use the side of your boot to dig into the soft dirt to stop you sliding down the incline.
Once on the ridgeline away you go....rollercoaster up & down with a couple of patches of
med-dense bush along the way.
Alternative views of the double headed Barney & it's southern ridges with limited views of Mt Lindesay on
the way up.
Telstra & ticks....
Having a breather....
Reminds me of a souffle'.....Mt Lindesay.
Summit camp...
Smoky, afternoon spot fires made for a fiery red sunset...fine morning mist in the early hours...
awoke to clouds below & mountains above.
Just what i needed, breathtaking...

Oops nearly forgot.....2 tree snakes spotted around the creeks & a red bellied black on the mount.
Spring is in the air.

Bigger pics & condensed story here....