Lake Tali Karng in early Oct?

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Lake Tali Karng in early Oct?

Postby Sandbars » Tue 15 Sep, 2015 1:33 pm

How plausible might it be to hike up there in early October without full snow gear? Obviously conditions can vary widely - but.. with a tent that can shed some snow, and a R5 mat, and -10 bag and no blizzards forecast?? First spring in Victoria so not quite sure how much snow stays where.


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Re: Lake Tali Karng in early Oct?

Postby walkon » Tue 15 Sep, 2015 2:08 pm

You'll be be fine, up top will just be cool. Are you wanting to go in via MacFarlane saddle, Mt Margret or in via the river.
Cheers Walkon

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Re: Lake Tali Karng in early Oct?

Postby Sandbars » Tue 15 Sep, 2015 6:57 pm

hmm... don't know? Which way is recommended? We will have three days - but not looking for too much of a challenge.
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Re: Lake Tali Karng in early Oct?

Postby Travis22 » Tue 15 Sep, 2015 7:32 pm

I suspect there would be very little remaining snow up there now following the recent heavy rainfall and warm weather.

The easiest route atm would be Macfarlane Saddle. The Wellington River Tk will still have too much water flowing out of the mountains making the river crossings potentially dangerous and the Mt Margaret walking track is the most 'rugged' and remote route in on unmarket and sometimes nonexistant tracks.

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Re: Lake Tali Karng in early Oct?

Postby GBW » Wed 16 Sep, 2015 11:41 am

We went up the river to the lake twice last year in Sept and Oct and didn't have any problems. It's a bit of a challenge but if you can handle all the river crossings and don't mind wet feet then it's a nice walk up through the Valley of Destruction. We returned via Echo Point and Riggall track to rejoin the river. About 30 crossings in all but if the weather is warm it's actually quite nice...about 40km in total and we camped two the lake and where we rejoined the river on the way home. If you're doing a car shuffle you can change the route to suit.
There are several warning signs about river levels so you just have to weigh that up when you get there and see how it looks.

May be more of a challenge than your looking for.

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Re: Lake Tali Karng in early Oct?

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Thu 17 Sep, 2015 12:27 am

My Favourite route is from Macfarlane saddle. You can expect a white out in fog or snow at any month in the year up high on the Wellington high plains. Be prepared to navigate by compass across the high plains if need be. The temperature can drop like a stone too if the weather turns cold, wet and visibility drops to 2 metres or less.
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Re: Lake Tali Karng in early Oct?

Postby walkon » Thu 17 Sep, 2015 7:15 am

If you want to take it easy then go in via MacFarlane Saddle, have a day exploring around the Lake and the waterfalls above it. Depending on the forecast do mt wellington or spion kopte when it's clearest. Not a real fan of the River route myself. When going up there watch the weather forecast coming in from the South or East
Cheers Walkon

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Re: Lake Tali Karng in early Oct?

Postby Travis22 » Thu 17 Sep, 2015 10:26 am

With 3 days you have lots of time to really enjoy the area.

I too would suggest a start from Macfarlane's. You could even look at heading over to Millers hut for a basecamp then visiting the lake, gable end, the sentinals etc.

Saves you lugging heavy packs up and down gillios tk.

Camping at the lake is a no no tho many people still do it.

In good weather with lowish river height, my favorite hike through there is still on the Wellington River Track.

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Re: Lake Tali Karng in early Oct?

Postby GBW » Thu 17 Sep, 2015 11:04 am

I know they prefer you not to camp at the lake Travis but we arrived in the dark with our headlamps on so there was little chance of us continuing on anyway. I'm not sure what the alternative is if you come up the river? Maybe we're just too slow! River levels were fine both times and I barely got my shorts wet.
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Re: Lake Tali Karng in early Oct?

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Thu 17 Sep, 2015 8:30 pm

There is a campsite on the Wellington river that is before the Valley of destruction. It connects with the Echo point track or used to .
I am not a fan of the River walk. It is a slog with not much in the way of views.In the warmer weather it is very hot and fly blown which makes it tough for hiking. I like the Sentinels, Gables end and Millers hut is good if it won't stop raining . If you walk in from Macfarlane saddle you can make it to The Nyimba campsite or Rigalls hut ruins site by lunch time in daylight savings time , put up your tent and drop some of your gear off and you can get over to the Sentinels and back before dark.The view of the The lake from the Sentinels is rather grand.
The next day is a day trip with just what you need for the day in your pack. Gillio's track with a full pack is hard going because it is rather steep. I am heading back there in Feb. '16.
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Re: Lake Tali Karng in early Oct?

Postby north-north-west » Mon 28 Sep, 2015 6:58 pm

Travis22 wrote:... and the Mt Margaret walking track is the most 'rugged' and remote route in on unmarked and sometimes nonexistent tracks.

You've read my trip report on that one, obviously.
It's still doable to get in by that route in one single day, although the river crossing can be problematic. But in Spring I'd recommend the MacFarlane Saddle route. More options and much simpler.
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Re: Lake Tali Karng in early Oct?

Postby CaptainC » Mon 28 Sep, 2015 9:31 pm

I'd avoid the Wellington River route in October. It can flood in heavy rain. I can remember one Melbourne Cup weekend when we walked out from Tali Karng along the Wellington River. Water up to our chests at every river crossing.
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Re: Lake Tali Karng in early Oct?

Postby Sandbars » Tue 29 Sep, 2015 8:37 pm

Thanks so much for your help everyone - we have decided to leave from McFarlane Saddle - some weekends call for a more gentle pace - we will tackle Mt Margret, but not first trip in.
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Re: Lake Tali Karng in early Oct?

Postby Ozzy50 » Wed 14 Oct, 2015 9:59 pm

Hi guys was wondering what paper map you are using for this area? Is a paper map enough or is it nessesary to have a GPS?
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Re: Lake Tali Karng in early Oct?

Postby paidal_chalne_vala » Wed 14 Oct, 2015 11:18 pm

Get the Spatial Vision Lake Tali Karng map. Photo copy the section you need using a colour copier and then get that section laminated. Take a compass too. I have heard of these GPS thingies but I use a map and compass. They are Much better really.
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