St.Valentine's Peak

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St.Valentine's Peak

Postby Chrisbulldog » Tue 15 Sep, 2015 2:59 pm

Walked up this peak last Saturday . The well worn track is in good condition ..having been first climbed 14-2-1827.
Once out of the forest , we scrambled over the multi peak ridgetops to the summit. Greeted by fog at the top which
made photography useless.
Access to this track is now fairly difficult ..necessitating going through the premises of the former Gunn's plantation and
woodchip sight. We had to pay $3 for the privilege , then drive with headlights on to a disused quarry ..then walk down to
the start of the track.
The old way crossing a log is now considered unsafe as the log has moved downstream.
While coffeeing at the nearby reopened Highclere Roadhouse ..the clouds lifted ..offering a great view of the Peak ..of course :(
Valentine's Peak , Overland Track , Walls of Jerusalem , The Temple
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: St.Valentine's Peak

Postby horsecat » Tue 15 Sep, 2015 3:18 pm

Chrisbulldog wrote:Access to this track is now fairly difficult ..necessitating going through the premises of the former Gunn's plantation andwoodchip sight. We had to pay $3 for the privilege , then drive with headlights on to a disused quarry ..then walk down tothe start of the track

This must be a recent development. I was in there only a few weeks ago and found the road easily (Kara Road for memory) which took me to the track head (complete with an old yellow Gunns sign). Didn't see any sign of having to pay money but I'm interested as to where you had to pay Chris as I'll be heading back at some stage. Seems I owe somebody $3.00 by the sounds of things :lol:

I assume you accessed it from the north as I did on the attached pic...

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Re: St.Valentine's Peak

Postby Chrisbulldog » Sun 20 Sep, 2015 11:40 am

Hi Horsecat .
The info I reported was that given to me by the walk organiser ...who said she had " researched" the area and that's what the
arrangement was. Your info may be more accurate. Did you have any difficulty with the log over the creek at the start?
Apparently that was an issue from what I was told. If your going up there again ..and you'd like company ..let me know ..
because I would like to see for myself ..because I wouldn't mind taking another group up there. Hopefully without fog this time.
Valentine's Peak , Overland Track , Walls of Jerusalem , The Temple
Athrotaxis cupressoides
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Re: St.Valentine's Peak

Postby horsecat » Sun 20 Sep, 2015 9:27 pm

Thanks Chris. Perhaps someone knows a bit more about this “arrangement”? It just seems a bit odd with keys not required to unlock any gates and no signs about payment and where, who or how to make this to. Or unless my “sign blindness” is no longer deliberate :lol: . Also, we just turned off near the tungsten mine and parked in the little area right where the track starts.

The river crossing near the hut thingy was a big issue when we were there in early August due to the amount of snow melt. Both the wire handrails had been dragged down and the slippery log was well under but stable.

Cheers for the walk offer, I’ll keep in mind when I head back (and I reckon it’ll cost you $3 less too :P ).
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Re: St.Valentine's Peak

Postby Osik » Thu 24 Sep, 2015 6:36 pm

Evening all all,
I think I've walked up St Valentines maybe 3 times over the past 6 months (most recently appox 1 month ago). I've always gone the standard way (ie, taken the left before the mine gates). The last two times the crossing directly in front of the hut has been under because of snow melt (+ the log shifted downstream slightly) however there is a much bigger log just upstream which you can easily walk or bumslide over (mind you, it's balancing on a pretty thin bit of timber and might not last too long either).
If I remember next time I go in, I'll take a few bits and pieces and try fix up the crossing in front of the hut (if someone hasn't beaten me too it!).

Great little walk, especially when covered in snow!
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Re: St.Valentine's Peak

Postby TheGhostWhoWalks » Tue 21 Feb, 2017 9:39 am

I went there 20th Feb 2017. Turn left just before mine gate, no entry fee.
The track description on this site needs updating, but has no edit function.
The vehicle track is becoming overgrown, so if you are precious about your vehicle's duco, you may want to walk the 1.3km to the track head.
This track has a gravel base, and gets a couple of puddles. My Honda Jazz made it in fine.
There is limited passing opportunity should you meet oncoming traffic.
The detour walking track is now well formed down to the stream.
A double log 50m downstream from shelter keeps the feet dry.
I would suggest walking to here in sandals, crossing the stream, then putting boots on.
There is a gravel bar at low water.
The walking track up to the old 4wd track is fairly overgrown, but easy to follow.
The first summit above the tree line forks.
The left track goes to the summit only, unless you want an awkward downclimb.
The right track contours around to the saddle.
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