Wilkin River Jetboats

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Wilkin River Jetboats

Postby LachlanB » Sat 07 Nov, 2015 4:38 pm

Hi all,
My sister and I are going to New Zealand soon, and are looking at doing a couple of walks. Currently we're thinking about doing the Greenstone-Caples and Gillespie Pass. I'm all ok with the logistics of the Greenstone-Caples, as it's nice and close to Queenstown, but I'm a bit unsure about Gillespie Pass.
AFAIK, it's been a pretty heavy snow season in New Zealand this year, and Gillespie Pass tends to keep a bit of snow. So I'm wondering if it might still be impassible for us, especially on the southern side, in mid December when we're thinking about doing the walk, as neither my sister or I have much experience with snow. I'm also worried that the extra snow might make the Makarora River (and the Wilkin River if we go up to Top Forks) impassible?

Does anyone have any experience with the jetboats on the Makarora River? I couldn't find a timetable on the website, so I don't know when they run. Would the best approach just to be to turn up to the landing spots at Kerin Forks Hut and on the Makarora River and hope that a jetboat shows up? Or contact them in early December and ask when they're planning on running?
We're tossing up going to the lakes in the North Branch Wilkin River, and would kind of like the flexibility of catching a boat if we're tired and don't want to walk down the lower Wilkin, or if we get rained in at Top Forks Hut, and have to make a run for transport in Makarora in one day. As neither of us could hire a car, we'll be relying on public transport... Are there any operators who run through Makarora except for Intercity and Nakedbus? I presume that for both of these you'd have to book ahead, and couldn't just turn up on the day?
Thanks, and sorry for the slew of questions!
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Re: Wilkin River Jetboats

Postby DaveNoble » Sat 07 Nov, 2015 10:32 pm

When our party visited that area - we just turned up - and had no trouble getting on jet boats. They more or less run on demand - but would be cheaper with more people in the boat. We used a jet boat to cross to the Young River, and then later, because of high river levels we used one to cross the Wilkin River, after coming down from Siberia, and on our way up the Wilkin. The hut warden at Siberia knew the jet boat schedule and told us what time we would need to turn up.

I think we used the Intercity bus service bus that goes over Haast Pass and up the west coast to get to the start. I seem to remember that where we got off - there was a DOC office, jetboat office, food etc all handy.

There may be other bus services you can take - e.g. shuttle buses. You can probably find out from Tourist info in Wanaka or Queenstown. You may want to book for the Intercity bus - but you can also probably turn up on the day. Also - they do have discounts for YHA members etc.

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Re: Wilkin River Jetboats

Postby LachlanB » Sun 08 Nov, 2015 7:36 pm

Ok, thanks for the advice. It's good to know that the jetboats are pretty reliable, and that it's probably best to book the bus.
Did the higher water levels cause you any problems in the Upper Wilkin?
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Re: Wilkin River Jetboats

Postby DaveNoble » Sun 08 Nov, 2015 10:26 pm

LachlanB wrote:Did the higher water levels cause you any problems in the Upper Wilkin?

Only that it was dangerous to cross, and no trouble for a jet boat . All we had to do was to wait for that boat - in the rain and sandflies...... needless to say - as soon as we crossed on the jet boat, the rain stopped and the sun came out.

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Re: Wilkin River Jetboats

Postby wayno » Mon 09 Nov, 2015 8:46 am

dont attempt any rivers in that area if the water levels are up. they go down rapidly once the rain stops. be patient and wait if you dont have other options. two people have drowned there recently.
i'd book the jetboat for a pickup to come out for sure. if its not a busy period they arent going to come up if they havent already got work to take anyone up there, they might be up there but another party who have booked to come out will get priority on the boat.
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Re: Wilkin River Jetboats

Postby LachlanB » Tue 10 Nov, 2015 9:35 am

Thanks Wayno. I'll go and contact the jetboat people a bit closer to the date and if they're running, and how busy they are. I guess that'll force me to actually sort out a schedule and decide on the trip to Top Forks, but that's ok.

Sorry Dave, I meant further up the Wilkin around Top Forks Hut. Did you have any difficulties with the river up there? I'm not going to try and cross and deep and fast flowing river; I'd rather not prematurely end my walking days. The possibility of high rivers was part of why I was a bit worried about the snowmelt this year.
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Re: Wilkin River Jetboats

Postby wayno » Tue 10 Nov, 2015 10:06 am

talk to the local DOC office closer to the time, its about to snow again...
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Re: Wilkin River Jetboats

Postby DaveNoble » Tue 10 Nov, 2015 12:58 pm

LachlanB wrote:
Sorry Dave, I meant further up the Wilkin around Top Forks Hut. Did you have any difficulties with the river up there? I'm not going to try and cross and deep and fast flowing river; I'd rather not prematurely end my walking days. The possibility of high rivers was part of why I was a bit worried about the snowmelt this year.

We had no trouble crossing the rivers in that location. I must say that Top Forks Hut(s) must be one of the better places to stay on the planet! See -


for photos showing the sizes of the rivers that we encountered on our trip.

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Re: Wilkin River Jetboats

Postby LachlanB » Tue 10 Nov, 2015 3:58 pm

Thanks for reminding me to have another look at your trip report. It really has some wonderful photos. It was part of what made me decide that Gillespie Pass (and Top Forks) might be a good alternative to the Mavora Walkway, which was the other choice...
The next day when you climb the waterfall face of Rabbit Pass looked seriously impressive; I don't think I'd ever feel comfortable doing something like that though!

Thanks for the warning about the snow Wayno, I've dredged up a couple of short-term weather sites and will keep an eye on it.
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Re: Wilkin River Jetboats

Postby wayno » Tue 10 Nov, 2015 4:00 pm

from the land of the long white clouds...
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Re: Wilkin River Jetboats

Postby LachlanB » Fri 13 Nov, 2015 10:02 am

I'd gone looking for the government forecasts, and couldn't find them. So thanks for pointing them out, I'd originally skipped over that site because it didn't have a .govt.nz domain name.
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Re: Wilkin River Jetboats

Postby wayno » Fri 13 Nov, 2015 3:39 pm

metservice isnt technically a govt department, the govt turned it into a "state owned enterprise" meaning they have to earn their own keep. but they are regulated and controlled by the govt. luckily mountain forecasts are paid for from DOC's budget or you'd have to pay for those forecasts yourself or rely on the sparse general forecasts they issue to the public
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