What are the changes?
Daily vehicle entry and camping fees will increase at all NSW NPWS fee-collecting locations from 6 October 2015.
Daily vehicle entry fees are increasing by $1 per day across all the current price points. To see the new day entry price points see the fee-collecting parks page of the website.
Daily vehicle entry fees to Kosciuszko NP during the declared ski season will increase by $2 per day from the 2016 June long weekend.
Camping fees will be increasing by 15%, an increase of between 50 cents and $3.50 and there will be a corresponding increase to base site fees where applicable. Download the Camping fees and locations table.
The increase reflects a partial recovery of CPI since the last fee increase and will be used to assist in meeting costs associated with maintaining visitor facilities as well as important conservation objectives such as pest and weed control programs.
NPWS will be implementing annual changes to entry and camping fees which will be linked to CPI.
Why are the fees increasing?
Costs associated with maintaining visitor facilities and campgrounds have risen since the last fee increase.
The last daily vehicle entry fee increase was in 2004 and standard camping fees last increased in 2007.
NPWS must ensure the cost of services and fees are aligned with inflation and the costs of providing these visitor facilities.
Periodic review and adjustment of prices, including the incorporation of CPI movements, is standard practice for many organisations, both government and corporate.
Children charged entry, no concession for health care card holders and no commitment to improve facilities. Is this fee increase reasonable? Or will it just cause our National Parks to become even more unpopular?
Thanks in advance,