfuscation.

Solomon of course lived out his days and was remembered well...but not accurately.

Asmodeous, on the other hand, had to hold up Jacobs Ladder, and be the scapegoat, castigated and cast into the desert, always having to return on dusk.

Tamar, sadly remains a forgotten victim, she rests with the Sisters of the Southern Cross.

But that is another story.

This is why the world is so unfair and biased toward the inner clique.

It will not stand forever.

Asmodeous stands with Christ and together they will come.
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Re: Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby aloftas » Mon 24 Aug, 2015 5:04 pm

A Marvel of Creation.

The shamir was the seventh of the ten marvels created in the evening twilight of the first Friday (Ab. v. 6; comp. Pes. 54a; Sifre, Deut. 355; Mek., Beshallaḥ, 5 [ed. Weiss, p. 59b; ed. Friedmann, p. 51a]), and it was followed, significantly enough, by the creation of writing, the stylus, and the two tables of stone. Its size was that of a grain of barley; it was created after the six days of creation. Nothing was sufficiently hard to withstand it; when it was placed on stones they split in the manner in which the leaves of a book open; and iron was broken by its mere presence. The shamir was wrapped for preservation in spongy balls of wool and laid in a leaden box filled with barley bran.

With the help of this stone Moses engraved the names of the twelve tribes on the breastplate of the high priest, first writing on the stones with ink and then holding the shamir over them, whereupon the writing sank into the stones. With its aid, moreover, Solomon built the Temple without using any tool of iron (comp. I Kings vi. 7; Ex. xx. 25; Tosef., Soṭah, xv. 1 [ed. Zuckermandel, p. 321]; Soṭah 48b; Yer. Soṭah 24b). The shamir was expressly created for this latter purpose, since it ceased to exist after the destruction of the Temple (Soṭah ix., 10; Tosef. xv. 1).

Read more: [link to]
[link to]

This is why Christ and Asmodeous are depicted having a conversation at the door of the Roslyn Chapel. It is also why Asmodeous is depicted inan "Atlas Shrugged" pose.
It is also why the following holds true: For all is fair in love and war, and where there is no war, there is peace at heavens table.

Aaand then we have this:

The land had seen more weather than any.
Yet it held, such was the substance of the massif below.

Journeys of survival, and peril were epic, and yet the peoples lived in harmony and joy.

They hunted with Spirit and Love.

They had not a concept of atavism, or the bloodlust as the recoil hurts like a *&%$#!, but you pretend it dont.

They sang to the Mother amd Blessed the Father with their Wisdom and Understandings.

Quarrels were seldom and few, and were met without fear or favour.

The Vast Ranges towered north with their hues of sky blues with striking contrasts of rainbow hue.

Striking north these wildly coloured Ranges lead by crow, to the vast inland sea, which covers mile upon mile and is 45 feet below sea level.

It is now known as Lake Eyre.

The sea was a haven of the calls of the birds as they visited along the paths of their migration.

Pelicans waded in Peace and their young were safe.

Trees flourished and all manner of numbat, kangaroo, wallaby, quoll and thylacine went about their business, as they too hunted in Spirit and Love.

Then the feiry mountain landed north of the inland sea and there were great waves.

The pelican flew until he could fly no more and thylacine vanished, except a few of wise leant.

The earth shook and convulsed day and night and Spirit was the only safe refuge.

Rock drawings will show visitations of refuges

or at least the fostering of refuge.

Meteors rained down and hard, all elemental and of material not seen before on the land.

The waves continued. the feiry rocks continued, then came the rain, a scorching burning rain and melted those feiry rocks and they became as grains of sand.

There was no life, except in Spirit, for a long long time since the feriy rocks hit Gondwana and thrust itself under the inland sea deep and strong the impact caused a rift in the keepers of the below th earth

The sea dropped away and was consumed by heat and turned to cloud.

The rain became less acerbic as time unwound from the stars

The earth stopped shaking and rivers formed new courses.

Spirit was pleased.

Soon the skies cleared and old seeds became in life.

Sprouts of green were soon abundant over the broken desolate land.

The waves subsided and the moon held her course and soon the wind had taken the ash high and high and Spirit was pleased to be home.

In time, a long time passed and on a day the thylacine came forth from his cave of wisdom with his wombats and kangaroos and numbats and quolls and platypus and emu.

The green shoots which were now had a maturity of some time and they had shed seed

Spirit was pleased.

soon spirit was longing for the wanderings of the great land, and smoke was asked for.

The receeding floods had left sedimentary alluvial deposits in vast concentrations and Spirit saw an ore so fine and it was as of clay.

Spirit kissed the clouds and caused it to fall upon the ochre

Such was the Love of Spirit for the Earth, and the abundance of creation, where nothing was taken without Spirit and Love, and all things were given freely, that Spirit kissed into cloud a power, to bless and nourish th e tender green shoots so the kangaroo and koala could feed so Spirit could walk again on Gondwana.

As the abundance returned Spirit again kissed cloud and said, go to th epatch of ochre and pour down your Love, and into your love, I give life.

Spirit said to cloud, before you kiss life into that simple fine ochre I will you fly across all lands and see where th e pelicans are, but before you go you must kiss te fiery rock and quench it and while you are there and about find me some precious metal.

Cloud flew high and cast eyes for pelican he was found high away in the company of bears.

Cloud flew and found many many precious metals, and poured Love Wisdom and Peace onto th efeiry rock

and Spirit told th efeiry rock to be still and we will bathe you in reds so fine and purples and mauves violets and blues. And your Power Uluru always known

The Rock was content, the cloud flew and saw many shoots of plants and many vast plains of grass and shrubs

A plover sang "allis well all is well" and ladybirds cleaned the nests.

Spirit and cloud were one

kangaroo and thylacine were one

feiry rock and wave were one

all was Spirit

Spirit sang cloud home and asked, "cloud what did you see?"

Cloud told spirit, of the plover, of the bears kindness to the pelican, of the fields of Green and Spirit was pleased.

And tell me of the precious metals said Spirit for I need some in the clay.

And cloud told Spirit of the metals and Spirit said to cloud, "Be many and wild" and a great flood was formed and Spirit washed those ores and salts of platinum, silver, nickle and gold in a yellow wash Over the bed of ochre clay.

And Spirit said to cloud,"enough" and the sun shone and grasses grew to th eheight of an emu

Spirit was pleased and said to cloud

Fly cloud and find a people of peace

and cloud flew and flew and flew and flew

and Spirit grew and grew and grew and grew

and Spirit was happy

Cloud came home after a long hot time

where the grasses had faded and browned

kangaroo and pelican shared and survived

they were happy to see cloud return

but cloud hung high and did not send her rains

Spirit said to cloud, where are th e people of peace

Cloud said to spirit she has come

And Spirit poured Spirit Love onto the bed of ochre with ores so rich washed over

and Spirit called to cloud and said cloud Give th e life of dhe who came unto this ochre

and so OchreRainChild was borne of Spirit and Love and Cloud and Spirit said cloud, show me your might and clousd saod to Spirit I shall build a House of Pillars of Light to house OchreRainChild

And Cloud flew and found She who would come and asked her "will you come"

She who would came came in Spirit in cloud and Poured her Love and Grace onto the clay

cloud wept and poured onto th e clay

Spirit was happy

A moon, a moon, and a moon
3 times
and then a cry of a babe

Lights played forth north and south and so it was that OchrRainChild gazed upon this majestic Earth.

And Spirit was happy.

and so it was and so it will always be.

And to those on the foothills and are weary...sit a while...enjoy the view and watch the clouds scud across the skies.

We are, where we are, so sometimes, in the stillness of an unhurried mind, we may just "be"
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Re: Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby aloftas » Mon 24 Aug, 2015 5:16 pm

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Re: Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby aloftas » Mon 24 Aug, 2015 6:08 pm


Just today

Rosie Batty in response to Mark Latham

says the same thing

about ignoring the obvious.
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Re: Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby aloftas » Mon 24 Aug, 2015 6:12 pm

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Re: Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby north-north-west » Mon 24 Aug, 2015 6:15 pm

Would it be possible to add pseudo-mystical religious *&^%$#! to the list of things that aren't suitable for this forum?
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Re: Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby aloftas » Mon 24 Aug, 2015 6:17 pm

north-north-west wrote:Would it be possible to add pseudo-mystical religious *&^%$#! to the list of things that aren't suitable for this forum?

the peeps asked for a story.

That^ is a story

prove it wrong :)
Last edited by aloftas on Mon 24 Aug, 2015 9:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby aloftas » Mon 24 Aug, 2015 6:21 pm

allegory and syntax.
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Re: Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby aloftas » Mon 24 Aug, 2015 6:23 pm

aloftas wrote:
north-north-west wrote:Would it be possible to add pseudo-mystical religious *&^%$#! to the list of things that aren't suitable for this forum?

the peeps asked for a story.

That^ is a story

prove it wrong :)

Last edited by aloftas on Mon 24 Aug, 2015 9:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby aloftas » Mon 24 Aug, 2015 6:28 pm


The trouble with the House of York, is that they were always so weak in the bi ceps..:P))
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Re: Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby corvus » Mon 24 Aug, 2015 6:39 pm

In the name oh the Wee Man!! Jings Crivens Help Ma Boab whit's gon oan here EH!! :lol:
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Re: Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby aloftas » Mon 24 Aug, 2015 6:40 pm

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Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby GPSGuided » Mon 24 Aug, 2015 6:43 pm

OMG! Didn't expect the volume. Richard III will now turn in his grave....
Just move it!
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Re: Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby aloftas » Mon 24 Aug, 2015 6:44 pm

corvus wrote:In the name oh the Wee Man!! Jings Crivens Help Ma Boab whit's gon oan here EH!! :lol:

understand ya perfectly

which is causae for concern :))
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Re: Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby aloftas » Mon 24 Aug, 2015 6:48 pm

what did Dagoberth say?
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Re: Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby highercountry » Mon 24 Aug, 2015 6:59 pm

Dang dat hydro mess wit de head.
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Re: Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby aloftas » Mon 24 Aug, 2015 7:00 pm

highercountry wrote:Dang dat hydro mess wit de head.

LOL thats funny.
Last edited by aloftas on Mon 24 Aug, 2015 9:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Posts: 306
Joined: Fri 04 Jan, 2013 9:44 am
Region: Tasmania
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Re: Richard III and the present British monarch

Postby aloftas » Mon 24 Aug, 2015 7:03 pm

Last edited by aloftas on Mon 24 Aug, 2015 9:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Athrotaxis cupressoides
Posts: 306
Joined: Fri 04 Jan, 2013 9:44 am
Region: Tasmania
Gender: Male


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