Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

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Re: Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby aloftas » Thu 21 Jan, 2016 5:00 pm

Well, at the risk of upsetting any ethical balance, let us look at the ecological impact of say, putting a "discretely placed out of 'view window' toilet, somewhere along the place where haggard desperate newbies will be clutching at pack straps whilst clenching butt cheeks in the sweltering sun, not wishing to be the one...

emetics sound fine to me, and a diet of pollard.

I think a few loos along the way would enhance both the ecological balance, and the ethical dilemma of having privately dotted "discretely and out of the main view" private huts with showers...could be balanced against the sanitary needs of walkers and the non dietary needs of the remnant devils etc not to eat the digested? remains of our gmo soy and sucrose and yellow food colouring

its a sensitive topic and one which deserves some practical management.


Let us pray (to whatever "you" like) for a bit of h20 from the sky.

edit to bring spelling to "acceptable standard"
Last edited by aloftas on Fri 22 Jan, 2016 7:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby Nuts » Thu 21 Jan, 2016 8:36 pm

P.Pass is one of several places with such 'congregations' Al. Take a look around the Crater lake boatshed for eg..
Discrete toilets, composting toilets that work that is, would be good, not ideal, a little sad and defeatist, but better than nothing..
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Re: Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby Nuts » Thu 21 Jan, 2016 8:51 pm

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Re: Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby aloftas » Thu 21 Jan, 2016 9:52 pm

Nuts wrote:P.Pass is one of several places with such 'congregations' Al. Take a look around the Crater lake boatshed for eg..
Discrete toilets, composting toilets that work that is, would be good, not ideal, a little sad and defeatist, but better than nothing..

I agree, sad, but not defeatist; proactive

Ever since I was a tacker, the story was of a deep rutted track

hence the corduroy, now the boardwalks.

change is inevitable, I just wonder at the thinking, the risk of unfettered defecation, or the safety and knowledge of a wee shelter for the comforts of life.

The ecology doesn't need the detritus, I am sure.

It needs to be handled in a sensitive manner.

8000 pees and poos a year from two legged wombats is not what Mr wiendorfer had in mind.

Why not an ecologically sensitive portaloo?

Fly in, fly out

One could enshroud it in bark.

Or moss.

Anyway...we need some rain...if there are any raindancers about.

just my pence worth.
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Re: Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby RonK » Thu 21 Jan, 2016 10:16 pm

Speaking of discreet - somethings that mystifies me. New Zealand bush loos are the epitome of discretion...


So why does the OT need to have the Taj Mahal of toilets?

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Re: Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby north-north-west » Fri 22 Jan, 2016 8:04 am

New Pelion gets more visitors than any other hut or area in the whole Reserve (that is New Pelion, isn't it?). The private tour groups use it as well as all the independent walkers, plus people coming in via Arm River/Lees Paddocks.
Over the years they've tried various pit & composting loos, and eventually decided that something with a fly out pod system was the best for the environment. Given the volume of traffic and the insistence on minimising overall impact, what they've come up with works well enough, even if it does have a bigger footprint than some people might think ideal.

Would you prefer the set-up from Junction Creek:

That's the new one. Given the fire damage to the surrounding scrub, you're visible from the track when using it - as some poor bugger found out when I was walking through there one morning last month.
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Re: Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby Strider » Fri 22 Jan, 2016 8:09 am

Looks like Kia Ora to me NNW.
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Re: Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby north-north-west » Fri 22 Jan, 2016 8:20 am

Could be. I've not been in there for a few years. Don't recall seeing anything that fancy when I was last there.

That Kiwi thing looks like a bolted down pit toilet. Fine in some areas but not in the more sensitive alpine and sub-alpine zones.
I'm not a massive fan of the degree of infrastructure on the Overland, but that track is something of a sacrificial lamb. Given the size of the groups that go through there, the dunnies are practical enough.

For places like Pelion Gap, a composting loo the size of the Kiwi thing would need to be swapped out every other week. Finding the funds for that would have so much negative impact on other necessary projects that the overall environmental impact would probably be higher.
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Re: Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby aloftas » Fri 22 Jan, 2016 8:59 am

whole thing stinks.

The whole "heritage value" cannot be detached from the "ecological values" nor the intrinsic values.

Along with, dare I say, respect for others privacy.

Either, there are too many people going through, or there are not enough amenities.

It flys in the face of common sense to allow fecal matter to pollute a "pristine" environment

Perhaps, an answer may be, to open up more alternative tracks, to lessen the impact of the main one?

Enact a graded system of "walkers points" and overnight stays to allow a licencing system.

See, if 8000 tissue flowers are left by us, with the flies, the e coli and waste...it is not our enjoyment which should be in th eprism, it is the long term impact.

Honestly, I think a "discreetly" set back loo at say one in between every hut


the Private huts could provide access to theirs.

but no.

I do wonder what role personal responsibility and experience plays in this...

hence the graded walk licence idea

Ill take a cable tow length of hemp rope with me to filter th ewater to get the solid fecal particulates out

then steripen it

be just like being at home....


perhaps take out every 50th snow marker and replace it with a portaloo

maybe disguised as a kangaroo

"i know nothing John, its snowing..."

Ok guys...
I shall leave you to your ruminations.
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Re: Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby Nuts » Fri 22 Jan, 2016 9:07 am

Nah, that one is Pelion Strider. The newer ones are all similar structures and just not good enough.
They were designed as passive solar composting toilets, a concept that in this case never worked.
Rather than disperse the blame i'd just say that (imo) these toilets need to:

*be able receive the option of 'carried waste', outside daywalk areas at least.
*be usable without dry reaching
*have minimal & discrete placement

There are some grounded and smart people in the service, unfettered by history and old alliances, i'm sure they could do better.
Make them structures rangers quarters and start over?

I did see a micro furnace style system that caught my interest, but there are many, perhaps usable?, the technology is evolving out there.

Personally, as well, I think education just hasn't been given a fair run. Even 'policing', grab them and shake them :wink:, would be better than capitulating every time. In the photo above that kid probably took his permission for his free standing dump from the other one next to it (neatly covered by twigs).. we are a funny animal, my dog likes to do that (dump next to others, not pile up sticks :) ) At least attempting to cover it. For us, there is something simple in the thought process between doing the right thing and not caring or considering the outcome. So difficult to interject in that process?

It's such an opportunity to educate new walkers/set standards for the use of other areas.

Get over our nutty abhorrence to our own crap. Personally, over the years, iv'e been sprayed with it, errantly swallowed some, pulled it apart with a little spoon.. Own it! (Lol)

PS. I should say, I really like that (existing) P East sign (I'd like to use it to picket some of our pollies):
'Where provided by PWS, structures are for environmental protection only'..
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Re: Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby aloftas » Fri 22 Jan, 2016 9:12 am

Perhaps a little fulsome in the details there Nuts....I hope ya found whatever you were looking for

All I know is a clean bottom is a happy walker and although it may be a topic we would rather ignore...we must not

Olegas Truchanas And Gustav Weindorfer anticipated awe and wonder in these places

not a big mac noodle peakbagging experience...

just the experience

Maybe baggy pants?

Carry it in situ?
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Re: Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby Nuts » Fri 22 Jan, 2016 9:19 am

Lol, I should move on, much more 'important stuff' to discuss.
Stillsuit ?
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Re: Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby aloftas » Fri 22 Jan, 2016 9:33 am

mayhaps waders as an improvisation, Your Honour.

I too, withdraw.

&^%$ to do.


Think rain folksies

don't get distracted.
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Re: Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby aloftas » Fri 22 Jan, 2016 9:39 am

anyway, zeolite is the answer to in situ waste remediation, isn't it?
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Re: Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby Strider » Fri 22 Jan, 2016 11:33 am

People here will be familiar with the toilet at Dixons Kingdom, WOJ. Gaps at the bottom do let in a bit of spindrift but it certainly doesn't smell at all. I'm a fan of the design used here.
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Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby RonK » Fri 22 Jan, 2016 12:41 pm

north-north-west wrote:Would you prefer the set-up from Junction Creek:

That's the new one. Given the fire damage to the surrounding scrub, you're visible from the track when using it - as some poor bugger found out when I was walking through there one morning last month.

Anyone (like myself) who has trekked the Himalaya and used the local squatters would find such a loo the height of luxury.
As for privacy - that wouldn't bother me. There is zero privacy once you trek above the tree line. Male or female, you simply have to warn others to look away.
Unfortunately the trekking routes suffer the same issues and in many locations are littered with coarse pink Chinese toilet paper.
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Re: Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby Nuts » Sat 23 Jan, 2016 9:11 am

Strider wrote:People here will be familiar with the toilet at Dixons Kingdom, WOJ. Gaps at the bottom do let in a bit of spindrift but it certainly doesn't smell at all. I'm a fan of the design used here.

Having the structure move over the 'pits' is quality thinking!.. evolutionary? :)
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Re: Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby aloftas » Sat 23 Jan, 2016 9:32 am

I can see a pvc tube in my future, with a screw lid, and some biodegradble baggies to fit around the inside of the tube, find a nice sunny spot and whip out war and peace, the unabridged version; quietly drop the bag into the tube with a deft twist, and screw it tight, lash it to my pack and walk on

I shall affix this warning label unto it...
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Re: Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby Nuts » Sat 23 Jan, 2016 9:55 am

The AL-can :) Perhaps a drone carrier to keep some respectable distance?
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Re: Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby aloftas » Sat 23 Jan, 2016 10:04 am

Nuts wrote:The AL-can :) Perhaps a drone carrier to keep some respectable distance?

all I remember is wondering at the dietary habits of my fellow rafters as we walked out of that hellish hill half way down, I forget the climb...but I was carrying the thinderbox.

Slop, squelch, slop...

zeolite man....

put some of that and I guarantee the next day you could pass em off as whitebait patties...


I have a Certificate in Commercial Cookery

the biggest compliment I ever did get was being called a Fitter and turner...

I thought wow...

but no...fit it into the pot and turn it into assquake?


Now I must away and attend to my trainwreck of alife...

'scooze me...

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Re: Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby OrangeMaple » Mon 25 Jan, 2016 1:50 pm

Thank you all for such detailed, informative and funny responses. I definitely appreciate the advice :D
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Re: Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby OrangeMaple » Tue 23 Feb, 2016 4:14 pm

Well after returning from a magnificent trek along the Overland Track I must say I had no issues with the water (one day a few of our trip said the water was smokey but I didn't taste it), otherwise the water was superb. I really enjoyed the lovely cool running rivers/creeks as options to fill up thoroughly enjoyed the journey. As mentioned above there were a few minor issues with some people inappropriately disposing of their waste, however on a whole it was really good. The toilets - those with rice husks were alot better than those that ran out. Thanks again fo all of your input. It helped alot :)
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Re: Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby Nuts » Fri 26 Feb, 2016 8:31 am

Gr8 to hear! It's Easy to filter water but some of heightened level of caring for what is essentially pristine may be lost :(
A lot of effort has gone into keeping (or returning) this attribute on this track.
Fear is an easy go-too.
Anecdotally, the un-filtered, carefully chosen situation results in an occasional queezy adjustment & by very few. A return to nature?
Never more (so far).
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Re: Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby tasadam » Mon 29 May, 2017 6:00 pm

Looking at old links in the original post, does anyone know what this might have pointed to?
It changed when Parks updated the website but it's one that I missed. No idea what it was now.
Something to do with Overland Track but not the dedicated OLT area of http://www.parks.tas.gov.au/index.aspx?base=7771

Any thoughts?
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Re: Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby Nuts » Tue 30 May, 2017 11:46 am

Just the redundant fact sheet from before the dedicated OLT pages? The web admin are pretty friendly down there.
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Re: Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby Nuts » Tue 17 Apr, 2018 8:34 am

I know... nearly looses the tent tehe... This is good to see and they've done a great job of it.
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Re: Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby johnw » Tue 17 Apr, 2018 10:51 pm

Nuts wrote:I know... nearly looses the tent tehe... This is good to see and they've done a great job of it.

Yes this is good stuff Nuts, I hope the subtitles also cover everything that was said. Yeah, I was a bit disturbed by the way she is carrying her tent :shock:. It looks about 4 times the size of mine packed :).
John W

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Re: Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby Warin » Wed 18 Apr, 2018 8:19 am

For those wanting GPS/KML and/or elevation info ...
https://hiking.waymarkedtrails.org/#rou ... 6!146.2536
Use the routes table to obtain the relevant info.
Once the OT is selected the sections can also be selected to obtain their details - GPX/KML/elevation and distances.

This also covers some of the side trips and other tracks adjacent to the OT. Unfortunately some of these are numbered rather than carry a name.
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Re: Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby Nuts » Wed 18 Apr, 2018 11:44 am

It's not specific to OL but that video may be worthwhile pinned to the first post or a stuck post in the Tas section?

A bit more (from TPWS) on the evolving strategy:

"In response to one death and several near misses on the Overland Track in recent years, PWS has ramped up its approach to informing visitors of the risks, but in a friendly and engaging way. While it’s not possible to eliminate all risk for visitors travelling in sometimes extreme environments, it is important that PWS utilises all possible contemporary approaches to risk mitigation.

Given the continuing increase in visitation by non-English speaking travellers, providing information in visual formats and in other languages is a high priority.

Mandarin-speaking Discovery Rangers interact with visitors at Cradle Mountain, Mount Field and Freycinet during the peak summer holidays to highlight safety measures for the experiences visitors intend to undertake.

On the Overland Track web page, walk safely information is presented alongside buttons providing the information in Mandarin, traditional Chinese, Indonesian and Japanese.

At the Overland Track visitor reception desk, walker safety banners present safety messages in a pictorial format that highlights the potentially difficult weather conditions and the need for thorough preparation and adequate gear.

PWS staff have detailed conversations with walkers who appear ill-prepared to undertake the Overland Track journey. In particular, staff will suggest walkers delay their departure if the forecast indicates extreme conditions, and refunds are issued to walkers who decide not to proceed based on this advice.

Social media promotions highlighting key safety messages that illustrate how the Overland Track can be ‘beautiful one day, deadly the next’ with the passage of a strong cold front have been developed and are posted at key visitation times.

Finally, an emergency shelter has been installed at the Cradle Cirque – an exposed section of track on the Cradle Plateau where walkers have gotten into difficulty during poor weather conditions."
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Re: Overland Track Reference - Important stuff

Postby Nuts » Fri 21 Sep, 2018 12:09 pm

Cradle Mountain /Vehicle Access:

22nd October 2018- From this date, private vehicle access will be prevented during shuttle bus operating hours. This will generally occur between the hours of 8:30am and 4:30pm each day over winter (1 April to 30 September); and 8:00am to 6:00pm over summer (1 October to 31 March). Those vehicles accessing the park before or after these times will be free to leave at any time, but can only exit with shuttle bus escort if departing before the end of the daily service.
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