GBW wrote:Lophophaps, 20 horses is too many imo and causes too much damage on the walking track through that area. An alternative route or reduced numbers should be examined.
Agreed. Sight unseen I believe that horses should not be in such fragile areas, and said as much to PV, who are looking at the matter. The options include small groups, different routes, and more time between groups. The difficulty is that horses are part of the alpine culture, Man from Snowy River and all that. Conversely, horses can really chew up a track. I witnessed this first-hand maybe 20 years ago on Big Hill just south of Howitt where a horse party wrecked a recent track maintenance effort.
Like many others, the management plan provides for multiple types of use. That said, preservation of the environment comes first. Bushwalkers accept limits and regulation at places such as the Milford track, the Overland Track, Wilsons Prom and others. Perhaps horse riders could do likewise.