Walk recommendation

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Walk recommendation

Postby rbrand » Sat 17 Oct, 2015 3:23 am

Hello All,

I would appreciate if group members could recommend some good walks in NSW.

I'm traveling to Australia this December for about three weeks. I'm looking for a walk of 3-6 days and a circuit would make logistics easier. Regardless, I'll have to rely on public transport or a shuttle service. Finally, I am mostly interested in mountainous regions. I was considering the Warrumbungles Grand High Tops or Heart of the Budawangs, though I guess the latter is too hot by then.

For some background, I will be hiking solo. I am fit and have fairly extensive experience hiking, backpacking, climbing in the western USA (Alaska, Rocky Mountains, and deserts), as well internationally in NZ, Scotland, and Latin America.

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Re: Walk recommendation

Postby jonnosan » Sat 17 Oct, 2015 3:10 pm

This summer looks likely to be very hot. So I think your best bet will be a section of the Australian Alps Walking Track (AAWT).
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Re: Walk recommendation

Postby Lindsay » Sat 17 Oct, 2015 8:16 pm

You could put together a nice circuit in the Blue Mountains. Close to Sydney and good public transport. Most of the walks are one to three days, however you could put a few together if you had the time. These sites will give you a few ideas, If you have any questions please ask.



Enjoy your visit!
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Re: Walk recommendation

Postby rbrand » Sun 18 Oct, 2015 5:17 pm

Hi Jonnosan and Lindsey,

Many thanks for the input.

That's too bad about the projected hot season. Hopefully this won't translate in too bad of a fireseason.

The Alps and Blue Mountains both sound interesting. I'll check these out to see what kind of walks I can put together and may follow up with additional questions after checking out the resources.

Thanks again,
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Re: Walk recommendation

Postby DaveNoble » Thu 22 Oct, 2015 4:52 pm

Yes - it is often too hot for enjoyable walking close to Sydney. Thats why we often go canyoning. But you can still go on reasonable walks - especially if the weather is not too hot. And it can be a good idea to walk along or close to rivers or the coast. The coastal track at Royal National Park is a good walk with a variety of scenery - cliffs, heathland, beaches, rainforest, dry forest etc. - with lots of opportunities for swimming as you go. It has good public transport options at each end, plus options to extend the walk. Also - in the Blue Mts - you can spend 2 - 3 days walking down the upper gross river. All on tracks and accessible by train, with plenty of swimming opportunities. There is good cheap accommodation in the Blue Mts - and you could combine this with other shorter walks. Some of the classic day walks like Grand Canyon and National Pass are well worth doing. In summer - you do need to keep your eyes open for snakes. They are around and usually hide from you, but its not good to stand on one.
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Re: Walk recommendation

Postby rbrand » Sun 25 Oct, 2015 4:04 am

Hi Dave,

Thanks for the information. The Blue Mountains do sound attractive and convenient.
It's interesting you comment on snakes. While Australia has a reputation for having a lot of venomous and temperamental snakes, it doesn't get much attention in the hiking literate. That said, I grew up and lived in the western US where snakes are commonplace and agree it is not good to stand (or sit!) on one.


DaveNoble wrote:Yes - it is often too hot for enjoyable walking close to Sydney. Thats why we often go canyoning. But you can still go on reasonable walks - especially if the weather is not too hot. And it can be a good idea to walk along or close to rivers or the coast. The coastal track at Royal National Park is a good walk with a variety of scenery - cliffs, heathland, beaches, rainforest, dry forest etc. - with lots of opportunities for swimming as you go. It has good public transport options at each end, plus options to extend the walk. Also - in the Blue Mts - you can spend 2 - 3 days walking down the upper gross river. All on tracks and accessible by train, with plenty of swimming opportunities. There is good cheap accommodation in the Blue Mts - and you could combine this with other shorter walks. Some of the classic day walks like Grand Canyon and National Pass are well worth doing. In summer - you do need to keep your eyes open for snakes. They are around and usually hide from you, but its not good to stand on one.
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