Camping related party favours?

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Camping related party favours?

Postby Kainas » Sat 31 Oct, 2015 3:14 pm

My daughters birthdays are coming up. They will be 6 and 4, we are having a party with guests will range from 4-8yo.

I am looking for some ideas for camping/orienteering/outdoor related party favours. Trying to think outside the box a bit. I was thinking about a compass (some kind of chinese import). But other ideas would be appreciated.

Our parties are low key affairs.. no decorations, food is close to what you get at bunnings on a saturday morning, location is Blue Gum Hills National Park (which has a picnic and BBQ area that a kids play area... made of cubbies and tunnels and a timber maze, rather than modern plastic playground stuff.

Last year we ran three activities... 1) the kids 'fossicked' for gems that I had bought cheaply from our local rock and mineral club. 2) they glue googly eyes and the gems onto rocks 3) they had a scavenger hunt (finding animal poo was the highlight).

The kids took home the rock thing that they made, the gems that they fossicked, and one lolly. Simple, not over the top.

This year, we are doing 3 activities again. Probably as follows 1) a string orienteering course (basically kids hold onto the string and walk about 100m past 8 control points, they love it), 2) a larger orienteering course (Blue Gum Hills has a permanent course), this will be a adult/kid thing 3)The scavenger hunt again.. because they loved it last year.
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Re: Camping related party favours?

Postby Lizzy » Sun 01 Nov, 2015 6:59 am

Glow stick, small torch, whistle...
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Re: Camping related party favours?

Postby Moondog55 » Sun 01 Nov, 2015 7:05 am

Lizzy wrote:Glow stick, small torch, whistle...

A+ for these
Will you be making damper in the coals/roasting potatoes in the ashes/baking in mud jackets?
My kids loved all those things at that age
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Re: Camping related party favours?

Postby Gadgetgeek » Sun 01 Nov, 2015 10:04 am

little led torches, like the kind sold as bike lights are great. whistles might not make you friends among the other adults, but kids love them. bandanas are also available for cheap.
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Re: Camping related party favours?

Postby Kainas » Sun 01 Nov, 2015 12:55 pm

Moondog55 wrote:
Lizzy wrote:Glow stick, small torch, whistle...

A+ for these
Will you be making damper in the coals/roasting potatoes in the ashes/baking in mud jackets?
My kids loved all those things at that age

If it was winter we would be. Alas, it is a national park, so sausages con buns is the extent of our catering.
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Re: Camping related party favours?

Postby Kainas » Sun 01 Nov, 2015 12:57 pm

Lizzy wrote:Glow stick, small torch, whistle...

Thanks, I did some googling and found cheap torches, and also a neat waterbottle/carabiner/compass. A bit expensive for party favours, but since I am not going overboard on much else the budget might stretch that far. ... vet5CI0MPQ

I could get them cheaper (half the price) from Hong Kong, but can't rely on postage getting it here on time.
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